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refreshed bug triage rules active


Francis gave the nod to activate the new bug triage process we
discussed over the last few week or so. I've refreshed the wiki page
and folded all the feedback (I think) into it; please fix if its wrong
or confusing!

The key takeaways are:
  - regressions (including supported browser versions not working),
oops, timeouts are critical
  - critical means 'a bug to take next' not 'a bug to interrupt
current work' : we use incidents if we need to interrupt work (and
Francis is updating that separate policy)
  - the Launchpad team can and should triage across every project
under https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project (helpful links are
in the BugTriage wiki page[1])
  - please triage when filing bugs, it will save round trips from other folk

I've triaged *all* untriaged bugs that we had; we have ~ 60 where we
are blocked on input from the filer (incomplete bugs) but the bugs
with no importance set is now down to 0. \o/

I'm not sure /who/ is meant to triage day to day, that hasn't really
been talked about AFAICT.


1: https://dev.launchpad.net/BugTriage

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