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Re: rename of kiface to so


I also was confused by *.kiface and had to do some research to figure out what was safe to do with it when tracking down potential conflicts between a build from source and a system installed kicad. I also would much prefer *.so. It's really helpful when software follows the standard of whatever system one is on.

SO versioning (api versioning https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Libtool-versioning.html#Libtool-versioning) is probably not something you have to worry about since things are so tightly coupled. But it is standard practice to use the package version as part of the lib name, and adding the build number (git revision) would be a natural way to unique the so if you wanted to support side-by-side installs.


You can see variations on this theme in action by looking at the dll names installed next to the kicad binaries.
