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Re: Getting started with kicad not found


Am 24.02.19 um 11:12 schrieb Alfrede:
> Okay thankyou for the Tip,
> it works, but why is the documentation an extra package? I thougt when i 
> install kicad from a development ppa that i get all lately packages 
> included the new documentation.

I can't finally speak for packages maintained in Ubuntu, but as Ubuntu
is based completely on Debian the rules are quite the same.

You probably need to understand what the fields 'Depends', 'Recommends'
and 'Suggests' (and some more) are made for.

As usual there is a policy written for almost everything in Debian and
Ubuntu too (I guess).


> The Documentation which installs when i do
> sudo apt-get install kicad-doc-de
> is
> kicad-doc-de_201804090748+1378~17~ubuntu18.04.1_all.deb
> i only want to understand the why it's no critic in the package or the 
> method.

Why should this?
Is the documentation really needed to work technically with KiCad? If
all maintainer would follow your logic all headless installations would
also get a lot useless packages installed. There is a reason why the
package format has more than a additional field 'Depends'.

If you are not sure it's a good advice to first read the package
description for further information. And also try to have a look into
/usr/share/doc/$package to find mostly more information.

Carsten Schoenert
