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Re: Docs for stable 4.0.6



Am 19.02.2017 um 01:38 schrieb Wayne Stambaugh:
>> I also tried to work on Pcbnew for some time. But a few more days I will
>> probably need.
> The goal is to release Saturday, February 25th.  Please let me know if
> that is not enough time.

due really a lack of free time the past two weeks I was only able to
prepare localized screenshots for the Pcbnew manual. I'm sitting right
now on the proof reading of the manual, or better, I'm trying to get it
done until tomorrow.

I'll need two more days please to get it done for the Pcbnew manual. As
kicad-doc isn't tagged yet can we delay it until tomorrow ~ 8pm CET?

Carsten Schoenert

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