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Re: Turkish translation


Hello Özcan,

Am 10.02.2018 um 21:57 schrieb Marco Ciampa:
> Here for the program translation:
> https://github.com/kicad/

I'd suggest to start working on the translation for the KiCad programs
and tools as this would have the highest gain for Turkish users of KiCad
because the manuals have compared to this a significant higher impact of
workload if you start from scratch.
People tend to get easier in touch with a new program if they have a
working translated GUI in front.

> Here for the manuals translation:
> https://github.com/kicad/kicad-doc

The KiCad Documentation is right now (again before a new main release) a
bit of a moving target and it's probably better to let people finally
update the English master before starting some work here.

But there is no rule to do things first, pick the one you like to do.

Carsten Schoenert
