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RFC: Cleaning Launchpad Lucid PPA


The Launchpad PPA for Lucid currently contains numerous packages to
accommodate Python 2.5. However, ever since the "use system python
version" changes landed, these are not necessary for development.

In the interests of not causing future people working on Launchpad, on a
current-Ubuntu-LTS system, to install numerous unnecessary customized
packages, I propose we clean the Launchpad Lucid PPA of packages which
exist there solely for Python 2.5 support.

Since it might possibly be premature to delete them outright, I suggest
that a ~launchpad admin activate a new "obsolete" PPA, into which the
relevant packages can be copied, and then deleted from the main ppa.

The packages concerned are:

* distribute - special case, was an attempt to make compatible with
python 2.5, but did not work, so just delete this outright, don't copy.

* egenix-mx-base
* psycopg2
* pycxx
* pysvn
* python-apt
* python-defaults
* python-geoip
* python-imaging
* python-pysqlite2
* python-support
* python2.5
* subversion
* tickcount

Which leaves the following, not related to Python 2.5:

* bzr-lpreview-body
* bzr-pqm
* geoip-data-city-lite
* launchpad-dependencies
* pocket-lint
* postgresql-8.3
* python-debian
* slony1
* slony1pg83
* xulrunner

It may also be appropriate to move the postgresql-8.3 and slony1pg83
packages to the obsolete PPA now or later.


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