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Message #00474
Re: Inductors and Chokes
Le 16/01/2017 à 19:01, Jan Krieger a écrit :
> Am 16.01.2017 um 18:53 schrieb jp charras:
>> Le 16/01/2017 à 18:36, Jan Krieger a écrit :
>>> Dear all!
>>> I'm currently trying to rework the chokes/Inductors in the kicad-lib, as I already did for
>>> resistors, capacitors and diodes. This will include three major steps:
>>> 1. rename all inductors/chokes so their names start with L_ so it is easier to match them
>>> 2. create clean and KLC-conforming footprints (using scripts)
>>> 3. create (semi-scripted) 3D models for all new footprints
>>> This went through quite smoothely for caps and resistors, but with the inductors I'm facing problems
>>> with the structure of the libs. Currently we have a mess:
>>> - Choke_Axial_ThroughHole.pretty
>>> - Choke_Common-Mode_Wurth.pretty
>>> - Choke_Radial_ThroughHole.pretty
>>> - Choke_SMD.pretty
>>> - Choke_Toroid_ThroughHole.pretty
>>> - Inductors.pretty
>>> - Inductors_NEOSID.pretty
>>> - Transformers_CHK
>>> - Transformers_SMPS_ThroughHole
>>> I would really like to clean that up ... which would (IMHO leave with this list of repos (and delete
>>> all above repos!):
>>> - Inductors_ThroughHole.pretty
>>> - Inductors_SMD.pretty
>>> - Transformers_ThroughHole.pretty
>>> - Transformers_SMD.pretty
>>> ... just maybe it would make sense to also have the common-mode chokes in separate repos, but I'm
>>> not so sure this is really required!
>>> Yes the libs would then be quite full (few 100 maybe in the case of Inductors_*, but it is then
>>> easier to enforce a naming-scheme and have people know where to submit new components.
>>> What do you think? How can we go about this (generate libs, delete the old ones, or do we simply
>>> rename them "_deprecated" or something?
>>> Best,
>>> JAN
>>> PS: Since I'm currently home with not much to do (still this week ... a flu got me), I could work on
>>> this if we get the repos up and running ... + I already have nice new footprints + 3D models ...
>> Hi Alls,
>> Generally speaking, be *extremely careful* when deleting/renaming existing libraries.
>> Because when doing that, you are breaking the current kicad projects compatibility, which store the
>> library names at least in project config.
>> In the early times of the repos, it was possible.
>> It is now no more acceptable.
>> To break a compatibility, you need to have a *very good reason*.
>> As long is it possible, you have to live with the fact changes in kicad libraries must not break the
>> compatibility.
>> In short: you have to live with the mess.
>> This is my opinion.
> Is at least adding of repos possible?
Obviously yes.
No problem: a new library does not break compatibility.
You can even duplicate footprints between libraries
> Best,
Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
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