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Re: Kicad from scratch, with web technologies. Suggestions?


> On Dec 25, 2017, at 12:03 AM, Cerem Cem ASLAN <ceremcem@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> There are a few problems between Kicad and us (me). First, you developers are too arrogant. And your software, Kicad, sucks in many aspects. I can build my own EDA, better than yours, there is no need for Kicad.
> Yeah, that was what I was thinking for the last 1.5 years and that's corrected a few days ago: https://forum.kicad.info/t/kicad-from-scratch-with-web-technologies/8962 I realized that "those people" were not developers at all, so there was a total misunderstanding on my side. "Kicad sucks"? Nope, every application might have problems. I'm a developer, an engineer, I know that. Sending bug reports and/or sending patches is one of our responsibility as a user (and this is what I did for our workflow: https://github.com/aktos-io/kicad-tools, https://github.com/aktos-io/kicad-install) . 

Just so the developers know, this troll posted his screed on the Kicad.info users’ forum the other day. He conveniently provided a link, and I encourage everyone to spend a few minutes reading through it. 

Happy holidays!
