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[stable-overlay] webbrowser-app (0.23+15.04.20150729-0ubuntu1)


Uploaded to the Stable Phone Overlay PPA (~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay vivid) archive

Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 13:58:34 +0000
Source: webbrowser-app
Binary: webbrowser-app webapp-container qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras-browser-plugin qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin-assets qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin-doc webbrowser-app-autopilot webapp-container-autopilot
Architecture: source
Version: 0.23+15.04.20150729-0ubuntu1
Distribution: vivid
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Changed-By: CI Train Bot <ci-train-bot@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras-browser-plugin - Ubuntu web QML plugin
 qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin - Ubuntu web QML plugin
 qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin-assets - Ubuntu web QML plugin assets
 qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin-doc - Ubuntu web QML plugin HTML documentation
 webapp-container - Ubuntu web applications container
 webapp-container-autopilot - Ubuntu web applications container autopilot tests
 webbrowser-app - Ubuntu web browser
 webbrowser-app-autopilot - Ubuntu web browser autopilot tests
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 1108742 1259247 1277659 1287361 1309657 1331475 1351147 1351151 1351157 1351177 1351179 1371248 1377953 1389605 1411722 1412732 1441064 1441281 1441551 1441873 1441874 1442190 1442851 1444023 1444139 1444170 1445673 1448336 1448838 1449761 1450154 1451432 1452142 1452998 1453908 1454097 1455207 1455399 1456199 1456885 1457060 1457424 1457925 1457958 1458963 1459956 1463435 1464249 1464333 1471747 1472161 1475621
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.04.20150729-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Ensure a value is always returned by BookmarksModel::addFolder(???).
   * Update icon, per UI specification. (LP: #1412732)
   * When clearing browsing data, confirm action with a dialog, to give
     the user a chance to cancel it. (LP: #1471747)
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150728-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * Resync trunk.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Fix narrowing conversion that makes the build fail with GCC 5. (LP:
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150709.4-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Disable periodic session saving while incognito. The public session
     is unlikely to change significantly while browsing incognito.
   * Prefer target_link_libraries(???) with Qt5:: prefixed modules over
     qt5_use_modules, per documentation at http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/cmake-
   * Speed up a bunch of autopilot tests by not requiring to input and
     validate a URL in the address bar.
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150709.3-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Desktop tabs for convergence. added:
     src/app/webbrowser/NavigationBar.qml src/app/webbrowser/TabsBar.qml
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150708-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   * Resync trunk.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Display the full URL when focusing the address bar. (LP: #1472161)
   * Update translation template.
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150702.1-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   [ Arthur Mello ]
   * Implement bookmark folders (LP: #1351147, #1259247)
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   * Resync trunk.
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150624-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   [ Alberto Mardegan ]
   * Show an error screen if the trust session could not be opened. (LP:
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   * Resync trunk.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Update translation template.
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150618-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   [ Michael Terry ]
   * Fix spelling of OK in private browsing dialog.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Actually push URLs to the clipboard. For some reason setting the
     "text/url-list" mime type doesn???t seem to work (or other
     applications do not implement pasting this kind of data), but
     "text/plain" works well enough for this purpose. (LP: #1463435)
   * Do not honour fullscreen requests silently at the Ubuntu WebView
     level. Instead delegate that behaviour to the webview implementation
     used by the browser and the webapp container. (LP: #1464249)
   * Toggle application-level fullscreen when pressing F11. (LP:
   [ Ugo Riboni ]
   * Make the browser chrome usable on desktop by implementing common
     keyboard shortcuts and behaviors that users normally expect in such
     an app (LP: #1287361)
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150610-0ubuntu2) wily; urgency=medium
   * No-change rebuild against Qt 5.4.2.
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150610-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   [ Alexandre Abreu ]
   * Ensure SAML requests are followed even if the app is interrupted and
     restarted. (LP: #1451432, #1452142)
   * Handle desktop download by forwarding to the default browser (LP:
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Update translation template.
   * Updated bzr ignore rules.
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.10.20150602-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Actually clear the network cache by deleting the correct set of
     files in the correct directory. (LP: #1459956)
   * Bump build dependency on liboxideqt-qmlplugin to 1.6 to fix unit
   * Do not cache favicons on disk when browsing in private mode. (LP:
   * Do not try to remove a file that doesn???t exist.
   * Pass plain strings to the worker script instead of RegExps. (LP:
   * Remove the upstreamcomponents folder, and use components from the
     UITK instead. Add autopilot tests for the new tab view.
   * Update translation template.
   * Updated icon. (LP: #1457424)
   [ Riccardo Padovani ]
   * New tab view refactoring. (LP: #1371248, #1444023, #1351157,
     #1389605, #1442190)
   * New tab view refactoring. (LP: #1371248, #1444023, #1351157,
     #1389605, #1442190)
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.04.20150522.1-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ Arthur Mello ]
   * Implement private browsing mode per design specification. (LP:
     #1351179, #1457925, #1457958)
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   * Resync trunk.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Add Qwant to the default list of search engines. added:
   * Add missing import statement. (LP: #1457060)
   * Delay hiding the tab contents to give it an opportunity to grab an
     up-to-date capture. Improve the tab switching animation to not
     flicker and jump around that much. (LP: #1452998)
   * Ensure the search engine delegates do not overlap with the settings
     header. (LP: #1455399)
   * Fix a flaky autopilot test. On a mobile device with network access,
     the URL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux) might be rewritten to
     https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux, thus making the test racy
     depending on when the check on the webview???s URL is performed. (LP:
   * Make use of the WebContext.maxCacheSizeHint property, introduced in
     Oxide 1.6. This bumps the dependency of qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-
     plugin on liboxideqt-qmlplugin to 1.6. (LP: #1277659)
   * Remove a number of useless calls to QTest::qWait() in unit tests,
     thus making them significantly faster to run.
   * When opening a new blank tab, always clear the address bar. (LP:
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.04.20150515-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * Resync trunk.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Change the homepage in tests so that the domain name doesn???t contain
     a dot, to work around https://launchpad.net/bugs/1108742. (LP:
   * Delay showing the fullscreen hint to prevent it from jumping up
     while the webview is being resized. (LP: #1454097)
   * Look for custom search engines description files in several
     locations. This adds a build dependency on qml-module-qt-labs-
     folderlistmodel, to run unit tests at package construction time.
     (LP: #1455207)
   * Use checkboxes instead of switches for verb phrases, per design
     guidance. (LP: #1442851)
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.04.20150512-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * Resync trunk.
   [ Leo Arias ]
   * Fix the base class used when launching the app in autopilot tests.
   [ Leonardo Arias Fonseca ]
   * Fix the base class used when launching the app in autopilot tests.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Also set XDG_CONFIG_HOME (needed for tests not to override user-
     defined settings).
   * Update translation template.
   * Use the new Oxide APIs to better control visibility of the chrome.
     This bumps the runtime dependency on liboxideqt-qmlplugin to 1.7.
     (LP: #1441064, #1453908)
   [ Riccardo Padovani ]
   * Add support for data: URIs in the address bar, and remove length
     limitation for TLDs. (LP: #1377953, #1441281, #1450154)
   * Add support for data: URIs in the address bar, and remove length
     limitation for TLDs. (LP: #1377953, #1441281, #1450154)
   [ Ugo Riboni ]
   * Add suggestions from search engines in the suggestions list. (LP:
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.04.20150506-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ Arthur Mello ]
   * Change asset for the bottom edge hint. Add text with open tabs
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * Resync trunk. added: po/ia.po
   [ Leo Arias ]
   * Fixed flake8 error. (LP: #1444170)
   [ Leonardo Arias Fonseca ]
   * Fixed flake8 error. (LP: #1444170)
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Remove deprecated compatibility code.
   * Run autopilot tests in a temporary profile directory, to avoid
     polluting the current user???s profile. (LP: #1448838)
   * Save the session periodically to mitigate the situation where
     multiple new tabs had been created when the browser crashes. (LP:
   * Visual feedback for pressed state of chrome buttons and drawer menu
     entries. (LP: #1448336)
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.04.20150430.1-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ Alexandre Abreu ]
   * Add multi-window support for webapps (LP: #1411722)
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   * Resync trunk.
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Update translation template.
 webbrowser-app (0.23+15.04.20150422.1-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ Alexandre Abreu ]
   * Add missing reload button from the webapp container as specified in
     the design document.
   [ CI Train Bot ]
   * New rebuild forced.
   * Resync trunk.
   [ Ken VanDine ]
   * added ShareLink to contextualActions
   [ Leo Arias ]
   * In the autopilot tests, removed the extra focus step to write a URL.
     (LP: #1441551)
   [ Olivier Tilloy ]
   * Always exit fullscreen mode when the application becomes inactive.
     (LP: #1331475)
   * Recognize about:blank as a valid URL. (LP: #1444139)
   * Save the updated homepage when pressing return. (LP: #1441874)
   [ Ugo Riboni ]
   * Include bookmark results in the suggestions list (LP: #1351177)
 f6bc9426f2c235cffec74ca16e041c5765fbfeee 3065 webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20150729-0ubuntu1.dsc
 16442fb2f5b6c5a24d63cab66edb1117ccfcf627 904984 webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20150729.orig.tar.gz
 37e0db4f9434dffeb29019075e0cf21ef7beaa7b 31339 webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20150729-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
 7f4ac79f50c9c8ac84b7c3926ae59eac58aa20e82746c83bfe18027a35f2cdea 3065 webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20150729-0ubuntu1.dsc
 3b51db20e9fcb0b242fcad2242a01bde7678691a6c1cd17f9c5ff0cfbebed0cd 904984 webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20150729.orig.tar.gz
 f1128e214476d277393f19b427da6eff19212230c966756f63d58a2604bb4e2e 31339 webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20150729-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
 02edb61a48648411c5c90bcffc7f7b7e 3065 x11 optional webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20150729-0ubuntu1.dsc
 aa0810f896b02deb6c5253d62172f74f 904984 x11 optional webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20150729.orig.tar.gz
 d3228445fb32307bec035a758e9f7fa0 31339 x11 optional webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20150729-0ubuntu1.diff.gz