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Message #32444
Re: Some thoughts on symbol remapping
the "edit component links to symbols in libraries" tool (most cumbersome
dialog name ever!) produces the good oil
[image: Inline image 1]
Which leads to the questions:
a) Why have two tools which (claim to) perform the same actions?
b) Why does only one of them work?
On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 10:05 AM, Oliver Walters <
oliver.henry.walters@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Wayne,
> Here is the issue I am facing. Maybe I have misunderstood the process, or
> maybe I have found a bug.
> 1. Load simple legacy project and attempt to remap. Failures across the
> board.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> 2. Check the sym-lib-table
> [image: Inline image 2]
> 3. Confirm that the symbols do actually exist in the loaded libs
> [image: Inline image 3]
> 4. No dice
> [image: Inline image 4]
> 5. Try again?
> [image: Inline image 5]
> 6. Weep, etc
> What am I doing wrong?
> Oliver
> On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 10:41 AM, Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> On 12/13/2017 01:56 AM, Oliver Walters wrote:
>> > I finally had a chance to try the symbol remapping on a real project,
>> > and I have a few thoughts on how I think it could be improved from a
>> > users perspective (with code to back up my thoughts!)
>> >
>> > 1. "Remap" should replace "rescue"
>> >
>> > The remap tool, with some work, should replace the "symbol rescue" tool.
>> > There are two major cases which it should cover:
>> >
>> > a) Handling "legacy" (v4 and prior) symbols which do not specify a
>> > library nickname
>> > b) Handling missing libraries or symbols
>> > i) A library has been moved or deleted
>> > ii) An item has been renamed in a library
>> These are two distinctly different processes and need to stay separate.
>> Please do not merge them.
>> >
>> > The rescue tool does not seem to work at all now, with the new
>> > sym-lib-table approach. I think I have come up with a way to combine the
>> > two tools that provides a better approach anyhow.
>> Please explain. The last testing I did, both the legacy and fully
>> defined LIB_ID rescue works as required. Are you saying if you delete
>> or modify a library symbol used in a schematic with a fully defined
>> LIB_ID that is does not get rescued properly from the cache library? If
>> so, please file a bug report so I can fix it.
>> >
>> > 2. Let users "remap" multiple times.
>> >
>> > The current implementation only allows remap if *all* the symbols are
>> > un-mapped. If a partial remap occurs then the users are left high and
>> > dry. Partial remaps should be allowed, this gives the users chance to
>> > fix their library tables or whatever.
>> I'm not opposed to this but only for symbols that do not already have a
>> library nickname assigned to the schematic symbol LIB_ID. Once a symbol
>> is remapped and mapping is correct, the only other valid operation is to
>> choose a new symbol. I would reject any change that fell back to
>> looking up symbols by name alone (no library). This was the entire
>> point of the remapping and would reintroduce the bug that has been
>> around since the beginning of the project.
>> >
>> > 3. Separate project-remap from symbol-remap
>> >
>> > The regeneration of library tables should be separate from symbol
>> > remapping. Rescue the project once, (with a visible warning to user at
>> > first project load, as is currently the case). But, allow symbol remap
>> > from the menu at any stage (even if there are no symbols to remap!)
>> This will likely not work because more often than not, successful
>> remapping depends on the project specific symbol libraries not just the
>> global symbol libraries. This is why the remapping utility first
>> creates a project specific symbol library table based upon the libraries
>> it needs (contains symbols used in the schematic) from the old library
>> list. Keep in mind, the remapping does not just look for the first
>> occurrence of a symbol with a given name in the symbol library table
>> (that would be broken), it actually matches the full file path and file
>> name from the symbol library table to do the mapping. There is a bug
>> where symlinks will get mapped as a different library. I have a fix for
>> that but I have had time to test it.
>> >
>> > 4. Group similar symbols together when remapping
>> >
>> > If a schematic has 100+ 'R' symbols, they should be grouped together so
>> > that they can *all* be remapped at once. Collect similar symbols
>> > together. (See demonstrator image below).
>> Nice but not crucial to the remapping. Sorting could be added to the
>> existing remapping feature as well.
>> >
>> > 5. Allow manual remap selection
>> >
>> > If auto-remapping fails for a particular symbol, allow the user to
>> > select a new symbol manually
>> This isn't really remapping. This is reassigning a library symbol. If
>> a symbol cannot be located in any library in the old library list, there
>> is no way to recover it. This was true before the switch to fully
>> defined LIB_IDs.
>> >
>> > 6. Allow skipping of remapped symbols
>> >
>> > Some may be not able to be remaped at the current time. Allow user to
>> > skip and come back later.
>> Do you really want listen to users scream about broken symbol links?
>> Keep in mind, once the remapping is complete, all of the old libraries
>> from the symbol library table are removed from the project files so they
>> are no longer available for future remapping which will almost certainly
>> lead to issues. I will reject keeping the old library list in tact as
>> it was part of the original issue.
>> >
>> > 7. Provide a dry-run first and let the user see what is happening.
>> I'm fine with a dry run feature. I had it on my todo list but if you
>> get to it before I do. My feelings wont be hurt.
>> >
>> >
>> > I have actually implemented all of the points above. See demonstrator
>> > images here:
>> >
>> > A) Dry run with explicit output messages, and information on what will
>> > be changed
>> >
>> > Inline image 1
>> >
>> > B) Success!
>> >
>> > Inline image 2
>> >
>> > If this is a good approach I will spend some more time on this, there
>> > are still some issues to work out. However, It is (to me) a much cleaner
>> > approach.
>> >
>> > Thoughts?
>> >
>> > Oliver
>> >
>> >
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