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[Question #663838]: (Chinese (Simplified)) ladon used in django problem


A question was asked in a language (Chinese (Simplified)) spoken by
none of the registered ladon answer contacts.


I can't import django model in the "CSPResponseService" which  is my ladon webservice,how can I import? how can I  so

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ladon.server.wsgi import LadonWSGIApplication
import os
from django.utils.log import getLogger

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'project_name.settings'   

application = LadonWSGIApplication(
  [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)],
  catalog_name='OPS APP API',
  catalog_desc='This is the root of my cool webservice catalog'


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import traceback
import datetime
from ladon.ladonizer import ladonize
from ladon.types.ladontype import LadonType
from ladon.compat import PORTABLE_STRING
from django.utils.log import getLogger
from video_upload.models import ShanDongVideoUpload
logger = getLogger( "default" )

class CSPResult(LadonType):
    Result = int
    ErrorDescription = PORTABLE_STRING
class CSPResponseService(object):

    def injectResponse(self,offerId, offerUriId, termUriId, code, reason):
        res = CSPResult()
            obj = ShanDongVideoUpload.objects.get(movie_id=offerId)
            obj.result_notify = code
            obj.offer_uri_id = offerUriId
            obj.term_uri_id = termUriId
        except ShanDongVideoUpload.DoesNotExist, e:
            res.Result = -1
            res.ErrorDescription = "Offerid is not found in database"
            return res
        except Exception,e:
            res.Result = -1
            res.ErrorDescription = "other error"
            return res
        res.Result = 0
        res.ErrorDescription = "success"
        return res

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