I've been recently playing with Victor's huge 32-layer PCB design and
trying to improve the performance of pcbnew for larger designs. This
board causes even pretty decent PCs to crash/render glitches due to
pcbnew's enormous VBO (Vertex Buffer) memory consumption.
It turns out it's caused by the way KiCad renders filled zones:
- the inside of a zone is drawn/plotted as a filled polygon with
boundary. This one not a problem - we already triangulate the polygons
and I recently developed a patch for the OpenGL GAL that allows reusing
vertices of triangulated polys in the VBO/Index buffer to further
memory footprint.
- the thick outline is drawn with rounded segments with the width =
minimum width of the polygon. Since we don't have arcs in polygons,
of round features (e.g. vias) surrounded by a zone gets a ton of tiny
segments in the polygon outline. Each rounded segment in OpenGL is
composed of 2 triangles, hence 6 vertices (that can't be reused...).
Victor's board it means 1 GB (sic!) of the VBO goes for outlines of the
polygons alone. Disabling the outline drawing makes the renderer work
smooth again.