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Re: badges and point notifications


On Tue, 2010-11-16 at 09:43 -0500, Maris Fogels wrote:
> That said, what Launchpad does /not/ do well is use badges as a social
> signalling device within projects.  For example, badges can be used to signal
> the authority and status of core contributors, such as those who have been
> accepted as official members of a language QA team.  We could make the site more
> usable, and the communities more accessible, by making some of these social
> relationships explicit.

While the spec I wrote for this failed, I think there are some clear
conditions when we do know to show the project's badge for the user.
When a user is a project, owner, driver, bug supervisor, security
contact for an affected project/distro/package, Lp adds the appropriate

__Curtis C. Hovey_________

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