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"precise" packages of kubuntu-backports are gone from PPA


Dear maintainers of the Kubuntu-PPA,

It seems that all packages for Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) are gone from the
kubuntu-backports repository (PPA).

I realise that precise is EoL, hence I fully understand that no new
backports are being built for it anymore. However, why are the
previously-available packages also gone?

Installations of Precise that have used that repository in the past are
now in an uncertain situation, as they cannot reinstall specific packages
if needed. I am running KDE SC 4.14 on two Ubuntu 12.04 systems that I
have installed from the kubuntu-backports PPA. In the present situation, I
am unable to (re)install software that matches my KDE release.

Please consider re-enabling the backports repository for precise. Or at
least move the existing packages to another mirror so that existing
installations can keep functioning.

Thanks for your great work,


Claude Krantz

Zum Pfaffengrund 11
35041 Marburg (DE)

Tel.:   +49 (0) 6421 6979955
E-mail: claude.krantz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Url:    http://findus.homeunix.net/~puma/