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Re: Faster TDD cycle: persist test services between test runs


On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 21:46 +0700, Stuart Bishop wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Bjorn Tillenius <bjorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > If you're into TDD, you're probably a bit annoyed about Librarian and
> > Memcached taking quite a while to set up and tear down when running the
> > tests, right? Well, these are things that we usually don't change, so
> > there's not much point in keep starting and stopping them every time you
> > run a test.
> I understand the Librarian being slow, but the memcached layer should
> be taking very little time to startup or shut down. If it is, there
> might be a problem.

Set up canonical.testing.layers.MemcachedLayer in 0.172 seconds.
Tear down canonical.testing.layers.MemcachedLayer in 5.013 seconds.

And for LibrarianLayer I get the opposite: 10.979 to start up and close
to 0 for tear down.

Guilherme Salgado <salgado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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