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Library convention for symbols


Hi people,

There is some stuff left to do in the library about symbols. I had not
gotten to it yet, so here are my first ideas for the missing sections:

2. Symbol Library Names (.lib files)

2.1. Category of parts, may be shortened for common components. ex:
"Microcontrollers", etc.
2.2. Manufacturer.

4. Symbol Names

4.1. Name of symbol, may be shortened for common components. ex: "Cap",
"Connector", etc.
4.2. Manufacturer.
4.3. Part number. (JEDEC)
4.4. Any modification to the original footprint, indicated by appending the
reason. Ex: different pin count: "LT1129_8pins", different pin ordering:
4.5. Indication of quantity if symbol is an array. ex: resistor array:

Any comments, or something missing?



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