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Re: New Footprint libs and wizard issues


I know its not the most elegant solution, but it is actually quite convenient. Just checking so that this tiny improvement isnt lost :)

On 2018-04-08 00:42, kristoffer Ödmark wrote:
Agreed, hereis a patch for that :)

- Kristoffer

On 2018-04-06 17:18, Kevin Cozens wrote:
On 2018-04-06 06:30 AM, kristoffer Ödmark wrote:
Attached is a patch that adds support for custom environment paths. Previously the wizard would only accept KISYSMOD, KIPRJMOD and the github one.
I added MYSYSMOD as a custom path ages ago. What I find odd about the 
dialog boxes that let you add paths is that they won't accept lower 
case letters in the name of the environment variable. If you type a 
lowercase letter nothing happens on the screen. If it doesn't want 
lowercase it should force what you entered to uppercase when you are 
done entering the variable name.
