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Javascript learnings #3: Progressive enhancement with "unseen" text.


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DRY is one of my watchwords.  That's "Don't Repeat Yourself", of course.

If you're designing your page to work with-and-without Javascript
enabled, then you'll likely be tempted to repeat some of the
user-interface text in the template and in the JavaScript file.
Especially for text that appears only some of the time.

One alternative is to render that text all the time, and only show it
some of the time.  You add the "unseen" class to text in order to hide it.

In YUI3, it's easy to add or remove classes using Node.toggleClass.  For

foo.toggleClass('bar', baz);

This adds the 'bar' class to foo when baz is true, and removes it when
baz is false.

This approach means you don't need to repeat the text.  It means your
HTML stays in an XHTML file, with all the syntax-highlighting and other
tool support that implies.  It makes it easier to live with the fact
that we don't have a hardcore templating system in Javascript.

It doesn't eliminate all issues.  If the page needs to have more than
one instance of the text, this approach doesn't directly apply.

One disadvantage is that testing becomes harder.  With conditional
rendering, you can just check whether the text is rendered.  With
conditional visibility, you need to check whether the text has the
unseen class, which is harder.  If plan to apply this technique, it's
best to start out using it, or else you'll have to rewrite all your
tests when you switch.

Another issue is that you will probably need to leave placeholders.  For
example, one of our conditionally-rendered strings included a link to a
branch.  When there's no assigned branch, that text must be hidden.
When someone assigns the branch via AJAX, we need to have a placeholder
for the branch link, so that we can set it to the correct value with
Javascript.  At present, there's no way to generate placeholders for
arbitrary types, so it must be done manually.

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