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Re: FCAD script generator.


On 02/10/2018 16:24, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
I was playing around with the FCAD script generator project[1] in a
failed attempt to generate a 3D model for a DC to DC converter that I am
creating for a project at work and intent to push to the kicad
libraries.  Are these scripts still being used to create 3D models for
KiCad because I cannot get anything to work correctly using the supplied
documentation.  If someone could point me in the right direction, I
would appreciate it.



You did not provide the link for your [1]

We currently use freecad plus cadquerry for scripting. (We no longer use Wings3d) The scripts can be found here under [1]

The scripts require FreeCad 0.17 or newer. (If you disable geometry checks then you can also use 0.15 and 0.16)  Plus the cadquerry module [2] version 0.5.2 (If i remember correctly then version 1 had problems with the "selectors". I have not worked with these scripts for a while and there are newer releases of cadquerry so it might be that the problem has been fixed.)

All of these are called from the commandline something similar to FreeCad script_name.py parameters.

Scripts that i designed are also directly loadable in the cadquerry workbench. (Examples are the molex scripts. There is a subdirectory cq_models. Load the script via the menu item CadQuerry -> Open Script. This way it is a lot easier to develop the script it self.) The main script in such cases only takes care of creating all (selected) variants and the export process (including the addition of colours.)

The best place to get further help is via an issue at that repo or on the user forum.


Another maybe easier option is to design your 3d file using freecad and then use kicad stepup to export the resulting file for kicad. (It will automatically generate the wrl and step files in the correct scaling and if you choose also with our standard colour scheme.)

The third option is to use whatever 3d modeling program you like (Catia, Siemens NX, Creo, ...), export step, import that step file into freecad and then use stepup to get the wrl/step pair for kicad. Or use the generated step file directly. (The same works with manufacturer supplied 3d models. Here you might need to take a close look at the license of such models.)

For stepup the best place to get more info is the user forum. But i would guess also via an issue over at its github repo: [3] Stepup can be directly installed using the Addon Manager of freecad (tools -> Addon Manager) A cheatsheet can be found under [4]


[1]: https://github.com/easyw/kicad-3d-models-in-freecad/tree/master/cadquery/FCAD_script_generator

[2]: https://github.com/jmwright/cadquery-freecad-module

[3]: https://github.com/easyw/kicadStepUpMod

[4]: https://github.com/easyw/kicadStepUpMod/raw/master/demo/kicadStepUp-cheat-sheet.pdf

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