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Re: rc2


Le 03/04/2018 à 00:42, Wayne Stambaugh a écrit :
> Things have quieted down quit a bit so we should be close to an rc2
> release.  I saw a 3D viewer crash report but it looks like it might be a
> video driver issue.  Are there any other outstanding issues we need to
> fix before rc2 is tagged?  Please note, rc2 is going to be the UI string
> freeze so no UI string changes other than spelling errors after rc2.  If
> you have any UI string changes, now is the time.  Thanks again everyone
> for stepping up and squashing bugs for rc2.  Hopefully, there wont be a
> lot of critical bugs and we can roll out v5 by the end of April.
> Cheers,
> Wayne

I know 2 non critical bugs, but annoying bugs, in Pcbnew:
1 - In GAL mode, when selecting a zone outline (for instance to edit this zone parameters), and
deselecting it, it is always refilled, even if no change is made.
2 - The Footprint Wizard Library allows downloading and using libraries on Github.
It works only for V4 libraries.
Is is no longer compatible with the V5 footprint libraries on Github.
It can create serious mistakes for users.
(Perhaps the easy way is just to disable the Github library management)

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS

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