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Re: Providing Project/Team/User Timelines


>> I can't quite parse this, but I think you mean 'different to SQLite'.
>> Well, yes, we couldn't run on SQLite. The launchpad production
>> database is ~260GB of data. Running on a different database would mean
>> either accepting inaccurate data or using some mechanism such as a
>> post-commit work queue to load data, or accepting that some updates
>> would either (depending on sequencing) not reach zeitgeist or reach
>> zeitgeist but not actually happen. Why would we want a different
>> database?
> No its not different to SQL. I mean PostgreSQL or MySQL. This makes the
> changes minimal to Zeitgeist. I think only 2 files need to be changed for
> that.

Seif means Zeitgeist currently runs on top of sqlite and it could be
easily ported to pgqsl or mysql.  That's true, but it's probably not
enough to make it scale up to the volume of notifications we have

Did you have any view of how it would work for multiple users?  We
couldn't really run a zeitgeist daemon for each of the thousands of
active lp users.

>> > This should be no problem.
>> > Pushing activity from launchpad into zeitgeist means we need to hook
>> > into
>> > launchpad and push
>> > what the user does into Server-Zeitgeist.
>> This assumes we know what the user does :) - its reasonably high up my
>> 'we should do this' list to have a web API event triggered out of
>> Launchpad which things [like Zeitgeist] can hook into.
> I think its possible to know what the user does or what is happening on
> launchpad else I wouldn't be able to see who filed a bug

There are two layers here:

1- Users can see their own notifications: this fairly greatly
simplifies privacy, amongst other things, if messages are only emitted
when the recipient can see all the referenced objects

2- People can view each others' activity: this is a more interesting
case, but it makes privacy a bit more complex.  Even without privacy,
there are some things I want to be notified about (someone commented
on my bug) that shouldn't appear when other people ask what I've done.

Perhaps this suggests notifications and activity are separate but
related, and we could get notifications working first.

>> Privacy (disclosure and access) is a very nuanced topic - its not at
>> all amenable to a handwave: I suggest you read through the series of
>> topics Curtis has posted about the overall efforts we're entering into
>> to make privacy and disclosure in Launchpad rock.
> Can you please hook me up?

He's on this list.

