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Re: Workflow broken by "different rich-roots"


On Nov 7, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Max Bowsher wrote:

The current situation means that EVERY TIME I try to start looking at a
new project, I have to first check whether they are rich-root or not
BEFORE I can run "bzr init-repo". Which is a hideous user experience.

Not only that, but there's no clear way to know what the right invocation of init-repo is. If you look at the branch on Launchpad, you see something like

Branch metadata
Branch format:       Repository format:
Branch format 6      Packs containing knits without subtree support

Hookay... but it says nothing about what option I should give to init- repo.

Probably up at the top of the page, Launchpad should say:

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp:launchpadlib

Update this branch:
bzr push lp:launchpadlib

Create a shared repository:
bzr init-repo --pack-0.92  launchpadlib (or whatever)


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