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[EESCHEMA] remote lib retrieval



Those couple of days I was checking how to update EESCHEMA to add remote libraries retrieval function.

Since am familiar with legacy format, I updated the plugin: SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE in charge of parsing the *.lib files.

The idea was to create a new type of library EESchema-REMOTELIBRARY (I put an example in the attachment)
The content of this library is the following:
EESchema-REMOTELIBRARY Version 1.0
URL https://www.example.com/mylib1.lib
URL https://www.example.com/mylib2.lib

This lib file is saved localy and specify the path of each remote library you want to retrieve.

The updated code seemlessly check the type of the library, if it is EESchema-LIBRARY it parse it like always, else if it is EESchema-REMOTELIBRARY it download each remote lib and parse it when it is EESchema-LIBRARY (no recusivity with EESchema-REMOTELIBRARY).

The impacted files are: sch_legacy_plugin.cpp and sch_legacy_plugin.h -> I implemented the algo and made some tweeks to use LINE_READER instead of FILE_LINE_READER as argument to manage to use STRING_LINE_READER

I also modified KICAD_CURL_EASY::KICAD_CURL_EASY() to set the option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST to 0 to disable ssl certificate checking in https requests. This modification is not required, but was useflul for our case where our server is behind ssl without certificate on the domaine, just ip addresses.

I made a prototype in the attachment, it is woring.

I don't know if this modification is inline with the arachitecture of kicad?

EESchema-REMOTELIBRARY Version 1.0
URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HackInvent/tests/master/00-test-kicad.lib
URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HackInvent/tests/master/01-test-kicad.lib
URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HackInvent/tests/master/02-test-kicad.lib

 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2016 CERN
 * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * @author Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <kicad_curl/kicad_curl_easy.h>     // Include before any wx file

#include <ctype.h>
#include <algorithm>

#include <wx/mstream.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/tokenzr.h>

#include <drawtxt.h>
#include <kiway.h>
#include <kicad_string.h>
#include <richio.h>
#include <core/typeinfo.h>
#include <properties.h>

#include <general.h>
#include <lib_field.h>
#include <sch_bus_entry.h>
#include <sch_marker.h>
#include <sch_junction.h>
#include <sch_line.h>
#include <sch_no_connect.h>
#include <sch_component.h>
#include <sch_text.h>
#include <sch_sheet.h>
#include <sch_bitmap.h>
#include <sch_legacy_plugin.h>
#include <template_fieldnames.h>
#include <class_sch_screen.h>
#include <class_libentry.h>
#include <class_library.h>
#include <lib_arc.h>
#include <lib_bezier.h>
#include <lib_circle.h>
#include <lib_pin.h>
#include <lib_polyline.h>
#include <lib_rectangle.h>
#include <lib_text.h>
#include <eeschema_id.h>    // for MAX_UNIT_COUNT_PER_PACKAGE definition

// Must be the first line of part library document (.dcm) files.
#define DOCFILE_IDENT     "EESchema-DOCLIB  Version 2.0"

#define SCH_PARSE_ERROR( text, reader, pos )                         \
    THROW_PARSE_ERROR( text, reader.GetSource(), reader.Line(),      \
                       reader.LineNumber(), pos - reader.Line() )

// Token delimiters.
const char* delims = " \t\r\n";

const wxChar traceSchLegacyPlugin[] = wxT( "KI_SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN" );

static bool is_eol( char c )
    //        The default file eol character used internally by KiCad.
    //        |
    //        |            Possible eol if someone edited the file by hand on certain platforms.
    //        |            |
    //        |            |           May have gone past eol with strtok().
    //        |            |           |
    if( c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == 0 )
        return true;

    return false;

 * Function strCompare
 * compares \a aString to the string starting at \a aLine and advances the character point to
 * the end of \a String and returns the new pointer position in \a aOutput if it is not NULL.
 * @param aString - A pointer to the string to compare.
 * @param aLine - A pointer to string to begin the comparison.
 * @param aOutput - A pointer to a string pointer to the end of the comparison if not NULL.
 * @return True if \a aString was found starting at \a aLine.  Otherwise false.
static bool strCompare( const char* aString, const char* aLine, const char** aOutput = NULL )
    size_t len = strlen( aString );
    bool retv = ( strncasecmp( aLine, aString, len ) == 0 ) &&
                ( isspace( aLine[ len ] ) || aLine[ len ] == 0 );

    if( retv && aOutput )
        const char* tmp = aLine;

        // Move past the end of the token.
        tmp += len;

        // Move to the beginning of the next token.
        while( *tmp && isspace( *tmp ) )

        *aOutput = tmp;

    return retv;

 * Function parseInt
 * parses an ASCII integer string with possible leading whitespace into
 * an integer and updates the pointer at \a aOutput if it is not NULL, just
 * like "man strtol()".
 * @param aReader - The line reader used to generate exception throw information.
 * @param aLine - A pointer the current position in a string.
 * @param aOutput - The pointer to a string pointer to copy the string pointer position when
 *                  the parsing is complete.
 * @return A valid integer value.
 * @throws An #IO_ERROR on an unexpected end of line.
 * @throws A #PARSE_ERROR if the parsed token is not a valid integer.
static int parseInt( LINE_READER& aReader, const char* aLine, const char** aOutput = NULL )
    if( !*aLine )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, aLine );

    // Clear errno before calling strtol() in case some other crt call set it.
    errno = 0;

    long retv = strtol( aLine, (char**) aOutput, 10 );

    // Make sure no error occurred when calling strtol().
    if( errno == ERANGE )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid integer value", aReader, aLine );

    // strtol does not strip off whitespace before the next token.
    if( aOutput )
        const char* next = *aOutput;

        while( *next && isspace( *next ) )

        *aOutput = next;

    return (int) retv;

 * Function parseHex
 * parses an ASCII hex integer string with possible leading whitespace into
 * a long integer and updates the pointer at \a aOutput if it is not NULL, just
 * like "man strtol".
 * @param aReader - The line reader used to generate exception throw information.
 * @param aLine - A pointer the current position in a string.
 * @param aOutput - The pointer to a string pointer to copy the string pointer position when
 *                  the parsing is complete.
 * @return A valid integer value.
 * @throws An #IO_ERROR on an unexpected end of line.
 * @throws A #PARSE_ERROR if the parsed token is not a valid integer.
static unsigned long parseHex( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader, const char* aLine,
                               const char** aOutput = NULL )
    if( !*aLine )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, aLine );

    unsigned long retv;

    // Clear errno before calling strtoul() in case some other crt call set it.
    errno = 0;
    retv = strtoul( aLine, (char**) aOutput, 16 );

    // Make sure no error occurred when calling strtoul().
    if( errno == ERANGE )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid hexadecimal number", aReader, aLine );

    // Strip off whitespace before the next token.
    if( aOutput )
        // const char* next = aLine + strlen( token );

        const char* next = *aOutput;

        while( *next && isspace( *next ) )

        *aOutput = next;

    return retv;

 * Function parseDouble
 * parses an ASCII point string with possible leading whitespace into a double precision
 * floating point number and  updates the pointer at \a aOutput if it is not NULL, just
 * like "man strtod".
 * @param aReader - The line reader used to generate exception throw information.
 * @param aLine - A pointer the current position in a string.
 * @param aOutput - The pointer to a string pointer to copy the string pointer position when
 *                  the parsing is complete.
 * @return A valid double value.
 * @throws An #IO_ERROR on an unexpected end of line.
 * @throws A #PARSE_ERROR if the parsed token is not a valid integer.
static double parseDouble( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader, const char* aLine,
                           const char** aOutput = NULL )
    if( !*aLine )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, aLine );

    // Clear errno before calling strtod() in case some other crt call set it.
    errno = 0;

    double retv = strtod( aLine, (char**) aOutput );

    // Make sure no error occurred when calling strtod().
    if( errno == ERANGE )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid floating point number", aReader, aLine );

    // strtod does not strip off whitespace before the next token.
    if( aOutput )
        const char* next = *aOutput;

        while( *next && isspace( *next ) )

        *aOutput = next;

    return retv;

 * Function parseChar
 * parses a single ASCII character and updates the pointer at \a aOutput if it is not NULL.
 * @param aReader - The line reader used to generate exception throw information.
 * @param aCurrentToken - A pointer the current position in a string.
 * @param aNextToken - The pointer to a string pointer to copy the string pointer position when
 *                     the parsing is complete.
 * @return A valid ASCII character.
 * @throws An #IO_ERROR on an unexpected end of line.
 * @throws A #PARSE_ERROR if the parsed token is not a a single character token.
static char parseChar( LINE_READER& aReader, const char* aCurrentToken,
                       const char** aNextToken = NULL )
    while( *aCurrentToken && isspace( *aCurrentToken ) )

    if( !*aCurrentToken )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, aCurrentToken );

    if( !isspace( *( aCurrentToken + 1 ) ) )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "expected single character token", aReader, aCurrentToken );

    if( aNextToken )
        const char* next = aCurrentToken + 2;

        while( *next && isspace( *next ) )

        *aNextToken = next;

    return *aCurrentToken;

 * Function parseUnquotedString.
 * parses an unquoted utf8 string and updates the pointer at \a aOutput if it is not NULL.
 * The parsed string must be a continuous string with no white space.
 * @param aString - A reference to the parsed string.
 * @param aReader - The line reader used to generate exception throw information.
 * @param aCurrentToken - A pointer the current position in a string.
 * @param aNextToken - The pointer to a string pointer to copy the string pointer position when
 *                     the parsing is complete.
 * @param aCanBeEmpty - True if the parsed string is optional.  False if it is mandatory.
 * @throws An #IO_ERROR on an unexpected end of line.
 * @throws A #PARSE_ERROR if the \a aCanBeEmpty is false and no string was parsed.
static void parseUnquotedString( wxString& aString, LINE_READER& aReader,
                                 const char* aCurrentToken, const char** aNextToken = NULL,
                                 bool aCanBeEmpty = false )
    if( !*aCurrentToken )
        if( aCanBeEmpty )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, aCurrentToken );

    const char* tmp = aCurrentToken;

    while( *tmp && isspace( *tmp ) )

    if( !*tmp )
        if( aCanBeEmpty )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, aCurrentToken );

    std::string utf8;

    while( *tmp && !isspace( *tmp ) )
        utf8 += *tmp++;

    aString = FROM_UTF8( utf8.c_str() );

    if( aString.IsEmpty() && !aCanBeEmpty )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "expected unquoted string" ), aReader, aCurrentToken );

    if( aNextToken )
        const char* next = tmp;

        while( *next && isspace( *next ) )

        *aNextToken = next;

 * Function parseQuotedString.
 * parses an quoted ASCII utf8 and updates the pointer at \a aOutput if it is not NULL.
 * The parsed string must be contained within a single line.  There are no multi-line
 * quoted strings in the legacy schematic file format.
 * @param aString - A reference to the parsed string.
 * @param aReader - The line reader used to generate exception throw information.
 * @param aCurrentToken - A pointer the current position in a string.
 * @param aNextToken - The pointer to a string pointer to copy the string pointer position when
 *                     the parsing is complete.
 * @param aCanBeEmpty - True if the parsed string is optional.  False if it is mandatory.
 * @throws An #IO_ERROR on an unexpected end of line.
 * @throws A #PARSE_ERROR if the \a aCanBeEmpty is false and no string was parsed.
static void parseQuotedString( wxString& aString, LINE_READER& aReader,
                               const char* aCurrentToken, const char** aNextToken = NULL,
                               bool aCanBeEmpty = false )
    if( !*aCurrentToken )
        if( aCanBeEmpty )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, aCurrentToken );

    const char* tmp = aCurrentToken;

    while( *tmp && isspace( *tmp ) )

    if( !*tmp )
        if( aCanBeEmpty )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, aCurrentToken );

    // Verify opening quote.
    if( *tmp != '"' )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "expecting opening quote", aReader, aCurrentToken );


    std::string utf8;     // utf8 without escapes and quotes.

    // Fetch everything up to closing quote.
    while( *tmp )
        if( *tmp == '\\' )

            if( !*tmp )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, aCurrentToken );

            // Do not copy the escape byte if it is followed by \ or "
            if( *tmp != '"' && *tmp != '\\' )
                    utf8 += '\\';

            utf8 += *tmp;
        else if( *tmp == '"' )  // Closing double quote.
            utf8 += *tmp;


    aString = FROM_UTF8( utf8.c_str() );

    if( aString.IsEmpty() && !aCanBeEmpty )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "expected quoted string", aReader, aCurrentToken );

    if( *tmp && *tmp != '"' )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "no closing quote for string found", aReader, tmp );

    // Move past the closing quote.

    if( aNextToken )
        const char* next = tmp;

        while( *next && *next == ' ' )

        *aNextToken = next;

 * is a cache assistant for the part library portion of the #SCH_PLUGIN API, and only for the
 * #SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN, so therefore is private to this implementation file, i.e. not placed
 * into a header.
    wxFileName      m_libFileName;  // Absolute path and file name is required here.
    wxDateTime      m_fileModTime;
    LIB_ALIAS_MAP   m_aliases;      // Map of names of LIB_ALIAS pointers.
    bool            m_isWritable;
    bool            m_isModified;
    int             m_modHash;      // Keep track of the modification status of the library.
    int             m_versionMajor;
    int             m_versionMinor;
    int             m_libType;      // Is this cache a component or symbol library.

    LIB_PART*       loadPart(LINE_READER &aReader );
    void            loadHeader(LINE_READER &aReader );
    void            loadAliases(std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart, LINE_READER &aReader );
    void            loadField(std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart, LINE_READER &aReader );
    void            loadDrawEntries(std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                     LINE_READER &aReader );
    void            loadFootprintFilters( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                          LINE_READER&            aReader );
    void            loadDocs();
    LIB_ARC*        loadArc( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart, LINE_READER& aReader );
    LIB_CIRCLE*     loadCircle( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart, LINE_READER& aReader );
    LIB_TEXT*       loadText( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart, LINE_READER& aReader );
    LIB_RECTANGLE*  loadRectangle( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart, LINE_READER& aReader );
    LIB_PIN*        loadPin( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart, LINE_READER& aReader );
    LIB_POLYLINE*   loadPolyLine( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart, LINE_READER& aReader );
    LIB_BEZIER*     loadBezier( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart, LINE_READER& aReader );

    FILL_T          parseFillMode(LINE_READER &aReader, const char* aLine,
                                   const char** aOutput );
    bool            checkForDuplicates( wxString& aAliasName );
    LIB_ALIAS*      removeAlias( LIB_ALIAS* aAlias );

    void            saveDocFile();


    SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE( const wxString& aLibraryPath );

    int GetModifyHash() const { return m_modHash; }

    // Most all functions in this class throw IO_ERROR exceptions.  There are no
    // error codes nor user interface calls from here, nor in any SCH_PLUGIN objects.
    // Catch these exceptions higher up please.

    /// Save the entire library to file m_libFileName;
    void Save( bool aSaveDocFile = true );

    void Load();
    void LoadRemote(wxString aURL);

    void AddSymbol( const LIB_PART* aPart );

    void DeleteAlias( const wxString& aAliasName );

    void DeleteSymbol( const wxString& aAliasName );

    wxDateTime GetLibModificationTime();

    bool IsFile( const wxString& aFullPathAndFileName ) const;

    bool IsFileChanged() const;

    void SetModified( bool aModified = true ) { m_isModified = aModified; }

    wxString GetLogicalName() const { return m_libFileName.GetName(); }

    void SetFileName( const wxString& aFileName ) { m_libFileName = aFileName; }

    wxString GetFileName() const { return m_libFileName.GetFullPath(); }

    init( NULL );

    delete m_cache;

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::init( KIWAY* aKiway, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    m_version = 0;
    m_rootSheet = NULL;
    m_props = aProperties;
    m_kiway = aKiway;
    m_cache = NULL;
    m_out = NULL;

SCH_SHEET* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::Load( const wxString& aFileName, KIWAY* aKiway,
                                    SCH_SHEET* aAppendToMe, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    wxASSERT( !aFileName || aKiway != NULL );

    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.
    SCH_SHEET*  sheet;

    wxFileName fn = aFileName;

    // Unfortunately child sheet file names the legacy schematic file format are not fully
    // qualified and are always appended to the project path.  The aFileName attribute must
    // always be an absolute path so the project path can be used for load child sheet files.
    wxASSERT( fn.IsAbsolute() );

    m_path = fn.GetPath();

    init( aKiway, aProperties );

    if( aAppendToMe == NULL )
        // Clean up any allocated memory if an exception occurs loading the schematic.
        std::unique_ptr< SCH_SHEET > newSheet( new SCH_SHEET );
        newSheet->SetFileName( aFileName );
        m_rootSheet = newSheet.get();
        loadHierarchy( newSheet.get() );

        // If we got here, the schematic loaded successfully.
        sheet = newSheet.release();
        m_rootSheet = aAppendToMe->GetRootSheet();
        wxASSERT( m_rootSheet != NULL );
        sheet = aAppendToMe;
        loadHierarchy( sheet );

    return sheet;

// Everything below this comment is recursive.  Modify with care.

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::loadHierarchy( SCH_SHEET* aSheet )
    SCH_SCREEN* screen = NULL;

    if( !aSheet->GetScreen() )
        // SCH_SCREEN objects store the full path and file name where the SCH_SHEET object only
        // stores the file name and extension.  Add the project path to the file name and
        // extension to compare when calling SCH_SHEET::SearchHierarchy().
        wxFileName fileName = aSheet->GetFileName();

        if( !fileName.IsAbsolute() )
            fileName.MakeAbsolute( m_path );

        m_rootSheet->SearchHierarchy( fileName.GetFullPath(), &screen );

        if( screen )
            aSheet->SetScreen( screen );

            // Do not need to load the sub-sheets - this has already been done.
            aSheet->SetScreen( new SCH_SCREEN( m_kiway ) );
            aSheet->GetScreen()->SetFileName( fileName.GetFullPath() );
            loadFile( fileName.GetFullPath(), aSheet->GetScreen() );

            EDA_ITEM* item = aSheet->GetScreen()->GetDrawItems();

            while( item )
                if( item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
                    SCH_SHEET* sheet = (SCH_SHEET*) item;

                    // Set the parent to aSheet.  This effectively creates a method to find
                    // the root sheet from any sheet so a pointer to the root sheet does not
                    // need to be stored globally.  Note: this is not the same as a hierarchy.
                    // Complex hierarchies can have multiple copies of a sheet.  This only
                    // provides a simple tree to find the root sheet.
                    sheet->SetParent( aSheet );

                    // Recursion starts here.
                    loadHierarchy( sheet );

                item = item->Next();

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::loadFile( const wxString& aFileName, SCH_SCREEN* aScreen )
    FILE_LINE_READER reader( aFileName );

    loadHeader( reader, aScreen );

    while( reader.ReadLine() )
        char* line = reader.Line();

        while( *line && *line == ' ' )

        // Either an object will be loaded properly or the file load will fail and raise
        // an exception.
        if( strCompare( "$Descr", line ) )
            loadPageSettings( reader, aScreen );
        else if( strCompare( "$Comp", line ) )
            aScreen->Append( loadComponent( reader ) );
        else if( strCompare( "$Sheet", line ) )
            aScreen->Append( loadSheet( reader ) );
        else if( strCompare( "$Bitmap", line ) )
            aScreen->Append( loadBitmap( reader ) );
        else if( strCompare( "Connection", line ) )
            aScreen->Append( loadJunction( reader ) );
        else if( strCompare( "NoConn", line ) )
            aScreen->Append( loadNoConnect( reader ) );
        else if( strCompare( "Wire", line ) )
            aScreen->Append( loadWire( reader ) );
        else if( strCompare( "Entry", line ) )
            aScreen->Append( loadBusEntry( reader ) );
        else if( strCompare( "Text", line ) )
            aScreen->Append( loadText( reader ) );
        else if( strCompare( "$EndSCHEMATC", line ) )

    // Unfortunately schematic files prior to version 2 are not terminated with $EndSCHEMATC
    // so checking for it's existance will fail so just exit here and take our chances. :(
    if( m_version > 1 )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( "'$EndSCHEMATC' not found" );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::loadHeader( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader, SCH_SCREEN* aScreen )
    const char* line = aReader.ReadLine();

    if( !strCompare( "Eeschema Schematic File Version", line, &line ) )
        m_error.Printf( _( "'%s' does not appear to be an Eeschema file" ),
                        GetChars( aScreen->GetFileName() ) );
        THROW_IO_ERROR( m_error );

    // get the file version here.
    m_version = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

    // The next lines are the lib list section, and are mainly comments, like:
    // LIBS:power
    // the lib list is not used, but is in schematic file just in case.
    // It is usually not empty, but we accept empty list.
    // If empty, there is a legacy section, not used
    // EELAYER i j
    // and the last line is
    // Skip all lines until the end of header "EELAYER END" is found
    while( aReader.ReadLine() )
        line = aReader.Line();

        while( *line == ' ' )

        if( strCompare( "EELAYER END", line ) )

    THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "Missing 'EELAYER END'" ) );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::loadPageSettings( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader, SCH_SCREEN* aScreen )
    wxASSERT( aScreen != NULL );

    wxString    buf;
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    PAGE_INFO   pageInfo;

    wxCHECK_RET( strCompare( "$Descr", line, &line ), "Invalid sheet description" );

    parseUnquotedString( buf, aReader, line, &line );

    if( !pageInfo.SetType( buf ) )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid page size", aReader, line );

    int pagew = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    int pageh = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

    if( buf == PAGE_INFO::Custom )
        pageInfo.SetWidthMils( pagew );
        pageInfo.SetHeightMils( pageh );
        wxString orientation;

        // Non custom size, set portrait if its present.  Can be empty string which defaults
        // to landscape.
        parseUnquotedString( orientation, aReader, line, &line, true );

        if( orientation == "portrait" )
            pageInfo.SetPortrait( true );

    aScreen->SetPageSettings( pageInfo );

    while( line != NULL )

        if( !aReader.ReadLine() )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of file" ), aReader, line );

        line = aReader.Line();

        if( strCompare( "Sheet", line, &line ) )
            aScreen->m_ScreenNumber = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            aScreen->m_NumberOfScreens = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
        else if( strCompare( "Title", line, &line ) )
            parseQuotedString( buf, aReader, line, &line, true );
            tb.SetTitle( buf );
        else if( strCompare( "Date", line, &line ) )
            parseQuotedString( buf, aReader, line, &line, true );
            tb.SetDate( buf );
        else if( strCompare( "Rev", line, &line ) )
            parseQuotedString( buf, aReader, line, &line, true );
            tb.SetRevision( buf );
        else if( strCompare( "Comp", line, &line ) )
            parseQuotedString( buf, aReader, line, &line, true );
            tb.SetCompany( buf );
        else if( strCompare( "Comment1", line, &line ) )
            parseQuotedString( buf, aReader, line, &line, true );
            tb.SetComment1( buf );
        else if( strCompare( "Comment2", line, &line ) )
            parseQuotedString( buf, aReader, line, &line, true );
            tb.SetComment2( buf );
        else if( strCompare( "Comment3", line, &line ) )
            parseQuotedString( buf, aReader, line, &line, true );
            tb.SetComment3( buf );
        else if( strCompare( "Comment4", line, &line ) )
            parseQuotedString( buf, aReader, line, &line, true );
            tb.SetComment4( buf );
        else if( strCompare( "$EndDescr", line ) )
            aScreen->SetTitleBlock( tb );

    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "missing 'EndDescr'", aReader, line );

    std::unique_ptr< SCH_SHEET > sheet( new SCH_SHEET() );

    sheet->SetTimeStamp( GetNewTimeStamp() );

    const char* line = aReader.ReadLine();

    while( line != NULL )
        if( strCompare( "S", line, &line ) )        // Sheet dimensions.
            wxPoint position;

            position.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            position.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            sheet->SetPosition( position );

            wxSize  size;

            size.SetWidth( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
            size.SetHeight( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
            sheet->SetSize( size );
        else if( strCompare( "U", line, &line ) )   // Sheet time stamp.
            sheet->SetTimeStamp( parseHex( aReader, line ) );
        else if( *line == 'F' )                     // Sheet field.

            wxString text;
            int size;
            int fieldId = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

            if( fieldId == 0 || fieldId == 1 )      // Sheet name and file name.
                parseQuotedString( text, aReader, line, &line );
                size = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

                if( fieldId == 0 )
                    sheet->SetName( text );
                    sheet->SetSheetNameSize( size );
                    sheet->SetFileName( text );
                    sheet->SetFileNameSize( size );
            else                                   // Sheet pin.
                std::unique_ptr< SCH_SHEET_PIN > sheetPin( new SCH_SHEET_PIN( sheet.get() ) );

                sheetPin->SetNumber( fieldId );

                // Can be empty fields.
                parseQuotedString( text, aReader, line, &line, true );

                sheetPin->SetText( text );

                if( line == NULL )
                    THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ) );

                switch( parseChar( aReader, line, &line ) )
                case 'I':
                    sheetPin->SetShape( NET_INPUT );

                case 'O':
                    sheetPin->SetShape( NET_OUTPUT );

                case 'B':
                    sheetPin->SetShape( NET_BIDI );

                case 'T':
                    sheetPin->SetShape( NET_TRISTATE );

                case 'U':
                    sheetPin->SetShape( NET_UNSPECIFIED );
                    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid sheet pin type", aReader, line );

                switch( parseChar( aReader, line, &line ) )
                case 'R': /* pin on right side */
                    sheetPin->SetEdge( SCH_SHEET_PIN::SHEET_RIGHT_SIDE );

                case 'T': /* pin on top side */
                    sheetPin->SetEdge( SCH_SHEET_PIN::SHEET_TOP_SIDE );

                case 'B': /* pin on bottom side */
                    sheetPin->SetEdge( SCH_SHEET_PIN::SHEET_BOTTOM_SIDE );

                case 'L': /* pin on left side */
                    sheetPin->SetEdge( SCH_SHEET_PIN::SHEET_LEFT_SIDE );
                    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid sheet pin side", aReader, line );

                wxPoint position;

                position.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
                position.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
                sheetPin->SetPosition( position );

                size = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

                sheetPin->SetTextSize( wxSize( size, size ) );

                sheet->AddPin( sheetPin.release() );
        else if( strCompare( "$EndSheet", line ) )
            return sheet.release();

        line = aReader.ReadLine();

    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "missing '$EndSheet`", aReader, line );

    return NULL;  // Prevents compiler warning.  Should never get here.

    std::unique_ptr< SCH_BITMAP > bitmap( new SCH_BITMAP );

    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK( strCompare( "$Bitmap", line, &line ), NULL );

    line = aReader.ReadLine();

    while( line != NULL )
        if( strCompare( "Pos", line, &line ) )
            wxPoint position;

            position.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            position.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            bitmap->SetPosition( position );
        else if( strCompare( "Scale", line, &line ) )
            /// @todo Make m_scale private and add accessors.
            bitmap->GetImage()->SetScale( parseDouble( aReader, line, &line ) );
        else if( strCompare( "Data", line, &line ) )
            wxMemoryOutputStream stream;

            while( line )
                if( !aReader.ReadLine() )
                    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "Unexpected end of file" ), aReader, line );

                line = aReader.Line();

                if( strCompare( "EndData", line ) )
                    // all the PNG date is read.
                    // We expect here m_image and m_bitmap are void
                    wxImage* image = new wxImage();
                    wxMemoryInputStream istream( stream );
                    image->LoadFile( istream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG );
                    bitmap->GetImage()->SetImage( image );
                    bitmap->GetImage()->SetBitmap( new wxBitmap( *image ) );

                // Read PNG data, stored in hexadecimal,
                // each byte = 2 hexadecimal digits and a space between 2 bytes
                // and put it in memory stream buffer
                int len = strlen( line );

                for( ; len > 0 && !isspace( *line ); len -= 3, line += 3 )
                    int value = 0;

                    if( sscanf( line, "%X", &value ) == 1 )
                        stream.PutC( (char) value );
                        THROW_IO_ERROR( "invalid PNG data" );

            if( line == NULL )
                THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of file" ) );
        else if( strCompare( "$EndBitmap", line ) )
            return bitmap.release();

        line = aReader.ReadLine();

    THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of file" ) );

    std::unique_ptr< SCH_JUNCTION > junction( new SCH_JUNCTION );

    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK( strCompare( "Connection", line, &line ), NULL );

    wxString name;

    parseUnquotedString( name, aReader, line, &line );

    wxPoint position;

    position.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    position.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    junction->SetPosition( position );

    return junction.release();

    std::unique_ptr< SCH_NO_CONNECT > no_connect( new SCH_NO_CONNECT );

    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK( strCompare( "NoConn", line, &line ), NULL );

    wxString name;

    parseUnquotedString( name, aReader, line, &line );

    wxPoint position;

    position.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    position.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    no_connect->SetPosition( position );

    return no_connect.release();

    std::unique_ptr< SCH_LINE > wire( new SCH_LINE );

    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK( strCompare( "Wire", line, &line ), NULL );

    if( strCompare( "Wire", line, &line ) )
        wire->SetLayer( LAYER_WIRE );
    else if( strCompare( "Bus", line, &line ) )
        wire->SetLayer( LAYER_BUS );
    else if( strCompare( "Notes", line, &line ) )
        wire->SetLayer( LAYER_NOTES );
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid line type", aReader, line );

    if( !strCompare( "Line", line, &line ) )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid wire definition", aReader, line );

    line = aReader.ReadLine();

    wxPoint begin, end;

    begin.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    begin.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    end.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    end.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

    wire->SetStartPoint( begin );
    wire->SetEndPoint( end );

    return wire.release();

    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK( strCompare( "Entry", line, &line ), NULL );

    std::unique_ptr< SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE > busEntry;

    if( strCompare( "Wire", line, &line ) )
        busEntry.reset( new SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY );

        if( !strCompare( "Line", line, &line ) )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid bus entry definition expected 'Line'", aReader, line );
    else if( strCompare( "Bus", line, &line ) )
        busEntry.reset( new SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY );

        if( !strCompare( "Bus", line, &line ) )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid bus entry definition expected 'Bus'", aReader, line );
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid bus entry type", aReader, line );

    line = aReader.ReadLine();

    wxPoint pos;
    wxSize size;

    pos.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    pos.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    size.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    size.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

    size.x -= pos.x;
    size.y -= pos.y;

    busEntry->SetPosition( pos );
    busEntry->SetSize( size );

    return busEntry.release();

    const char*   line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK( strCompare( "Text", line, &line ), NULL );

    std::unique_ptr< SCH_TEXT> text;

    if( strCompare( "Notes", line, &line ) )
        text.reset( new SCH_TEXT );
    else if( strCompare( "Label", line, &line ) )
        text.reset( new SCH_LABEL );
    else if( strCompare( "HLabel", line, &line ) )
        text.reset( new SCH_HIERLABEL );
    else if( strCompare( "GLabel", line, &line ) )
        // Prior to version 2, the SCH_GLOBALLABEL object did not exist.
        if( m_version == 1 )
            text.reset( new SCH_HIERLABEL );
            text.reset( new SCH_GLOBALLABEL );
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "unknown Text type", aReader, line );

    // Parse the parameters common to all text objects.
    wxPoint position;

    position.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    position.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    text->SetPosition( position );
    text->SetLabelSpinStyle( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    int size = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

    text->SetTextSize( wxSize( size, size ) );

    // Parse the global and hierarchical label type.
    if( text->Type() == SCH_HIERARCHICAL_LABEL_T || text->Type() == SCH_GLOBAL_LABEL_T )
        if( strCompare( SheetLabelType[NET_INPUT], line, &line ) )
            text->SetShape( NET_INPUT );
        else if( strCompare( SheetLabelType[NET_OUTPUT], line, &line ) )
            text->SetShape( NET_OUTPUT );
        else if( strCompare( SheetLabelType[NET_BIDI], line, &line ) )
            text->SetShape( NET_BIDI );
        else if( strCompare( SheetLabelType[NET_TRISTATE], line, &line ) )
            text->SetShape( NET_TRISTATE );
        else if( strCompare( SheetLabelType[NET_UNSPECIFIED], line, &line ) )
            text->SetShape( NET_UNSPECIFIED );
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid label type", aReader, line );

    int thickness = 0;

    // The following tokens do not exist in version 1 schematic files.
    if( m_version > 1 )
        if( strCompare( "Italic", line, &line ) )
            text->SetItalic( true );
        else if( !strCompare( "~", line, &line ) )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "expected 'Italics' or '~'" ), aReader, line );

        // The thickness token does not exist in older versions of the schematic file format
        // so calling parseInt will be made only if the EOL is not reached.
        if( *line >= ' ' )
            thickness = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

    text->SetBold( thickness != 0 );
    text->SetThickness( thickness != 0 ? GetPenSizeForBold( size ) : 0 );

    // Read the text string for the text.
    char* tmp = aReader.ReadLine();

    tmp = strtok( tmp, "\r\n" );
    wxString val = FROM_UTF8( tmp );

    for( ; ; )
        int i = val.find( wxT( "\\n" ) );

        if( i == wxNOT_FOUND )

        val.erase( i, 2 );
        val.insert( i, wxT( "\n" ) );

    text->SetText( val );

    return text.release();

    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK( strCompare( "$Comp", line, &line ), NULL );

    std::unique_ptr< SCH_COMPONENT > component( new SCH_COMPONENT() );

    line = aReader.ReadLine();

    while( line != NULL )
        if( strCompare( "L", line, &line ) )
            wxString libName;

            parseUnquotedString( libName, aReader, line, &line );
            libName.Replace( "~", " " );

            LIB_ID libId( wxEmptyString, libName );

            component->SetLibId( libId );

            wxString refDesignator;

            parseUnquotedString( refDesignator, aReader, line, &line );
            refDesignator.Replace( "~", " " );

            wxString prefix = refDesignator;

            while( prefix.Length() )
                if( ( prefix.Last() < '0' || prefix.Last() > '9') && prefix.Last() != '?' )


            // Avoid a prefix containing trailing/leading spaces
            prefix.Trim( true );
            prefix.Trim( false );

            if( prefix.IsEmpty() )
                component->SetPrefix( wxString( "U" ) );
                component->SetPrefix( prefix );
        else if( strCompare( "U", line, &line ) )
            // This fixes a potentially buggy files caused by unit being set to zero which
            // causes netlist issues.  See https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/1677282.
            int unit = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

            if( unit == 0 )
                unit = 1;

                // Set the file as modified so the user can be warned.
                if( m_rootSheet && m_rootSheet->GetScreen() )

            component->SetUnit( unit );
            component->SetConvert( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
            component->SetTimeStamp( parseHex( aReader, line, &line ) );
        else if( strCompare( "P", line, &line ) )
            wxPoint pos;

            pos.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            pos.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            component->SetPosition( pos );
        else if( strCompare( "AR", line, &line ) )
            const char* strCompare = "Path=";
            int         len = strlen( strCompare );

            if( strncasecmp( strCompare, line, len ) != 0 )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "missing 'Path=' token", aReader, line );

            line += len;
            wxString path, reference, unit;

            parseQuotedString( path, aReader, line, &line );

            strCompare = "Ref=";
            len = strlen( strCompare );

            if( strncasecmp( strCompare, line, len ) != 0 )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "missing 'Ref=' token", aReader, line );

            line+= len;
            parseQuotedString( reference, aReader, line, &line );

            strCompare = "Part=";
            len = strlen( strCompare );

            if( strncasecmp( strCompare, line, len ) != 0 )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "missing 'Part=' token", aReader, line );

            line+= len;
            parseQuotedString( unit, aReader, line, &line );

            long tmp;

            if( !unit.ToLong( &tmp, 10 ) )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "expected integer value", aReader, line );

            if( tmp < 0 || tmp > MAX_UNIT_COUNT_PER_PACKAGE )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "unit value out of range", aReader, line );

            component->AddHierarchicalReference( path, reference, (int)tmp );
            component->GetField( REFERENCE )->SetText( reference );

        else if( strCompare( "F", line, &line ) )
            int index = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

            wxString text, name;

            parseQuotedString( text, aReader, line, &line, true );

            char orientation = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );
            wxPoint pos;
            pos.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            pos.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            int size = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
            int attributes = parseHex( aReader, line, &line );

            if( index >= component->GetFieldCount() )
                // The first MANDATOR_FIELDS _must_ be constructed within
                // the SCH_COMPONENT constructor.  This assert is simply here
                // to guard against a change in that constructor.
                wxASSERT( component->GetFieldCount() >= MANDATORY_FIELDS );

                // Ignore the _supplied_ fieldNdx.  It is not important anymore
                // if within the user defined fields region (i.e. >= MANDATORY_FIELDS).
                // We freely renumber the index to fit the next available field slot.
                index = component->GetFieldCount();  // new has this index after insertion

                SCH_FIELD field( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), -1, component.get(), name );
                component->AddField( field );

            // Prior to version 2 of the schematic file format, none of the following existed.
            if( m_version > 1 )
                wxString textAttrs;
                char hjustify = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );

                parseUnquotedString( textAttrs, aReader, line, &line );

                // The name of the field is optional.
                parseQuotedString( name, aReader, line, &line, true );

                if( hjustify == 'L' )
                    component->GetField( index )->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
                else if( hjustify == 'R' )
                    component->GetField( index )->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
                else if( hjustify != 'C' )
                    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "component field text horizontal justification must be "
                                     "L, R, or C", aReader, line );

                // We are guaranteed to have a least one character here for older file formats
                // otherwise an exception would have been raised..
                if( textAttrs[0] == 'T' )
                    component->GetField( index )->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
                else if( textAttrs[0] == 'B' )
                    component->GetField( index )->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );
                else if( textAttrs[0] != 'C' )
                    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "component field text vertical justification must be "
                                     "B, T, or C", aReader, line );

                // Newer file formats include the bold and italics text attribute.
                if( textAttrs.Length() > 1 )
                    if( textAttrs.Length() != 3 )
                        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "component field text attributes must be 3 characters wide" ),
                                         aReader, line );

                    if( textAttrs[1] == 'I' )
                        component->GetField( index )->SetItalic( true );
                    else if( textAttrs[1] != 'N' )
                        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "component field text italics indicator must be I or N",
                                         aReader, line );

                    if( textAttrs[2] == 'B' )
                        component->GetField( index )->SetBold( true );
                    else if( textAttrs[2] != 'N' )
                        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "component field text bold indicator must be B or N",
                                         aReader, line );

            component->GetField( index )->SetText( text );
            component->GetField( index )->SetTextPos( pos );
            component->GetField( index )->SetVisible( !attributes );
            component->GetField( index )->SetTextSize( wxSize( size, size ) );

            if( orientation == 'H' )
                component->GetField( index )->SetTextAngle( TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ );
            else if( orientation == 'V' )
                component->GetField( index )->SetTextAngle( TEXT_ANGLE_VERT );
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "component field orientation must be H or V",
                                 aReader, line );

            if( name.IsEmpty() )
                name = TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME::GetDefaultFieldName( index );

            component->GetField( index )->SetName( name );
        else if( strCompare( "$EndComp", line ) )
            // Ensure all flags (some are set by previous initializations) are reset:
            return component.release();
            // There are two lines that begin with a tab or spaces that includes a line with the
            // redundant position information and the transform matrix settings.

            // Parse the redundant position information just the same to check for formatting
            // errors.
            parseInt( aReader, line, &line );    // Always 1.
            parseInt( aReader, line, &line );    // The X coordinate.
            parseInt( aReader, line, &line );    // The Y coordinate.

            line = aReader.ReadLine();

            TRANSFORM transform;

            transform.x1 = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

            if( transform.x1 < -1 || transform.x1 > 1 )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid component X1 transform value", aReader, line );

            transform.y1 = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

            if( transform.y1 < -1 || transform.y1 > 1 )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid component Y1 transform value", aReader, line );

            transform.x2 = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

            if( transform.x2 < -1 || transform.x2 > 1 )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid component X2 transform value", aReader, line );

            transform.y2 = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

            if( transform.y2 < -1 || transform.y2 > 1 )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid component Y2 transform value", aReader, line );

            component->SetTransform( transform );

        line = aReader.ReadLine();

    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid component line", aReader, line );

    return NULL;  // Prevents compiler warning.  Should never get here.

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::Save( const wxString& aFileName, SCH_SCREEN* aScreen, KIWAY* aKiway,
                              const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    wxCHECK_RET( aScreen != NULL, "NULL SCH_SCREEN object." );
    wxCHECK_RET( !aFileName.IsEmpty(), "No schematic file name defined." );

    init( aKiway, aProperties );

    wxFileName fn = aFileName;

    // File names should be absolute.  Don't assume everything relative to the project path
    // works properly.
    wxASSERT( fn.IsAbsolute() );

    FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER formatter( fn.GetFullPath() );

    m_out = &formatter;     // no ownership

    Format( aScreen );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::Format( SCH_SCREEN* aScreen )
    wxCHECK_RET( aScreen != NULL, "NULL SCH_SCREEN* object." );
    wxCHECK_RET( m_kiway != NULL, "NULL KIWAY* object." );

    // Write the header
    m_out->Print( 0, "%s %s %d\n", "EESchema", SCHEMATIC_HEAD_STRING, EESCHEMA_VERSION );

    // Write the project libraries.
    for( const PART_LIB& lib : *m_kiway->Prj().SchLibs() )
        m_out->Print( 0, "LIBS:%s\n", TO_UTF8( lib.GetName() ) );

    // This section is not used, but written for file compatibility
    m_out->Print( 0, "EELAYER %d %d\n", SCH_LAYER_ID_COUNT, 0 );
    m_out->Print( 0, "EELAYER END\n" );

    /* Write page info, ScreenNumber and NumberOfScreen; not very meaningful for
     * SheetNumber and Sheet Count in a complex hierarchy, but useful in
     * simple hierarchy and flat hierarchy.  Used also to search the root
     * sheet ( ScreenNumber = 1 ) within the files
    const TITLE_BLOCK& tb = aScreen->GetTitleBlock();
    const PAGE_INFO& page = aScreen->GetPageSettings();

    m_out->Print( 0, "$Descr %s %d %d%s\n", TO_UTF8( page.GetType() ),
                  !page.IsCustom() && page.IsPortrait() ? " portrait" : "" );
    m_out->Print( 0, "encoding utf-8\n" );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Sheet %d %d\n", aScreen->m_ScreenNumber, aScreen->m_NumberOfScreens );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Title %s\n",    EscapedUTF8( tb.GetTitle() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Date %s\n",     EscapedUTF8( tb.GetDate() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Rev %s\n",      EscapedUTF8( tb.GetRevision() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Comp %s\n",     EscapedUTF8( tb.GetCompany() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Comment1 %s\n", EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment1() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Comment2 %s\n", EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment2() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Comment3 %s\n", EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment3() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Comment4 %s\n", EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment4() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( 0, "$EndDescr\n" );

    for( SCH_ITEM* item = aScreen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = item->Next() )
        switch( item->Type() )
        case SCH_COMPONENT_T:
            saveComponent( dynamic_cast< SCH_COMPONENT* >( item ) );
        case SCH_BITMAP_T:
            saveBitmap( dynamic_cast< SCH_BITMAP* >( item ) );
        case SCH_SHEET_T:
            saveSheet( dynamic_cast< SCH_SHEET* >( item ) );
        case SCH_JUNCTION_T:
            saveJunction( dynamic_cast< SCH_JUNCTION* >( item ) );
        case SCH_NO_CONNECT_T:
            saveNoConnect( dynamic_cast< SCH_NO_CONNECT* >( item ) );
        case SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY_T:
        case SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY_T:
            saveBusEntry( dynamic_cast< SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE* >( item ) );
        case SCH_LINE_T:
            saveLine( dynamic_cast< SCH_LINE* >( item ) );
        case SCH_TEXT_T:
        case SCH_LABEL_T:
        case SCH_GLOBAL_LABEL_T:
            saveText( dynamic_cast< SCH_TEXT* >( item ) );
            wxASSERT( "Unexpected schematic object type in SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::Format()" );

    m_out->Print( 0, "$EndSCHEMATC\n" );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveComponent( SCH_COMPONENT* aComponent )
    std::string     name1;
    std::string     name2;
    wxArrayString   reference_fields;

    static wxString delimiters( wxT( " " ) );

    // This is redundant with the AR entries below, but it makes the files backwards-compatible.
    if( aComponent->GetPathsAndReferences().GetCount() > 0 )
        reference_fields = wxStringTokenize( aComponent->GetPathsAndReferences()[0], delimiters );
        name1 = toUTFTildaText( reference_fields[1] );
        if( aComponent->GetField( REFERENCE )->GetText().IsEmpty() )
            name1 = toUTFTildaText( aComponent->GetPrefix() );
            name1 = toUTFTildaText( aComponent->GetField( REFERENCE )->GetText() );

    wxString part_name = aComponent->GetLibId().GetLibItemName();

    if( part_name.size() )
        name2 = toUTFTildaText( part_name );
        name2 = "_NONAME_";

    m_out->Print( 0, "$Comp\n" );
    m_out->Print( 0, "L %s %s\n", name2.c_str(), name1.c_str() );

    // Generate unit number, convert and time stamp
    m_out->Print( 0, "U %d %d %8.8lX\n", aComponent->GetUnit(), aComponent->GetConvert(),
                    (unsigned long)aComponent->GetTimeStamp() );

    // Save the position
    m_out->Print( 0, "P %d %d\n", aComponent->GetPosition().x, aComponent->GetPosition().y );

    /* If this is a complex hierarchy; save hierarchical references.
     * but for simple hierarchies it is not necessary.
     * the reference inf is already saved
     * this is useful for old Eeschema version compatibility
    if( aComponent->GetPathsAndReferences().GetCount() > 1 )
        for( unsigned int ii = 0; ii <  aComponent->GetPathsAndReferences().GetCount(); ii++ )
             * AR Path="/140/2" Ref="C99"   Part="1"
             * where 140 is the uid of the containing sheet
             * and 2 is the timestamp of this component.
             * (timestamps are actually 8 hex chars)
             * Ref is the conventional component reference for this 'path'
             * Part is the conventional component part selection for this 'path'
            reference_fields = wxStringTokenize( aComponent->GetPathsAndReferences()[ii],
                                                 delimiters );

            m_out->Print( 0, "AR Path=\"%s\" Ref=\"%s\"  Part=\"%s\" \n",
                          TO_UTF8( reference_fields[0] ),
                          TO_UTF8( reference_fields[1] ),
                          TO_UTF8( reference_fields[2] ) );

    // update the ugly field index, which I would like to see go away someday soon.
    for( int i = 0;  i < aComponent->GetFieldCount();  ++i )
        aComponent->GetField( i )->SetId( i );

    // Fixed fields:
    // Save mandatory fields even if they are blank,
    // because the visibility, size and orientation are set from libary editor.
    for( unsigned i = 0;  i < MANDATORY_FIELDS;  ++i )
        saveField( aComponent->GetField( i ) );

    // User defined fields:
    // The *policy* about which user defined fields are part of a symbol is now
    // only in the dialog editors.  No policy should be enforced here, simply
    // save all the user defined fields, they are present because a dialog editor
    // thought they should be.  If you disagree, go fix the dialog editors.
    for( int i = MANDATORY_FIELDS;  i < aComponent->GetFieldCount();  ++i )
        saveField( aComponent->GetField( i ) );

    // Unit number, position, box ( old standard )
    m_out->Print( 0, "\t%-4d %-4d %-4d\n", aComponent->GetUnit(), aComponent->GetPosition().x,
                  aComponent->GetPosition().y );

    TRANSFORM transform = aComponent->GetTransform();

    m_out->Print( 0, "\t%-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d\n",
                  transform.x1, transform.y1, transform.x2, transform.y2 );
    m_out->Print( 0, "$EndComp\n" );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveField( SCH_FIELD* aField )
    char hjustify = 'C';

    if( aField->GetHorizJustify() == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT )
        hjustify = 'L';
    else if( aField->GetHorizJustify() == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT )
        hjustify = 'R';

    char vjustify = 'C';

    if( aField->GetVertJustify() == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM )
        vjustify = 'B';
    else if( aField->GetVertJustify() == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP )
        vjustify = 'T';

    m_out->Print( 0, "F %d %s %c %-3d %-3d %-3d %4.4X %c %c%c%c",
                  EscapedUTF8( aField->GetText() ).c_str(),     // wraps in quotes too
                  aField->GetTextAngle() == TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ ? 'H' : 'V',
                  aField->GetLibPosition().x, aField->GetLibPosition().y,
                  hjustify, vjustify,
                  aField->IsItalic() ? 'I' : 'N',
                  aField->IsBold() ? 'B' : 'N' );

    // Save field name, if the name is user definable
    if( aField->GetId() >= FIELD1 )
        m_out->Print( 0, " %s", EscapedUTF8( aField->GetName() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveBitmap( SCH_BITMAP* aBitmap )
    wxCHECK_RET( aBitmap != NULL, "SCH_BITMAP* is NULL" );

    wxImage* image = aBitmap->GetImage()->GetImageData();

    wxCHECK_RET( image != NULL, "wxImage* is NULL" );

    m_out->Print( 0, "$Bitmap\n" );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Pos %-4d %-4d\n", aBitmap->GetPosition().x, aBitmap->GetPosition().y );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Scale %f\n", aBitmap->GetImage()->GetScale() );
    m_out->Print( 0, "Data\n" );

    wxMemoryOutputStream stream;

    image->SaveFile( stream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG );

    // Write binary data in hexadecimal form (ASCII)
    wxStreamBuffer* buffer = stream.GetOutputStreamBuffer();
    char*           begin  = (char*) buffer->GetBufferStart();

    for( int ii = 0; begin < buffer->GetBufferEnd(); begin++, ii++ )
        if( ii >= 32 )
            ii = 0;

            m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

        m_out->Print( 0, "%2.2X ", *begin & 0xFF );

    m_out->Print( 0, "\nEndData\n" );
    m_out->Print( 0, "$EndBitmap\n" );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveSheet( SCH_SHEET* aSheet )
    wxCHECK_RET( aSheet != NULL, "SCH_SHEET* is NULL" );

    m_out->Print( 0, "$Sheet\n" );
    m_out->Print( 0, "S %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d\n",
                  aSheet->GetPosition().x, aSheet->GetPosition().y,
                  aSheet->GetSize().x, aSheet->GetSize().y );

    m_out->Print( 0, "U %8.8lX\n", (unsigned long) aSheet->GetTimeStamp() );

    if( !aSheet->GetName().IsEmpty() )
        m_out->Print( 0, "F0 %s %d\n", EscapedUTF8( aSheet->GetName() ).c_str(),
                      aSheet->GetSheetNameSize() );

    if( !aSheet->GetFileName().IsEmpty() )
        m_out->Print( 0, "F1 %s %d\n", EscapedUTF8( aSheet->GetFileName() ).c_str(),
                      aSheet->GetFileNameSize() );

    for( const SCH_SHEET_PIN& pin : aSheet->GetPins() )
        int type, side;

        if( pin.GetText().IsEmpty() )

        switch( pin.GetEdge() )
            side = 'L';

            side = 'R';

            side = 'T';

            side = 'B';

        switch( pin.GetShape() )
        case NET_INPUT:
            type = 'I'; break;

        case NET_OUTPUT:
            type = 'O'; break;

        case NET_BIDI:
            type = 'B'; break;

        case NET_TRISTATE:
            type = 'T'; break;

        case NET_UNSPECIFIED:
            type = 'U'; break;

        m_out->Print( 0, "F%d %s %c %c %-3d %-3d %-3d\n", pin.GetNumber(),
                      EscapedUTF8( pin.GetText() ).c_str(),     // supplies wrapping quotes
                      type, side, pin.GetPosition().x, pin.GetPosition().y,
                      pin.GetTextWidth() );

    m_out->Print( 0, "$EndSheet\n" );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveJunction( SCH_JUNCTION* aJunction )
    wxCHECK_RET( aJunction != NULL, "SCH_JUNCTION* is NULL" );

    m_out->Print( 0, "Connection ~ %-4d %-4d\n",
                  aJunction->GetPosition().x, aJunction->GetPosition().y );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveNoConnect( SCH_NO_CONNECT* aNoConnect )
    wxCHECK_RET( aNoConnect != NULL, "SCH_NOCONNECT* is NULL" );

    m_out->Print( 0, "NoConn ~ %-4d %-4d\n", aNoConnect->GetPosition().x,
                  aNoConnect->GetPosition().y );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveBusEntry( SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE* aBusEntry )
    wxCHECK_RET( aBusEntry != NULL, "SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE* is NULL" );

    if( aBusEntry->GetLayer() == LAYER_WIRE )
        m_out->Print( 0, "Entry Wire Line\n\t%-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d\n",
                      aBusEntry->GetPosition().x, aBusEntry->GetPosition().y,
                      aBusEntry->m_End().x, aBusEntry->m_End().y );
        m_out->Print( 0, "Entry Bus Bus\n\t%-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d\n",
                      aBusEntry->GetPosition().x, aBusEntry->GetPosition().y,
                      aBusEntry->m_End().x, aBusEntry->m_End().y );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveLine( SCH_LINE* aLine )
    wxCHECK_RET( aLine != NULL, "SCH_LINE* is NULL" );

    const char* layer = "Notes";
    const char* width = "Line";

    if( aLine->GetLayer() == LAYER_WIRE )
        layer = "Wire";
    else if( aLine->GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS )
        layer = "Bus";

    m_out->Print( 0, "Wire %s %s\n", layer, width );
    m_out->Print( 0, "\t%-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d\n", aLine->GetStartPoint().x, aLine->GetStartPoint().y,
                  aLine->GetEndPoint().x, aLine->GetEndPoint().y );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveText( SCH_TEXT* aText )
    wxCHECK_RET( aText != NULL, "SCH_TEXT* is NULL" );

    const char* italics  = "~";
    const char* textType = "Notes";

    if( aText->IsItalic() )
        italics = "Italic";

    wxString text = aText->GetText();

    SCH_LAYER_ID layer = aText->GetLayer();

    if( layer == LAYER_NOTES || layer == LAYER_LOCLABEL )
        if( layer == LAYER_NOTES )
            // For compatibility reasons, the text must be saved in only one text line
            // so replace all EOLs with \\n
            text.Replace( wxT( "\n" ), wxT( "\\n" ) );

            // Here we should have no CR or LF character in line
            // This is not always the case if a multiline text was copied (using a copy/paste
            // function) from a text that uses E.O.L characters that differs from the current
            // EOL format.  This is mainly the case under Linux using LF symbol when copying
            // a text from Windows (using CRLF symbol) so we must just remove the extra CR left
            // (or LF left under MacOSX)
            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < text.Len();  )
                if( text[ii] == 0x0A || text[ii] == 0x0D )
                    text.erase( ii, 1 );
            textType = "Label";

        m_out->Print( 0, "Text %s %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d %s %d\n%s\n", textType,
                      aText->GetPosition().x, aText->GetPosition().y,
                      italics, aText->GetThickness(), TO_UTF8( text ) );
    else if( layer == LAYER_GLOBLABEL || layer == LAYER_HIERLABEL )
        textType = ( layer == LAYER_GLOBLABEL ) ? "GLabel" : "HLabel";

        m_out->Print( 0, "Text %s %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d %s %s %d\n%s\n", textType,
                      aText->GetPosition().x, aText->GetPosition().y,
                      aText->GetThickness(), TO_UTF8( text ) );

    m_libFileName( aFullPathAndFileName ),
    m_isWritable( true ),
    m_isModified( false ),
    m_modHash( 1 )
    m_versionMajor = -1;
    m_versionMinor = -1;

    // When the cache is destroyed, all of the alias objects on the heap should be deleted.
    for( LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it = m_aliases.begin();  it != m_aliases.end();  ++it )
        wxLogTrace( traceSchLegacyPlugin, wxT( "Removing alias %s from library %s." ),
                    GetChars( it->second->GetName() ), GetChars( GetLogicalName() ) );
        LIB_PART* part = it->second->GetPart();
        LIB_ALIAS* alias = it->second;
        delete alias;

        // When the last alias of a part is destroyed, the part is no longer required and it
        // too is destroyed.
        if( part && part->GetAliasCount() == 0 )
            delete part;


wxDateTime SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::GetLibModificationTime()
    // update the writable flag while we have a wxFileName, in a network this
    // is possibly quite dynamic anyway.
    m_isWritable = m_libFileName.IsFileWritable();

    return m_libFileName.GetModificationTime();

bool SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::IsFile( const wxString& aFullPathAndFileName ) const
    return m_libFileName == aFullPathAndFileName;

bool SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::IsFileChanged() const
    if( m_fileModTime.IsValid() && m_libFileName.IsOk() && m_libFileName.FileExists() )
        return m_libFileName.GetModificationTime() != m_fileModTime;

    return false;

    wxCHECK_MSG( aAlias != NULL, NULL, "NULL pointer cannot be removed from library." );

    LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it = m_aliases.find( aAlias->GetName() );

    if( it == m_aliases.end() )
        return NULL;

    // If the entry pointer doesn't match the name it is mapped to in the library, we
    // have done something terribly wrong.
    wxCHECK_MSG( *it->second == aAlias, NULL,
                 "Pointer mismatch while attempting to remove alias entry <" + aAlias->GetName() +
                 "> from library cache <" + m_libFileName.GetName() + ">." );

    LIB_ALIAS*  alias = aAlias;
    LIB_PART*   part = alias->GetPart();

    alias = part->RemoveAlias( alias );

    if( !alias )
        delete part;

        if( m_aliases.size() > 1 )
            LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator next = it;

            if( next == m_aliases.end() )
                next = m_aliases.begin();

            alias = next->second;

    m_aliases.erase( it );
    m_isModified = true;
    return alias;

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::AddSymbol( const LIB_PART* aPart )
    // aPart is cloned in PART_LIB::AddPart().  The cache takes ownership of aPart.
    wxArrayString aliasNames = aPart->GetAliasNames();

    for( size_t i = 0; i < aliasNames.size(); i++ )
        LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it = m_aliases.find( aliasNames[i] );

        if( it != m_aliases.end() )
            removeAlias( it->second );

        LIB_ALIAS* alias = const_cast< LIB_PART* >( aPart )->GetAlias( aliasNames[i] );

        wxASSERT_MSG( alias != NULL, "No alias <" + aliasNames[i] + "> found in symbol <" +
                      aPart->GetName() +">." );

        m_aliases[ aliasNames[i] ] = alias;

    m_isModified = true;

//!TODO: factorize common code
void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::LoadRemote(wxString aURL){

    KICAD_CURL_EASY kcurl;      // this can THROW_IO_ERROR
    wxString url = aURL.Trim();

    kcurl.SetURL( url.ToStdString() );
    kcurl.SetUserAgent( "http://kicad-pcb.org"; );
    kcurl.SetHeader( "Accept", "application/lib" );
    kcurl.SetFollowRedirects( true );

    std::string filecontent;

        filecontent = kcurl.GetBuffer();

        // check the status
        if( ( filecontent.compare( 0, 9, "Not Found", 9 ) == 0 ) ||
            ( filecontent.compare( 0, 14, "404: Not Found", 14 ) == 0 ) )
            UTF8 fmt( _( "Cannot download file '%s'.\nThe file does not exist on the server" ) );
            std::string msg = StrPrintf( fmt.c_str(),(const char*) url.utf8_str() );

            THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );

    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        // https "GET" has failed, report this to API caller.
        // Note: kcurl.Perform() does not return an error if the file to download is not found
        static const char errorcmd[] = "http GET command failed";  // Do not translate this message

        UTF8 fmt( _( "%s\nCannot get/download remote file : '%s'\n.\nReason: '%s'" ) );

        std::string msg = StrPrintf( fmt.c_str(),
                                     (const char*) ioe.What().utf8_str()

        THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );

    STRING_LINE_READER reader(filecontent,url);

    if( !reader.ReadLine() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of remote file" ) );

    const char* line = reader.Line();

    if( !strCompare( "EESchema-LIBRARY Version", line, &line ) )
        // Old .sym files (which are libraries with only one symbol, used to store and reuse shapes)
        // EESchema-LIB Version x.x SYMBOL. They are valid files.
        if( !strCompare( "EESchema-LIB Version", line, &line ) )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "file is not a valid component or symbol library file", reader, line );

    m_versionMajor = parseInt( reader, line, &line );

    if( *line != '.' )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid file version formatting in header", reader, line );


    m_versionMinor = parseInt( reader, line, &line );

    if( m_versionMajor < 1 || m_versionMinor < 0 || m_versionMinor > 99 )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid file version in header", reader, line );

    // Check if this is a symbol library which is the same as a component library but without
    // any alias, documentation, footprint filters, etc.
    if( strCompare( "SYMBOL", line, &line ) )
        // Symbol files add date and time stamp info to the header.
        m_libType = LIBRARY_TYPE_SYMBOL;

        /// @todo Probably should check for a valid date and time stamp even though it's not used.
        m_libType = LIBRARY_TYPE_EESCHEMA;

    while( reader.ReadLine() )
        line = reader.Line();

        if( *line == '#' || isspace( *line ) )  // Skip comments and blank lines.

        // Headers where only supported in older library file formats.
        if( m_libType == LIBRARY_TYPE_EESCHEMA && strCompare( "$HEADER", line ) )
            loadHeader( reader );

        if( strCompare( "DEF", line ) )
            // Read one DEF/ENDDEF part entry from library:
            loadPart( reader );



    // Remember the file modification time of library file when the
    // cache snapshot was made, so that in a networked environment we will
    // reload the cache as needed.
    m_fileModTime = GetLibModificationTime();

    if( USE_OLD_DOC_FILE_FORMAT( m_versionMajor, m_versionMinor ) )


    wxCHECK_RET( m_libFileName.IsAbsolute(),
                 wxString::Format( "Cannot use relative file paths in legacy plugin to "
                                   "open library '%s'.", m_libFileName.GetFullPath() ) );

    wxLogTrace( traceSchLegacyPlugin, "Loading legacy symbol file '%s'",
                m_libFileName.GetFullPath() );

    FILE_LINE_READER reader( m_libFileName.GetFullPath() );

    if( !reader.ReadLine() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of file" ) );

    const char* line = reader.Line();

    // Check if the library is a remote file lib - To
    if( strCompare( "EESchema-REMOTELIBRARY Version", line ) )
        while( reader.ReadLine() )
            line = reader.Line();

            if( *line == '#' || isspace( *line ) )  // Skip comments and blank lines.

            if( strCompare( "URL", line, &line ) )
                // Load from the URL


    if( !strCompare( "EESchema-LIBRARY Version", line, &line ) )
        // Old .sym files (which are libraries with only one symbol, used to store and reuse shapes)
        // EESchema-LIB Version x.x SYMBOL. They are valid files.
        if( !strCompare( "EESchema-LIB Version", line, &line ) )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "file is not a valid component or symbol library file", reader, line );

    m_versionMajor = parseInt( reader, line, &line );

    if( *line != '.' )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid file version formatting in header", reader, line );


    m_versionMinor = parseInt( reader, line, &line );

    if( m_versionMajor < 1 || m_versionMinor < 0 || m_versionMinor > 99 )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid file version in header", reader, line );

    // Check if this is a symbol library which is the same as a component library but without
    // any alias, documentation, footprint filters, etc.
    if( strCompare( "SYMBOL", line, &line ) )
        // Symbol files add date and time stamp info to the header.
        m_libType = LIBRARY_TYPE_SYMBOL;

        /// @todo Probably should check for a valid date and time stamp even though it's not used.
        m_libType = LIBRARY_TYPE_EESCHEMA;

    while( reader.ReadLine() )
        line = reader.Line();

        if( *line == '#' || isspace( *line ) )  // Skip comments and blank lines.

        // Headers where only supported in older library file formats.
        if( m_libType == LIBRARY_TYPE_EESCHEMA && strCompare( "$HEADER", line ) )
            loadHeader( reader );

        if( strCompare( "DEF", line ) )
            // Read one DEF/ENDDEF part entry from library:
            loadPart( reader );



    // Remember the file modification time of library file when the
    // cache snapshot was made, so that in a networked environment we will
    // reload the cache as needed.
    m_fileModTime = GetLibModificationTime();

    if( USE_OLD_DOC_FILE_FORMAT( m_versionMajor, m_versionMinor ) )

    const char* line;
    wxString    text;
    wxString    aliasName;
    wxFileName  fn = m_libFileName;
    LIB_ALIAS*  alias = NULL;;

    fn.SetExt( DOC_EXT );

    // Not all libraries will have a document file.
    if( !fn.FileExists() )

    if( !fn.IsFileReadable() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "user does not have permission to read library "
                                             "document file '%s'" ), fn.GetFullPath() ) );

    FILE_LINE_READER reader( fn.GetFullPath() );

    line = reader.ReadLine();

    if( !line )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "symbol document library file is empty" ) );

    if( !strCompare( DOCFILE_IDENT, line, &line ) )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid document library file version formatting in header",
                         reader, line );

    while( reader.ReadLine() )
        line = reader.Line();

        if( *line == '#' )    // Comment line.

        if( !strCompare( "$CMP", line, &line ) != 0 )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "$CMP command expected", reader, line );

        parseUnquotedString( aliasName, reader, line, &line );    // Alias name.

        LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it = m_aliases.find( aliasName );

        if( it == m_aliases.end() )
            wxLogWarning( "Alias '%s' not found in library:\n\n"
                          "'%s'\n\nat line %d offset %d", aliasName, fn.GetFullPath(),
                          reader.LineNumber(), (int) (line - reader.Line() ) );
            alias = it->second;

        // Read the curent alias associated doc.
        // if the alias does not exist, just skip the description
        // (Can happen if a .dcm is not synchronized with the corresponding .lib file)
        while( reader.ReadLine() )
            line = reader.Line();

            if( !line )
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "unexpected end of file", reader, line );

            if( strCompare( "$ENDCMP", line, &line ) )

            text = FROM_UTF8( line + 2 );
            text = text.Trim();

            switch( line[0] )
            case 'D':
                if( alias )
                    alias->SetDescription( text );

            case 'K':
                if( alias )
                    alias->SetKeyWords( text );

            case 'F':
                if( alias )
                    alias->SetDocFileName( text );

            case '#':

                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "expected token in symbol definition", reader, line );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadHeader( LINE_READER& aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxASSERT( strCompare( "$HEADER", line, &line ) );

    while( aReader.ReadLine() )
        line = (char*) aReader;

        // The time stamp saved in old library files is not used or saved in the latest
        // library file version.
        if( strCompare( "TimeStamp", line, &line ) )
        else if( strCompare( "$ENDHEADER", line, &line ) )

    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "$ENDHEADER not found", aReader, line );

    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK( strCompare( "DEF", line, &line ), NULL );

    // Read DEF line:
    char yes_no = 0;

    std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART > part( new LIB_PART( wxEmptyString ) );

    wxString name, prefix;

    parseUnquotedString( name, aReader, line, &line );           // Part name.
    parseUnquotedString( prefix, aReader, line, &line );         // Prefix name
    parseInt( aReader, line, &line );                            // NumOfPins, unused.
    part->SetPinNameOffset( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );  // Pin name offset.
    yes_no = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );                  // Show pin numbers.

    if( !( yes_no == 'Y' || yes_no == 'N') )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "expected Y or N", aReader, line );

    part->SetShowPinNumbers( ( yes_no == 'N' ) ? false : true );

    yes_no = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );                  // Show pin numbers.

    if( !( yes_no == 'Y' || yes_no == 'N') )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "expected Y or N", aReader, line );

    part->SetShowPinNames( ( yes_no == 'N' ) ? false : true );   // Show pin names.

    part->SetUnitCount( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );      // Number of units.

    // Ensure m_unitCount is >= 1.  Could be read as 0 in old libraries.
    if( part->GetUnitCount() < 1 )
        part->SetUnitCount( 1 );

    // Copy part name and prefix.
    LIB_FIELD& value = part->GetValueField();

    // The root alias is added to the alias list by SetName() which is called by SetText().
    if( name.IsEmpty() )
        part->m_name = "~";
        value.SetText( "~" );
    else if( name[0] != '~' )
        part->m_name = name;
        value.SetText( name );
        name = name.Right( name.Length() - 1 );
        part->m_name = name;
        value.SetText( name );
        value.SetVisible( false );

    // There are some code paths in SetText() that do not set the root alias to the
    // alias list so add it here if it didn't get added by SetText().
    if( !part->HasAlias( part->GetName() ) )
        part->AddAlias( part->GetName() );

    LIB_FIELD& reference = part->GetReferenceField();

    if( prefix == "~" )
        reference.SetVisible( false );
        reference.SetText( prefix );

    // In version 2.2 and earlier, this parameter was a '0' which was just a place holder.
    // The was no concept of interchangeable multiple unit symbols.
    if( LIB_VERSION( m_versionMajor, m_versionMinor ) <= LIB_VERSION( 2, 2 ) )
        // Nothing needs to be set since the default setting for symbols with multiple
        // units were never interchangeable.  Just parse the 0 an move on.
        parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
        char locked = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );

        if( locked == 'L' )
            part->LockUnits( true );
        else if( locked == 'F' || locked == '0' )
            part->LockUnits( false );
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "expected L, F, or 0", aReader, line );

    // There is the optional power component flag.
    if( *line )
        char power = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );

        if( power == 'P' )
        else if( power == 'N' )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "expected P or N", aReader, line );

    line = aReader.ReadLine();

    // Read lines until "ENDDEF" is found.
    while( line )
        if( *line == '#' )                               // Comment
        else if( strCompare( "Ti", line, &line ) )       // Modification date is ignored.
        else if( strCompare( "ALIAS", line, &line ) )    // Aliases
            loadAliases( part, aReader );
        else if( *line == 'F' )                          // Fields
            loadField( part, aReader );
        else if( strCompare( "DRAW", line, &line ) )     // Drawing objects.
            loadDrawEntries( part, aReader );
        else if( strCompare( "$FPLIST", line, &line ) )  // Footprint filter list
            loadFootprintFilters( part, aReader );
        else if( strCompare( "ENDDEF", line, &line ) )   // End of part description
            // Now all is good, Add the root alias to the cache alias list.
            m_aliases[ part->GetName() ] = part->GetAlias( part->GetName() );

            // Add aliases when exist
            for( size_t ii = 0; ii < part->GetAliasCount(); ++ii )
                m_aliases[ part->GetAlias( ii )->GetName() ] = part->GetAlias( ii );

            return part.release();

        line = aReader.ReadLine();

    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "missing ENDDEF", aReader, line );

bool SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::checkForDuplicates( wxString& aAliasName )
    wxCHECK_MSG( !aAliasName.IsEmpty(), false, "alias name cannot be empty" );

    // The alias name is not a duplicate so don't change it.
    if( m_aliases.find( aAliasName ) == m_aliases.end() )
        return false;

    int dupCounter = 1;
    wxString newAlias = aAliasName;

    // If the alias is already loaded, the library is broken.  It may have been possible in
    // the past that this could happen so we assign a new alias name to prevent any conflicts
    // rather than throw an exception.
    while( m_aliases.find( newAlias ) != m_aliases.end() )
        newAlias = aAliasName << dupCounter;

    aAliasName = newAlias;

    return true;

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadAliases( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                           LINE_READER&            aReader )
    wxString newAlias;
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_RET( strCompare( "ALIAS", line, &line ), "Invalid ALIAS section" );

    // Parse the ALIAS list.
    wxString alias;
    parseUnquotedString( alias, aReader, line, &line );

    while( !alias.IsEmpty() )
        newAlias = alias;
        checkForDuplicates( newAlias );
        aPart->AddAlias( newAlias );
        parseUnquotedString( alias, aReader, line, &line, true );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadField( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                         LINE_READER&            aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_RET( *line == 'F', "Invalid field line" );

    int         id;

    if( sscanf( line + 1, "%d", &id ) != 1 || id < 0 )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid field ID", aReader, line + 1 );

    std::unique_ptr< LIB_FIELD > field( new LIB_FIELD( aPart.get(), id ) );

    // Skip to the first double quote.
    while( *line != '"' && *line != 0 )

    if( *line == 0 )
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( _( "unexpected end of line" ), aReader, line );

    wxString text;
    parseQuotedString( text, aReader, line, &line, true );

    // Doctor the *.lib file field which has a "~" in blank fields.  New saves will
    // not save like this.
    if( text.size() == 1 && text[0] == '~' )

    field->m_Text = text;

    wxPoint pos;

    pos.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    pos.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    field->SetPosition( pos );

    wxSize textSize;

    textSize.x = textSize.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    field->SetTextSize( textSize );

    char textOrient = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );

    if( textOrient == 'H' )
        field->SetTextAngle( TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ );
    else if( textOrient == 'V' )
        field->SetTextAngle( TEXT_ANGLE_VERT );
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid field text orientation parameter", aReader, line );

    char textVisible = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );

    if( textVisible == 'V' )
        field->SetVisible( true );
    else if ( textVisible == 'I' )
        field->SetVisible( false );
        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid field text visibility parameter", aReader, line );

    // It may be technically correct to use the library version to determine if the field text
    // attributes are present.  If anyone knows if that is valid and what version that would be,
    // please change this to test the library version rather than an EOL or the quoted string
    // of the field name.
    if( *line != 0 && *line != '"' )
        char textHJustify = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );

        if( textHJustify == 'C' )
            field->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER );
        else if( textHJustify == 'L' )
            field->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
        else if( textHJustify == 'R' )
            field->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid field text horizontal justification parameter",
                             aReader, line );

        wxString attributes;

        parseUnquotedString( attributes, aReader, line, &line );

        if( !(attributes.size() == 3 || attributes.size() == 1 ) )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid field text attributes size",
                             aReader, line );

        if( attributes[0] == 'C' )
            field->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER );
        else if( attributes[0] == 'B' )
            field->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );
        else if( attributes[0] == 'T' )
            field->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid field text vertical justification parameter",
                             aReader, line );

        if( attributes.size() == 3 )
            if( attributes[1] == 'I' )        // Italic
                field->SetItalic( true );
            else if( attributes[1] != 'N' )   // No italics is default, check for error.
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid field text italic parameter", aReader, line );

            if ( attributes[2] == 'B' )       // Bold
                field->SetBold( true );
            else if( attributes[2] != 'N' )   // No bold is default, check for error.
                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid field text bold parameter", aReader, line );

    // Fields in RAM must always have names.
    if( id < MANDATORY_FIELDS )
        // Fields in RAM must always have names, because we are trying to get
        // less dependent on field ids and more dependent on names.
        // Plus assumptions are made in the field editors.
        field->m_name = TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME::GetDefaultFieldName( id );

        LIB_FIELD* fixedField = aPart->GetField( field->GetId() );

        // this will fire only if somebody broke a constructor or editor.
        // MANDATORY_FIELDS are always present in ram resident components, no
        // exceptions, and they always have their names set, even fixed fields.
        wxASSERT( fixedField );

        *fixedField = *field;

        // Ensure the VALUE field = the part name (can be not the case
        // with malformed libraries: edited by hand, or converted from other tools)
        if( fixedField->GetId() == VALUE )
            fixedField->m_Text = aPart->m_name;
        wxString name;

        parseQuotedString( name, aReader, line, &line, true );  // Optional.

        if( !name.IsEmpty() )
            field->m_name = name;

        aPart->AddDrawItem( field.release() );    // LIB_FIELD* is now owned by the LIB_PART.

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadDrawEntries( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                               LINE_READER&            aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_RET( strCompare( "DRAW", line, &line ), "Invalid DRAW section" );

    line = aReader.ReadLine();

    while( line )
        if( strCompare( "ENDDRAW", line, &line ) )

        switch( line[0] )
        case 'A':    // Arc
            aPart->AddDrawItem( loadArc( aPart, aReader ) );

        case 'C':    // Circle
            aPart->AddDrawItem( loadCircle( aPart, aReader ) );

        case 'T':    // Text
            aPart->AddDrawItem( loadText( aPart, aReader ) );

        case 'S':    // Square
            aPart->AddDrawItem( loadRectangle( aPart, aReader ) );

        case 'X':    // Pin Description
            aPart->AddDrawItem( loadPin( aPart, aReader ) );

        case 'P':    // Polyline
            aPart->AddDrawItem( loadPolyLine( aPart, aReader ) );

        case 'B':    // Bezier Curves
            aPart->AddDrawItem( loadBezier( aPart, aReader ) );

        case '#':    // Comment
        case '\n':   // Empty line
        case '\r':
        case 0:

            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "undefined DRAW entry", aReader, line );

        line = aReader.ReadLine();

    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "file ended prematurely loading component draw element", aReader, line );

FILL_T SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::parseFillMode( LINE_READER& aReader, const char* aLine,
                                               const char** aOutput )
    FILL_T mode;

    switch( parseChar( aReader, aLine, aOutput ) )
    case 'F':
        mode = FILLED_SHAPE;

    case 'f':

    case 'N':
        mode = NO_FILL;

        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid fill type, expected f, F, or N", aReader, aLine );

    return mode;

LIB_ARC* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadArc(std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                           LINE_READER &aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_MSG( strCompare( "A", line, &line ), NULL, "Invalid LIB_ARC definition" );

    std::unique_ptr< LIB_ARC > arc( new LIB_ARC( aPart.get() ) );

    wxPoint center;

    center.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    center.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

    arc->SetPosition( center );
    arc->SetRadius( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    int angle1 = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    int angle2 = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( angle1 );
    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( angle2 );
    arc->SetFirstRadiusAngle( angle1 );
    arc->SetSecondRadiusAngle( angle2 );

    arc->SetUnit( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    arc->SetConvert( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    arc->SetWidth( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    // Old libraries (version <= 2.2) do not have always this FILL MODE param
    // when fill mode is no fill (default mode).
    if( *line != 0 )
        arc->SetFillMode( parseFillMode( aReader, line, &line ) );

    // Actual Coordinates of arc ends are read from file
    if( *line != 0 )
        wxPoint arcStart, arcEnd;

        arcStart.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
        arcStart.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
        arcEnd.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
        arcEnd.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

        arc->SetStart( arcStart );
        arc->SetEnd( arcEnd );
        // Actual Coordinates of arc ends are not read from file
        // (old library), calculate them
        wxPoint arcStart( arc->GetRadius(), 0 );
        wxPoint arcEnd( arc->GetRadius(), 0 );

        RotatePoint( &arcStart.x, &arcStart.y, -angle1 );
        arcStart += arc->GetPosition();
        arc->SetStart( arcStart );
        RotatePoint( &arcEnd.x, &arcEnd.y, -angle2 );
        arcEnd += arc->GetPosition();
        arc->SetEnd( arcEnd );

    return arc.release();

LIB_CIRCLE* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadCircle(std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                                 LINE_READER &aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_MSG( strCompare( "C", line, &line ), NULL, "Invalid LIB_CIRCLE definition" );

    std::unique_ptr< LIB_CIRCLE > circle( new LIB_CIRCLE( aPart.get() ) );

    wxPoint center;

    center.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    center.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );

    circle->SetPosition( center );
    circle->SetRadius( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    circle->SetUnit( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    circle->SetConvert( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    circle->SetWidth( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    if( *line != 0 )
        circle->SetFillMode( parseFillMode( aReader, line, &line ) );

    return circle.release();

LIB_TEXT* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadText(std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                             LINE_READER &aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_MSG( strCompare( "T", line, &line ), NULL, "Invalid LIB_TEXT definition" );

    std::unique_ptr< LIB_TEXT > text( new LIB_TEXT( aPart.get() ) );

    text->SetTextAngle( (double) parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    wxPoint center;

    center.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    center.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    text->SetPosition( center );

    wxSize size;

    size.x = size.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    text->SetTextSize( size );
    text->SetVisible( !parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    text->SetUnit( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    text->SetConvert( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    wxString str;

    // If quoted string loading fails, load as not quoted string.
    if( *line == '"' )
        parseQuotedString( str, aReader, line, &line );
        parseUnquotedString( str, aReader, line, &line );

    if( !str.IsEmpty() )
        // convert two apostrophes back to double quote
        str.Replace( "''", "\"" );
        str.Replace( wxT( "~" ), wxT( " " ) );

    text->SetText( str );

    // Here things are murky and not well defined.  At some point it appears the format
    // was changed to add text properties.  However rather than add the token to the end of
    // the text definition, it was added after the string and no mention if the file
    // verion was bumped or not so this code make break on very old component libraries.
    // Update: apparently even in the latest version this can be different so added a test
    //         for end of line before checking for the text properties.
    if( LIB_VERSION( m_versionMajor, m_versionMinor ) > LIB_VERSION( 2, 0 ) && !is_eol( *line ) )
        if( strCompare( "Italic", line, &line ) )
            text->SetItalic( true );
        else if( !strCompare( "Normal", line, &line ) )
            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid text stype, expected 'Normal' or 'Italic'",
                             aReader, line );

        if( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) > 0 )
            text->SetBold( true );

        // Some old libaries version > 2.0 do not have these options for text justification:
        if( !is_eol( *line ) )
            switch( parseChar( aReader, line, &line ) )
            case 'L':
                text->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );

            case 'C':
                text->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER );

            case 'R':
                text->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );

                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid horizontal text justication parameter, expected L, C, or R",
                                 aReader, line );

            switch( parseChar( aReader, line, &line ) )
            case 'T':
                text->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );

            case 'C':
                text->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER );

            case 'B':
                text->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );

                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "invalid vertical text justication parameter, expected T, C, or B",
                                 aReader, line );

    return text.release();

LIB_RECTANGLE* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadRectangle(std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                                       LINE_READER &aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_MSG( strCompare( "S", line, &line ), NULL, "Invalid LIB_RECTANGLE definition" );

    std::unique_ptr< LIB_RECTANGLE > rectangle( new LIB_RECTANGLE( aPart.get() ) );

    wxPoint pos;

    pos.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    pos.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    rectangle->SetPosition( pos );

    wxPoint end;

    end.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    end.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    rectangle->SetEnd( end );

    rectangle->SetUnit( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    rectangle->SetConvert( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    rectangle->SetWidth( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    if( *line != 0 )
        rectangle->SetFillMode( parseFillMode( aReader, line, &line ) );

    return rectangle.release();

LIB_PIN* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadPin( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                           LINE_READER&            aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_MSG( strCompare( "X", line, &line ), NULL, "Invalid LIB_PIN definition" );

    std::unique_ptr< LIB_PIN > pin( new LIB_PIN( aPart.get() ) );

    wxString name, number;

    parseUnquotedString( name, aReader, line, &line );
    parseUnquotedString( number, aReader, line, &line );

    pin->SetName( name );
    pin->SetPinNumFromString( number );

    wxPoint pos;

    pos.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    pos.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    pin->SetPosition( pos );
    pin->SetLength( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    pin->SetOrientation( parseChar( aReader, line, &line ) );
    pin->SetNumberTextSize( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    pin->SetNameTextSize( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    pin->SetUnit( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    pin->SetConvert( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    char type = parseChar( aReader, line, &line );

    wxString attributes;

    // Optional
    parseUnquotedString( attributes, aReader, line, &line, true );

    switch( type )
    case 'I':
        pin->SetType( PIN_INPUT );

    case 'O':
        pin->SetType( PIN_OUTPUT );

    case 'B':
        pin->SetType( PIN_BIDI );

    case 'T':
        pin->SetType( PIN_TRISTATE );

    case 'P':
        pin->SetType( PIN_PASSIVE );

    case 'U':
        pin->SetType( PIN_UNSPECIFIED );

    case 'W':
        pin->SetType( PIN_POWER_IN );

    case 'w':
        pin->SetType( PIN_POWER_OUT );

    case 'C':
        pin->SetType( PIN_OPENCOLLECTOR );

    case 'E':
        pin->SetType( PIN_OPENEMITTER );

    case 'N':
        pin->SetType( PIN_NC );

        SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "unknown pin type", aReader, line );

    if( !attributes.IsEmpty() )       /* Special Symbol defined */
            INVERTED        = 1 << 0,
            CLOCK           = 1 << 1,
            LOWLEVEL_IN     = 1 << 2,
            LOWLEVEL_OUT    = 1 << 3,
            FALLING_EDGE    = 1 << 4,
            NONLOGIC        = 1 << 5

        int flags = 0;

        for( int j = attributes.size(); j > 0; )
            switch( attributes[--j].GetValue() )
            case '~':

            case 'N':
                pin->SetVisible( false );

            case 'I':
                flags |= INVERTED;

            case 'C':
                flags |= CLOCK;

            case 'L':
                flags |= LOWLEVEL_IN;

            case 'V':
                flags |= LOWLEVEL_OUT;

            case 'F':
                flags |= FALLING_EDGE;

            case 'X':
                flags |= NONLOGIC;

                SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "unknown pin attribute", aReader, line );

        switch( flags )
        case 0:
            pin->SetShape( PINSHAPE_LINE );

        case INVERTED:
            pin->SetShape( PINSHAPE_INVERTED );

        case CLOCK:
            pin->SetShape( PINSHAPE_CLOCK );

        case INVERTED | CLOCK:
            pin->SetShape( PINSHAPE_INVERTED_CLOCK );

        case LOWLEVEL_IN:
            pin->SetShape( PINSHAPE_INPUT_LOW );

        case LOWLEVEL_IN | CLOCK:
            pin->SetShape( PINSHAPE_CLOCK_LOW );

        case LOWLEVEL_OUT:
            pin->SetShape( PINSHAPE_OUTPUT_LOW );

        case FALLING_EDGE:
            pin->SetShape( PINSHAPE_FALLING_EDGE_CLOCK );

        case NONLOGIC:
            pin->SetShape( PINSHAPE_NONLOGIC );

            SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "pin attributes do not define a valid pin shape", aReader, line );

    return pin.release();

LIB_POLYLINE* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadPolyLine(std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                                     LINE_READER &aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_MSG( strCompare( "P", line, &line ), NULL, "Invalid LIB_POLYLINE definition" );

    std::unique_ptr< LIB_POLYLINE > polyLine( new LIB_POLYLINE( aPart.get() ) );

    int points = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    polyLine->SetUnit( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    polyLine->SetConvert( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    polyLine->SetWidth( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    wxPoint pt;

    for( int i = 0; i < points; i++ )
        pt.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
        pt.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
        polyLine->AddPoint( pt );

    if( *line != 0 )
        polyLine->SetFillMode( parseFillMode( aReader, line, &line ) );

    return polyLine.release();

LIB_BEZIER* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadBezier( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                                 LINE_READER&            aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_MSG( strCompare( "B", line, &line ), NULL, "Invalid LIB_BEZIER definition" );

    std::unique_ptr< LIB_BEZIER > bezier( new LIB_BEZIER( aPart.get() ) );

    int points = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
    bezier->SetUnit( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    bezier->SetConvert( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );
    bezier->SetWidth( parseInt( aReader, line, &line ) );

    wxPoint pt;

    for( int i = 0; i < points; i++ )
        pt.x = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
        pt.y = parseInt( aReader, line, &line );
        bezier->AddPoint( pt );

    if( *line != 0 )
        bezier->SetFillMode( parseFillMode( aReader, line, &line ) );

    return bezier.release();

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::loadFootprintFilters( std::unique_ptr< LIB_PART >& aPart,
                                                    LINE_READER&            aReader )
    const char* line = aReader.Line();

    wxCHECK_RET( strCompare( "$FPLIST", line, &line ), "Invalid footprint filter list" );

    line = aReader.ReadLine();

    while( line )
        if( strCompare( "$ENDFPLIST", line, &line ) )

        wxString footprint;

        parseUnquotedString( footprint, aReader, line, &line );
        aPart->GetFootPrints().Add( footprint );
        line = aReader.ReadLine();

    SCH_PARSE_ERROR( "file ended prematurely while loading footprint filters", aReader, line );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::Save( bool aSaveDocFile )
    if( !m_isModified )

    std::unique_ptr< FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER > formatter( new FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER( m_libFileName.GetFullPath() ) );
    formatter->Print( 0, "%s %d.%d\n", LIBFILE_IDENT, LIB_VERSION_MAJOR, LIB_VERSION_MINOR );
    formatter->Print( 0, "#encoding utf-8\n");

    for( LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it = m_aliases.begin();  it != m_aliases.end();  it++ )
        if( !it->second->IsRoot() )

        it->second->GetPart()->Save( *formatter.get() );

    formatter->Print( 0, "#\n#End Library\n" );

    m_fileModTime = m_libFileName.GetModificationTime();
    m_isModified = false;

    if( aSaveDocFile )

    wxFileName docFileName = m_libFileName;

    docFileName.SetExt( DOC_EXT );
    FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER formatter( docFileName.GetFullPath() );

    formatter.Print( 0, "%s\n", DOCFILE_IDENT );

    for( LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it = m_aliases.begin();  it != m_aliases.end();  it++ )
        it->second->SaveDoc( formatter );

    formatter.Print( 0, "#\n#End Doc Library\n" );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::DeleteAlias( const wxString& aAliasName )
    LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it = m_aliases.find( aAliasName );

    if( it == m_aliases.end() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "library %s does not contain an alias %s" ),
                                          m_libFileName.GetFullName(), aAliasName ) );

    LIB_ALIAS*  alias = it->second;
    LIB_PART*   part = alias->GetPart();

    alias = part->RemoveAlias( alias );

    if( !alias )
        delete part;

        if( m_aliases.size() > 1 )
            LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator next = it;

            if( next == m_aliases.end() )
                next = m_aliases.begin();

            alias = next->second;

    m_aliases.erase( it );
    m_isModified = true;

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE::DeleteSymbol( const wxString& aAliasName )
    LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it = m_aliases.find( aAliasName );

    if( it == m_aliases.end() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "library %s does not contain an alias %s" ),
                                          m_libFileName.GetFullName(), aAliasName ) );

    LIB_ALIAS*  alias = it->second;
    LIB_PART*   part = alias->GetPart();

    wxArrayString aliasNames = part->GetAliasNames();

    // Deleting all of the aliases deletes the symbol from the library.
    for( size_t i = 0;  i < aliasNames.Count(); i++ )
        DeleteAlias( aliasNames[i] );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::cacheLib( const wxString& aLibraryFileName )
    if( !m_cache || !m_cache->IsFile( aLibraryFileName ) || m_cache->IsFileChanged() )
        // a spectacular episode in memory management:
        delete m_cache;
        m_cache = new SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE( aLibraryFileName );

        // Because m_cache is rebuilt, increment PART_LIBS::s_modify_generation
        // to modify the hash value that indicate component to symbol links
        // must be updated.

        if( !isBuffering( m_props ) )

bool SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::writeDocFile( const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    std::string propName( SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::PropNoDocFile );

    if( aProperties && aProperties->find( propName ) != aProperties->end() )
        return false;

    return true;

bool SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::isBuffering( const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    return ( aProperties && aProperties->Exists( SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::PropBuffering ) );

int SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::GetModifyHash() const
    if( m_cache )
        return m_cache->GetModifyHash();

    // If the cache hasn't been loaded, it hasn't been modified.
    return 0;

size_t SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::GetSymbolLibCount( const wxString&   aLibraryPath,
                                             const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO toggle;

    m_props = aProperties;

    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );

    return m_cache->m_aliases.size();

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::EnumerateSymbolLib( wxArrayString&    aAliasNameList,
                                            const wxString&   aLibraryPath,
                                            const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.

    m_props = aProperties;

    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );

    const LIB_ALIAS_MAP& aliases = m_cache->m_aliases;

    for( LIB_ALIAS_MAP::const_iterator it = aliases.begin();  it != aliases.end();  ++it )
        aAliasNameList.Add( it->first );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::EnumerateSymbolLib( std::vector<LIB_ALIAS*>& aAliasList,
                                            const wxString&   aLibraryPath,
                                            const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.

    m_props = aProperties;

    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );

    const LIB_ALIAS_MAP& aliases = m_cache->m_aliases;

    for( LIB_ALIAS_MAP::const_iterator it = aliases.begin();  it != aliases.end();  ++it )
        aAliasList.push_back( it->second );

LIB_ALIAS* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::LoadSymbol( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aAliasName,
                                          const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.

    m_props = aProperties;

    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );

    LIB_ALIAS_MAP::const_iterator it = m_cache->m_aliases.find( aAliasName );

    if( it == m_cache->m_aliases.end() )
        return NULL;

    return it->second;

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::SaveSymbol( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const LIB_PART* aSymbol,
                                    const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    m_props = aProperties;

    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );

    m_cache->AddSymbol( aSymbol );

    if( !isBuffering( aProperties ) )
        m_cache->Save( writeDocFile( aProperties ) );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::DeleteAlias( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aAliasName,
                                     const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    m_props = aProperties;

    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );

    m_cache->DeleteAlias( aAliasName );

    if( !isBuffering( aProperties ) )
        m_cache->Save( writeDocFile( aProperties ) );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::DeleteSymbol( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aAliasName,
                                      const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    m_props = aProperties;

    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );

    m_cache->DeleteSymbol( aAliasName );

    if( !isBuffering( aProperties ) )
        m_cache->Save( writeDocFile( aProperties ) );

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::CreateSymbolLib( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
                                         const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    if( wxFileExists( aLibraryPath ) )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format(
            _( "symbol library '%s' already exists, cannot create a new library" ),
            aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );

    LOCALE_IO toggle;

    m_props = aProperties;

    delete m_cache;
    m_cache = new SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE( aLibraryPath );
    m_cache->Save( writeDocFile( aProperties ) );
    m_cache->Load();    // update m_writable and m_mod_time

bool SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::DeleteSymbolLib( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
                                         const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    wxFileName fn = aLibraryPath;

    if( !fn.FileExists() )
        return false;

    // Some of the more elaborate wxRemoveFile() crap puts up its own wxLog dialog
    // we don't want that.  we want bare metal portability with no UI here.
    if( wxRemove( aLibraryPath ) )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "library '%s' cannot be deleted" ),
                                          aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );

    if( m_cache && m_cache->IsFile( aLibraryPath ) )
        delete m_cache;
        m_cache = 0;

    return true;

void SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::SaveLibrary( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    if( !m_cache )
        m_cache = new SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_CACHE( aLibraryPath );

    wxString oldFileName = m_cache->GetFileName();

    if( !m_cache->IsFile( aLibraryPath ) )
        m_cache->SetFileName( aLibraryPath );

    // This is a forced save.
    m_cache->Save( writeDocFile( aProperties ) );
    m_cache->SetFileName( oldFileName );

const char* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::PropBuffering = "buffering";
const char* SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN::PropNoDocFile = "no_doc_file";

 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2016 CERN
 * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
 * @author Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <sch_io_mgr.h>

class KIWAY;
class SCH_SHEET;
class SCH_LINE;
class SCH_TEXT;
class SCH_FIELD;
class LIB_PART;
class PART_LIB;
class LIB_ALIAS;

 * is a #SCH_PLUGIN derivation for loading schematic files created before the new
 * s-expression file format.
 * The legacy parser and formatter attempt to be compatible with the legacy file format.
 * The original parser was very forgiving in that it would parse only part of a keyword.
 * So "$C", "$Co", and "$Com" could be used for "$Comp" and the old parser would allow
 * this.  This parser is not that forgiving and sticks to the legacy file format document.
 * As with all SCH_PLUGINs there is no UI dependencies i.e. windowing calls allowed.

    virtual ~SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN();

    const wxString GetName() const override
        return wxT( "Eeschema-Legacy" );

    const wxString GetFileExtension() const override
        return wxT( "sch" );

     * const char* PropBuffering
     * is a property used internally by the plugin to enable cache buffering which prevents
     * the library file from being written every time the cache is changed.  This is useful
     * when writing the schematic cache library file or saving a library to a new file name.
    static const char* PropBuffering;

     * const char* PropBuffering
     * is a property used internally by the plugin to disable writing the library
     * documentation (.dcm) file when saving the library cache.
    static const char* PropNoDocFile;

    int GetModifyHash() const override;

    SCH_SHEET* Load( const wxString& aFileName, KIWAY* aKiway,
                     SCH_SHEET* aAppendToMe = NULL, const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;

    void Save( const wxString& aFileName, SCH_SCREEN* aScreen, KIWAY* aKiway,
               const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;

    void Format( SCH_SCREEN* aScreen );

    size_t GetSymbolLibCount( const wxString&   aLibraryPath,
                              const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;
    void EnumerateSymbolLib( wxArrayString&    aAliasNameList,
                             const wxString&   aLibraryPath,
                             const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;
    void EnumerateSymbolLib( std::vector<LIB_ALIAS*>& aAliasList,
                             const wxString&   aLibraryPath,
                             const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;
    LIB_ALIAS* LoadSymbol( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aAliasName,
                           const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;
    void SaveSymbol( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const LIB_PART* aSymbol,
                     const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;
    void DeleteAlias( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aAliasName,
                      const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;
    void DeleteSymbol( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aAliasName,
                       const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;
    void CreateSymbolLib( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
                          const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;
    bool DeleteSymbolLib( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
                          const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;
    void SaveLibrary( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL ) override;

    void loadHierarchy( SCH_SHEET* aSheet );
    void loadHeader( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader, SCH_SCREEN* aScreen );
    void loadPageSettings( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader, SCH_SCREEN* aScreen );
    void loadFile( const wxString& aFileName, SCH_SCREEN* aScreen );
    SCH_SHEET* loadSheet( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader );
    SCH_BITMAP* loadBitmap( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader );
    SCH_JUNCTION* loadJunction( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader );
    SCH_NO_CONNECT* loadNoConnect( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader );
    SCH_LINE* loadWire( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader );
    SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE* loadBusEntry( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader );
    SCH_TEXT* loadText( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader );
    SCH_COMPONENT* loadComponent( FILE_LINE_READER& aReader );

    void saveComponent( SCH_COMPONENT* aComponent );
    void saveField( SCH_FIELD* aField );
    void saveBitmap( SCH_BITMAP* aBitmap );
    void saveSheet( SCH_SHEET* aSheet );
    void saveJunction( SCH_JUNCTION* aJunction );
    void saveNoConnect( SCH_NO_CONNECT* aNoConnect );
    void saveBusEntry( SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE* aBusEntry );
    void saveLine( SCH_LINE* aLine );
    void saveText( SCH_TEXT* aText );

    void cacheLib( const wxString& aLibraryFileName );
    bool writeDocFile( const PROPERTIES* aProperties );
    bool isBuffering( const PROPERTIES* aProperties );

    int               m_version;    ///< Version of file being loaded.
    wxString          m_error;      ///< For throwing exceptions
    wxString          m_path;       ///< Root project path for loading child sheets.
    const PROPERTIES* m_props;      ///< Passed via Save() or Load(), no ownership, may be NULL.
    KIWAY*            m_kiway;      ///< Required for path to legacy component libraries.
    SCH_SHEET*        m_rootSheet;  ///< The root sheet of the schematic being loaded..
    FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER* m_out;    ///< The output formatter for saving SCH_SCREEN objects.

    /// initialize PLUGIN like a constructor would.
    void init( KIWAY* aKiway, const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );

#endif  // _SCH_LEGACY_PLUGIN_H_
 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx>
 * Copyright (C) 2015 KiCad Developers, see CHANGELOG.TXT for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include <kicad_curl/kicad_curl_easy.h>

#include <cstddef>
#include <exception>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <richio.h>

static size_t write_callback( void* contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp )
    size_t realsize = size * nmemb;

    std::string* p = (std::string*) userp;

    p->append( (const char*) contents, realsize );

    return realsize;

    m_headers( NULL )
    // Call KICAD_CURL::Init() from in here everytime, but only the first time
    // will incur any overhead.  This strategy ensures that libcurl is never loaded
    // unless it is needed.


    m_CURL = curl_easy_init();

    if( !m_CURL )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( "Unable to initialize CURL session" );

    curl_easy_setopt( m_CURL, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_callback );
    curl_easy_setopt( m_CURL, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void*) &m_buffer );
    // To be able to connect to a https server regardless the certificate issues
    curl_easy_setopt( m_CURL, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L);

    if( m_headers )
        curl_slist_free_all( m_headers );

    curl_easy_cleanup( m_CURL );

void KICAD_CURL_EASY::Perform()
    if( m_headers )
        curl_easy_setopt( m_CURL, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, m_headers );

    // bonus: retain worst case memory allocation, should re-use occur

    CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform( m_CURL );

    if( res != CURLE_OK )
        std::string msg = StrPrintf( "curl_easy_perform()=%d: %s",
                            res, GetErrorText( res ).c_str() );
        THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );

Follow ups
