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Buildfarm oopses


Dear LOSAs,

We had some disquieting oopses for the build farm:

6 InconsistentBuildFarmJobError: There is no related specific job for the build farm job with id 1977174.
    GET: 6 Robots: 0  Local: 2
6 https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/doubah/+history (Builder:+history) OOPS-1728EB866, OOPS-1728EB872, OOPS-1728EC905, OOPS-1728EC906, OOPS-1728EC907

Could you tell us what you see when you ask the production database the following?
SELECT * FROM BuildFarmJob WHERE id=1977174;

(The most interesting bit will be the job_type; that's the part that will tell us just what kind of specific job it is that's missing).



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