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Footprint plugin for QrCode generation


Dear All,

 Please find attached a footprint plugin for KiCad to generate a QrCode.
I do exatly the same job than uss39_barcode.py but for QrCode (2D code).
 You can choose the layer of the code (Cu and/or Silks), the size of
each dot (in mm), the border and if you want to create it in negative or
positive (dots are coppers or dots are "not copper").

 Attached also some screenshots.

#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

import pcbnew
import HelpfulFootprintWizardPlugin

# Additional import for QRCode
import qrcode

class QRCodeWizard(HelpfulFootprintWizardPlugin.HelpfulFootprintWizardPlugin):
    GetName = lambda self: '2D BARCODE QRCode'
    GetDescription = lambda self: 'QR Code'
    GetReferencePrefix = lambda self: 'BARCODE'
    GetValue = lambda self: self.module.Value().GetText()

    def GenerateParameterList(self):
        self.AddParam("Barcode", "Pixel Width", self.uMM, 0.5)
        self.AddParam("Barcode", "Border", self.uNatural, 0)
        self.AddParam("Barcode", "Contents", self.uString, 'QRCODE content example')
        self.AddParam("Barcode", "Negative", self.uBool, False)
        self.AddParam("Barcode", "Use SilkS layer", self.uBool, False)
        self.AddParam("Barcode", "Use Cu layer", self.uBool, True)
        self.AddParam("Caption", "Enabled", self.uBool, True)
        self.AddParam("Caption", "Height", self.uMM, 1.2)
        self.AddParam("Caption", "Thickness", self.uMM, 0.12)

    def CheckParameters(self):
        self.Barcode = str(self.parameters['Barcode']['*Contents'])
        self.X = self.parameters['Barcode']['Pixel Width']
        self.negative = self.parameters['Barcode']['*Negative'] == "True"
        self.UseSilkS = self.parameters['Barcode']['*Use SilkS layer'] == "True"
        self.UseCu = self.parameters['Barcode']['*Use Cu layer'] == "True"
        self.border = int(self.parameters['Barcode']['*Border'])
        self.textHeight = int(self.parameters['Caption']['Height'])
        self.module.Value().SetText(str(self.Barcode) )

        # Build Qrcode
        self.qr = qrcode.QRCode()

    def _drawPixel(self, xposition, yposition):
        # build a rectangular pad: as a dot
        pad = pcbnew.D_PAD(self.module)
        pad.SetSize(pcbnew.wxSize(self.X, self.X))
        layerset = pcbnew.LSET()
        if self.UseCu:
        if self.UseSilkS:
        pad.SetLayerSet( layerset )
        pad.SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( -1 )

    def BuildThisFootprint(self):
        if self.border >= 0:
            # Adding border: Create a new array larger than the self.qr.modules
            sz = self.qr.modules.__len__() + (self.border * 2)
            arrayToDraw = [ [ 0 for a in range(sz) ] for b in range(sz) ]
            lineposition = self.border
            for i in self.qr.modules:
                columnposition = self.border
                for j in i:
                    arrayToDraw[lineposition][columnposition] = j
                    columnposition += 1
                lineposition += 1
            # No border: using array as is
            arrayToDraw = self.qr.modules

        # used many times...
        half_number_of_elements = arrayToDraw.__len__() / 2

        # Center position of QrCode
        yposition = - int(half_number_of_elements * self.X)
        for line in arrayToDraw:
            xposition = - int(half_number_of_elements * self.X)
            for pixel in line:
                # Trust table for drawing a pixel
                # Negative is a boolean;
                # each pixel is a boolean (need to draw of not)
                # Negative | Pixel | Result
                #        0 |     0 | 0
                #        0 |     1 | 1
                #        1 |     0 | 1
                #        1 |     1 | 0
                # => Draw as Xor
                if self.negative != pixel: # Xor...
                    self._drawPixel(xposition, yposition)
                xposition += self.X
            yposition += self.X
        #int((5 + half_number_of_elements) * self.X))
        textPosition = int((self.textHeight) + ((1 + half_number_of_elements) * self.X))
        self.module.Value().SetPosition(pcbnew.wxPoint(0, - textPosition))
        self.module.Reference().SetPosition(pcbnew.wxPoint(0, textPosition))


Attachment: QrCode-FP-1.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: QrCode-FP-2.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: QrCode-FP-3.png
Description: PNG image