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Re: [Feature Idea] A disable toggle on hierarchical sheets


On 3/21/20 10:33 AM, Seth Hillbrand wrote:
> On 2020-03-20 08:01, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I am trying to use the same hierarchical schematic and product two
>> board files.  So my
>> plan is to have a symlink for the board file which can point to either
>> of the two boards,
>> depending on which I am currently working on.
> Hi Dick-
> I'm hoping that we can explicitly deprecate sharing files between 
> projects in favor of an in-KiCad solution for reusing design blocks.  
> Having this functionality external to KiCad, as is the case with shared 
> files, can cause lots of problems (cached references, changes in one 
> project, etc) and requires the user to explicitly configure their 
> filesystem to support this.
> Best-
> Seth

The write up I provided spoke of only one project, producing multiple boards.  So you are
not following my write up as I intended it, and then to mark it a duplicate without even
understanding it is not helpful.

Remember now that it is possible to save the schematic netlist file to <any_filename>.net.
 Remember that it is possible to pcbnew standalone using any board name, and then a person
may load a netlist file of any name into that board file.

In fact, the netlist file could come from any non KiCad source, as long as its in one of
the compatible formats.

So your initial comments were so far off base, that frankly I was gobsmacked, completely
at a loss for words.  Perhaps you either did not spend enough time reading what I wrote,
or perhaps my writing was far poorer than I thought. I was extremely frustrated, because
frankly, this in my opinion was the best idea I've had for KiCad in 10 years.  And I've
had a lot of good ideas WRT to KiCad, thousands of them.

As to your sentence:

"I'm hoping that we can explicitly deprecate sharing files between
projects in favor of an in-KiCad solution for reusing design blocks."

This is an incomprehensible sentence for me, only because I would react that way to any
sentence with sufficient ambiguity in it.
