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[PATCH v3 3/5] [Build] Remove some EOL handling from bitmaps_png/CMakeLists.txt


Stumbled on this while looking at bitmaps_png's build setup.
* Remove the unused code in the if(CONVERT_EOL) section, can't
  find any reference to this conditional in the rest of the repo.
  Relying on Git to handle this in the future, if there is a need.

Signed-off-by: Niki Guldbrand <niki.guldbrand@xxxxxxxxx>
 bitmaps_png/CMakeLists.txt | 22 +---------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bitmaps_png/CMakeLists.txt b/bitmaps_png/CMakeLists.txt
index dc9b76d..9749248 100644
--- a/bitmaps_png/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/bitmaps_png/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -717,33 +717,13 @@ if( MAINTAIN_PNGS )
     bitmap_dir( 48 48 "${BMAPS_BIG}" )
-    # dos2unix is required to convert EOL format (CRLF) to unix EOL format (LF)
-    set( eol2unix_FOUND FALSE )
-    if( NOT eol2unix_FOUND )
-        find_program( eol2unix_EXECUTABLE ${eol2unix_converter} DOC "The EOL to LF converter program." )
-        if( NOT eol2unix_EXECUTABLE )
-            message( FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the ${eol2unix_converter} EOL to LF converter program." )
-        else( NOT eol2unix_EXECUTABLE )
-            set( eol2unix_FOUND TRUE )
-            set( eol2unix_EXECUTABLE ${eol2unix_EXECUTABLE}
-                 CACHE FILEPATH "Path and file name of the end of line converter program." )
-            message( STATUS "The ${eol2unix_converter} EOL to LF converter program found." )
-        endif( NOT eol2unix_EXECUTABLE )
-    endif( NOT eol2unix_FOUND )
-        #TODO: see if a EOL converted is needed # OSX
     #message( "CPP_LIST: ${CPP_LIST}" )
     # a target with no output, just so changes get built
     #add_custom_target( make_cpp_files ALL DEPENDS ${CPP_LIST} )
 set( CPP_LIST "" )
 foreach( bmn ${BMAPS_SMALL} )
