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Re: [Merge] ubuntu-manual-tests:snap-revisions into ubuntu-manual-tests:main


Review: Needs Information

Diff comments:

> diff --git a/testcases/image/1822_Upgrade_Check_Snap_Revisions b/testcases/image/1822_Upgrade_Check_Snap_Revisions
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..4c79d5b
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/testcases/image/1822_Upgrade_Check_Snap_Revisions
> @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
> +The scope of this test is to ensure that the correct snap tracking is present post release upgrade.
> +
> +For this testcase, it's helpful if the tester is in contact with Ubuntu developers on IRC (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList - channel: #ubuntu-release or #ubuntu-quality). Please paste any relevant terminal output in the box below when submitting your test result.

Why "it's helpful if the tester is in contact with Ubuntu developers"? I suppose the answer is: to know what the expected snap tracking is. But I think there should be a way that does not require asking someone on IRC.

> +
> +<dl>
> +    <dt>Download the iso for the previous LTS release</dt>

What about upgrades between interim releases? Do we always need the previous LTS?

> +    <dt>In a vm, or on hardware, do a basic installation of the previous release</dt>
> +    <dt>Once installed, and all is up to date, get the `ubuntu-release-upgrader` tar from here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader </dt>
> +        <dd>Ensure you have the relevant version of the release upgrader - it must be the version of the release upgrader for the release you are trying to upgrade to - and take the one from -proposed if there is one </dd>
> +    <dt>Run the following, and keep the terminal output:</dt>
> +        <dd>snaps=$(snap list | tail -n +2 | cut -d' ' -f1)</dd>
> +        <dd>for snap in $snaps; do snap info $snap; done</dd>
> +    <dt>Go to the directory where the ubuntu-release-upgrader tar is, and run the following:</dt>
> +        <dd>tar -xf ubuntu-release-upgrader_...</dd>
> +        <dd>cd ubuntu-release-upgrader/</dd>
> +        <dd>Please be aware, at the following step, that you may need additional flags to do-release-upgrade. To garner information on this, please ping on #ubuntu-release on IRC.</dd>
> +        <dd>./do-release-upgrade</dd>
> +        <dd>... Wait for the upgrade to finish</dd>
> +    <dt>Reboot the machine post upgrade.</dt>
> +    <dt>Run the following, and keep the terminal output:</dt>
> +        <dd>snaps=$(snap list | tail -n +2 | cut -d' ' -f1)</dd>
> +        <dd>for snap in $snaps; do snap info $snap; done</dd>
> +    <dt>If the snap tracking is as desired, submit a pass result.</dt>

These tests in general try to make it very clear what the expected outcome is. Here it is difficult to tell...

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