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landing-team-changes+1 team
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Message #00299
[stable-overlay] [xenial] unity8 (8.12+16.04.20160617-0ubuntu1)
Uploaded to the Stable Phone Overlay PPA (~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay xenial) archive
Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 01:22:57 +0000
Source: unity8
Binary: indicators-client unity-scope-tool unity8 unity8-common unity8-autopilot unity8-fake-env unity8-private unity8-doc
Architecture: source
Version: 8.12+16.04.20160617-0ubuntu1
Distribution: xenial
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Changed-By: Michael Terry <michael.terry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
indicators-client - Indicators client test application
unity-scope-tool - Development tool for Unity scopes
unity8 - Unity 8 shell
unity8-autopilot - Test package for Unity 8 shell
unity8-common - Unity 8 shell (common files)
unity8-doc - Documentation for Unity8
unity8-fake-env - Fake environment for running Unity 8 shell
unity8-private - Unity 8 private libs
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 1376715 1435923 1489020 1498169 1506708 1510382 1547481 1565103 1565236 1570922 1575147 1580074 1582987 1584348 1586219 1586621 1588335 1588633 1588929 1589060 1590810 1590963
unity8 (8.12+16.04.20160617-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium
[ Michael Terry ]
* Do not create Label/Icon if we don't need it
* Fix Z-ordering of prompt surfaces (LP: #1586219)
* Drop bottom edge tutorials completely and small fixes for other
edges. (LP: #1565103)
* Redo visuals for greeter prompt box. (LP: #1435923)
* Make tutorial qmltests more robust. (LP: #1590810)
* Stop showing an extra lockscreen in desktop unity8 sessions. (LP:
[ Albert Astals Cid ]
* Improve dash plugin mock
* Stabilize PreviewExpandableTest::test_all_widgets_height
* Workaround QTBUG-53460
* Split artShape code for cardTool card and regular card
* Simplify the code since fixedArtSize code is mandatory for regular
* Desktop stage: Support rotatesWindowContents (LP: #1547481)
* Turn if if else into if elseif else
* Fix leaks in QInputDeviceManagerPrivate::addDevice
* Do not call |= on uninitialized sigterm.sa_flags
* initialize udevMonitor
* Make notifier and notifierFd function local variables
* Fix crash if a component that is not an Item is given to
* Tests: Do not use dynamic_cast if we're not going to test it anyway
* Minor coverity fixes
* Fix warning about anchors.fill in ProportionalShape (LP: #1590963)
* Make wait in cleanup() wait for snapTo animation to have finished
[ Alexandros Frantzis ]
* Improve the way notifications interact with power management (LP:
[ Andrea Cimitan ]
* Correctly refresh cardcreator cache on artshapestyle changes (LP:
* Same tweaks we have for click scope now for libertine
* add a timer to pull to refresh to work on small windows (LP:
[ Daniel d'Andrada ]
* Clean up debug leftovers
* Ensure mouse and window movement are pixel-aligned (LP: #1510382)
* Fix SpreadDelegate rotation animations
* No point in version-controlling files that are automatically
* Center cursor on screen when it's first shown
* Custom cursor name just have to start with "custom"
* Work around AnimatedSprite infinite loop bug (LP: #1588929)
[ Josh Arenson ]
* Disable showDash when it is already shown. (LP: #1506708)
* Add a timestamp to the dash log (LP: #1580074)
* Add timestamp to unity8 log (LP: #1498169)
[ Luk???? Tinkl ]
* Implement keyboard shortcuts info panel
* Implement window controls overlay activatable with 3 fingers tap
(LP: #1489020)
* Select correct Chinese input method for OSK in the wizard (LP:
[ Michael Zanetti ]
* Add support for the launcher surface pips displaying the correct
number of surfaces
* Add support for the persistent alert state. (LP: #1575147, #1584348,
* send a Alt-release event on alt+tab instead of delaying it
completely and invoking it later (LP: #1565236)
[ Stephen M. Webb ]
* added a new upstart $SESSION for unity8-desktop-session (LP:
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c89bafcdf0bc660419ae09cbd36fd245ea6d13f223fa19160328e2372c337391 10911762 unity8_8.12+16.04.20160617.orig.tar.gz
906beab0d23f0e343a4fa956d8df68e04d380e70517df5438d6048ed35d923ad 79136 unity8_8.12+16.04.20160617-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
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