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Re: Boost namespace issues with unit tests


Le 12/01/2019 à 02:14, John Beard a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have been alerted to some issues with the Boost-y unit tests. Nick
> has helped me get set up with an Ubuntu build in docker.
> I have tracked down the issues that caused compilation failures on old
> GCC versions. It is because GCC <7 does not support the following
> without at least an -fpermssive warning:
> template<> struct boost::test_tools::print_log_value<TYPE>
> {
>     operator() (...){...}
> }
> Instead, you have to use the pre-C++11 namespace syntax:
> namespace boost {
> namespace test_tools {
>    template<> struct print_log_value<TYPE>
>    { ... }
> } }
> This would be OK, if verbose, but it is compounded by the problem that
> in Boost 1.58 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS), the namespace is boost::test_tools
> and from 1.59, it is boost::test_tools:tt_detail. Having *either* two
> or three braced levels makes this hard to do without horrible macros.
> So, I propose to use the other way of printing in Boost tests: a free
> operator<<:
> std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Type& aThing )
> { ... }
> This is slightly crusty, in that it's putting a free operator<< out
> there that's not in the original library, but it is isolated and
> contained only in the test code.
>>From Boost 1.64, the customisation point boost_test_print_type is
> introduced, which allows to not clutter up the namespace with stray
> operator<< functions. Once we get to that minimum Boost version*, it's
> then a simple change over to:
> std::ostream& boost_test_print_type( std::ostream& os, const Type& aThing )
> { ... }
> Attached is a patch to implement free operator<< logging for the only
> problematic logger (for BOX2I). This is followed by the reversion of
> decc7ed88, which should no longer be required.
> I have checked this on GCC 8.2.1 and the Ubuntu build docker image.
> JP, could you check this works on whatever system threw the error for
> you?
> Cheers,
> John
> * Also, once min Boost is >=1.59, lots of other hackish macros to work
> around missing functions become superfluous, which will be nice!
> Notably, Ubuntu LTS 18.04 uses Boost 1.65.

Thanks, John,

Your fix works fine.
I tested it on W7 32bits (boost 1.63) and Linux Kubuntu 14.04 lts (boost

I committed it.

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
