kicad-developers team mailing list archive
kicad-developers team
Mailing list archive
Message #29538
Patch: Open Datasheet in Project Dir
Hi KiCad Developers,
I'd like to put datasheets of components under my project dir at
${KIPRJMOD}/Datasheets/, and in the component editor dialog, simply add
"Datasheets/my-component.pdf". Like this:
[image: Inline images 1]
The "Show Datasheet" button is handy but doesn't support relative path. It
will open my browser with url literally "Datasheets/my-component.pdf", thus
is invalid.
So I made a patch to resolve the path before it is passed to
"wxLaunchDefaultBrowser()". If it looks like a URL or is an absolute path,
doesn't do anything; but if it is a relative path, append "${KIPRJMOD}" to
Tested and the button now works with the relative path.
"wxLaunchDefaultBrowser()" is smart enough to open it with my default PDF
viewer. Also tested "" and ""
just for sanity check.
Let me know what you think or if my patch is not doing the resolution in
the proper position. Thanks.

Description: Binary data
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