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Re: release branches


On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 14:07 +1300, Robert Collins wrote:
> And at that point, if we have a security issue we have to deploy asap;
> we'd do the following:
>  - cowboy it out there [and keep it as a cowboy on future deploys]
>  - land a regular branch fixing it for good
>  - remove the cowboy when the regular branch has been incorporated
> into the main deployed codebase.

I think it's somewhat implied these days, but I'd be keen to see *any*
cowboy as effectively a "Stop The Line" incident.
We cowboy to get a fix *now*; And the very next step is that everyone
necessary stops everything else to get the cowboy landed into the
codebase pronto.
Possibly go the obvious step further by said cowboy being the very next
CP/deploy to go out, as it were.

Re-applying cowboys across regular deploys is leaving an operational
maintainability timebomb we can and should trivially avoid.

- Steve
