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kicad-lib-committers team
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Message #00279
Re: [Kicad-developers] VRML tools branch
[Cross-posting from kicad-developers]
On Thu, 2014-12-04 at 10:06 +1100, Cirilo Bernardo wrote:
> Has anyone had some time to check out the VRML tools branch?
I have had a quick look at this, and it looks very interesting. I think
it will be a powerful way to generate large numbers of parametric models
in a way that is easy to distribute (size-wise) and easy to contribute
improvements to and version.
> Despite the large amount of added files, the only main branch files
> which
> have been touched are CMakeLists.txt, utils/CMakeLists.txt, and
> CMakeModules/download_boost.cmake
The reason I am cross-posting this to the library list is that I think
it might make more sense to place this standalone tool in the library
repository, rather than the main codebase. My reasoning is that the
results of this code will be placed alongside the models in the normal
3d model library.
Additionally, the people who are most likely to contribute to this code
are those already contributing to the libraries. As this happening on
Github, it would be an unfortunate barrier to hide this code in a utils
directory on Launchpad. Also, I think that the extremely friendly Github
pull request system would lend itself better to contributions to this
than emailed patches to a list, as we see in the symbol and footprint
Either way, I think this code belongs in KiCad _somewhere_, and I'm
looking forward to using it more.