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Re: RFC: Broken interface on IDiff


Am 13.07.2011 12:32, schrieb Henning Eggers:
> Hi!
> IDiff.diffstat is defined and exported as a "Text" field but in the
> implementation it contains a dict like this {'file1': (3, 8), 'file2': (4,
> 5)}. This causes the new marshaller that we wrote during the Tunderdome which
> obfuscates email addresses in Text fields to break because it expects to see a
> string value.

<wgrant> henninge: Isn't IDiff['diffstat'] clearly wrong, making this a
trivial fix?
<henninge> wgrant: what do you mean?
<wgrant> henninge: It's a dict, not text...
<wgrant> So IText is not right.
<henninge> wgrant: what I mean
<henninge> t
<henninge> wgrant: I was just wondering if the interface can be changed like
that, the whole thing about api consistency.
<henninge> but obviously nobody has been using this as text or else it would
have been noticed earlier.
<wgrant> Exactly.
<henninge> ok
<henninge> easy fix then, I just hope we don't hit any more of these.
