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Re: [PATCH] LIB_TABLE tweaks


On 2017-11-16 05:00 AM, Fabrizio Tappero wrote:
I have deleted the lib table and let kicad propose the new one so now all is fine.Â
The only problem I experienced is that the "RESCUE" rename action has 
screwed up all my schematics. Thank god git was made.
Make sure you do *not* have a / character at the end of the paths for the 
KICAD_PTEMPLATES and KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR environment variables. When you start 
KiCad you can find these variables and their paths under Prerences -> 
Configure Paths. If you see a trailing / in either, or both, of these 
environment variables remove that final /.
If you did have the trailing / in the paths of these variables you need to 
roll back the projects to a previously known good version. You can then open 
them with the latest version of KiCad and go through the remap process.
This is a known issue that needs to be fixed before 5.0 is released.

On a side note, you might see a trailing / for the KISYS3DMOD environment variable. That is there by default when you first run KiCad. I would remove that extra character for consistency. So far I have not noticed any negative effects when the path for KISYS3DMOD ends with a / character.


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