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timeouts adjusted


We've put slightly higher timeouts in place for the following pages:

=== Top 10 Time Out Counts by Page ID ===

    Hard / Soft  Page ID
     266 /    0  Archive:EntryResource:getBuildSummariesForSourceIds
     162 /  260  BugTask:+index
     133 /  161  CodeImportSchedulerApplication:CodeImportSchedulerAPI
     121 /   43  Person:+commentedbugs
     107 /  282  Distribution:+bugs
     100 /    0  MailingListApplication:MailingListAPIView
      29 /   53  Archive:+packages
      26 / 1956  Archive:+index
      21 /   25  Milestone:+index
      15 /   85  POFile:+translate

LP devs can see these on https://edge.launchpad.net/+feature-rules -
sorry but its staff only.

While the reported hard timeout count should massively reduce now,
this doesn't reduce the urgency with which we should be addressing
timeouts. Remember, per the ZeroOOPsPolicy that they should be
prioritised to the top of each teams kanban backlog :). I know many
teams are successfully fixing timeouts, and I think thats fantastic -
I don't mean to nag by saying this, rather I'm hoping to avoid any
premature happiness when the *report* stops showing the timeouts : the
underlying issue is still there, and the bandaids are strictly

I'll be cross referencing the soft timeouts (which haven't been
altered at all) to see when we can remove the overrides and also to
ensure that we consistently have timeout bugs filed for poorly
performing pages.


Follow ups