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Message #00825
[stable-overlay] cmake-extras (0.4+15.04.20150918-0ubuntu1)
Uploaded to the Stable Phone Overlay PPA (~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay vivid) archive
Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 08:34:37 +0000
Source: cmake-extras
Binary: cmake-extras
Architecture: source
Version: 0.4+15.04.20150918-0ubuntu1
Distribution: vivid
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu QA Team <qa-team@xxxxxxxxxx>
Changed-By: Pete Woods <ci-train-bot@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
cmake-extras - Extra CMake utility modules.
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 1467030
cmake-extras (0.4+15.04.20150918-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
* Fix failure when no COPYRIGHT_HOLDER argument provided
cmake-extras (0.4+15.10.20150622.1-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
[ Michi Henning ]
* Enable coverage with clang. If build type is coverage and clang is
used, clang emits coverage data in gcc format, so gcovr/lcov can be
used to generate the report.
* Fixes carried over from thumbnailer, made by James to correctly
filter XML coverage data, so we don't get tons of noise about system
files in the coverage report created by Jenkins.
[ Pete Woods ]
* Install modules using CMake to allow detection of CMake version (LP:
cmake-extras (0.4+15.10.20150618-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
[ Pete Woods ]
* Move scripts to cmake-3.2 dir for compatibility with Wily
cmake-extras (0.4+15.04.20150513-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
[ Pete Woods ]
* Add QmlPlugin macros.
* Add Doxygen macro added: UseDoxygen.cmake
* Add GSettings macro added: UseGSettings.cmake
[ Michi Henning ]
* Added clean-coverage target
8a34a54f55b1d29e26e3748078818c26edaabff8 1847 cmake-extras_0.4+15.04.20150918-0ubuntu1.dsc
527bce591ce001af5c15bf9e0b1c29b1671499c2 38627 cmake-extras_0.4+15.04.20150918.orig.tar.gz
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080f8e2d5fb9fc38e55b7faacb4d1c7f5735ffdd030601aa35b30d94c43e8a40 1847 cmake-extras_0.4+15.04.20150918-0ubuntu1.dsc
ef33f9cf1f1c061a124005e058f556f23fb16c8455d9e8fffa17fff9c32c404b 38627 cmake-extras_0.4+15.04.20150918.orig.tar.gz
0b211f7dc23604ef4b60ddb9211f89cc90d74ed4b417934841840e81d9a38355 2063 cmake-extras_0.4+15.04.20150918-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
c1dd68efda2541a0e74840aeebbe1d71 1847 libs extra cmake-extras_0.4+15.04.20150918-0ubuntu1.dsc
ee83d2d4b5566dc5295ccbcb3793296c 38627 libs extra cmake-extras_0.4+15.04.20150918.orig.tar.gz
229796eef0cd087541047d1ace8b06f2 2063 libs extra cmake-extras_0.4+15.04.20150918-0ubuntu1.diff.gz