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Some V6 features


Hi all,

There were a couple features mentioned in KiCon 2020 q&a session that are
apparently planned to be in v6 but it was a surprise for me since I'm
closely following these and even directly involved (or I thought I was) in
one of them.

I'd appreciate some info. I know Seth is working on these but I can't seem
to reach him by email so I'm trying the broader mailing list.

1. The stable python API. Is there a spec for it? I didn't see a discussion
for it on the mailing list. As an author of one of the popular plugins I'd
like to start looking into it early and provide feedback if possible.
Also I'm assuming this is about pcbnew api only, as eeschema api was pushed
to 7.0 https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues/2077

2. Plugin manager. If you recall last year I started a design doc for my
vision of this feature and I admittedly dropped the ball on it for a while
and, well, 2020 happened. But I've been chipping away at it and got pretty
far. I even have a gui mock up almost ready.
Link to the doc can be provided to interested parties but I was asked to
not share it broadly until it gets initial approval by the core team.

Hearing that you are close to merging your own implementation means I
shouldn't continue with my work? I'm assuming you are close because it is
supposedly on ff-exception list.
Is the documentation for your implementation available somewhere? Again, it
was not mentioned on the mailing list so maybe I'm not subscribed to the
right sources.

Andrew Lutsenko

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