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Dev DB authentication failures after r13875


Hi everyone,

devel r13875 changes all of the test suite's DB connections to use TCP
rather than UNIX sockets. This works fine on most machines, but it has
come to my attention that some encounter connection failures like this:

 psycopg2.OperationalError: fe_sendauth: no password supplied

This appears to occur when IPv6 is used instead of IPv4, probably due to
differences in /etc/hosts depending on the Ubuntu release that was first

devel r13876 fixes launchpad-database-setup to make IPv6 work as well.
If you encounter the above exception, either rerun l-d-s or add this
line to your pg_hba.conf and reload postgres:

 host    all         all         ::1/128           trust

ec2 and buildbot seem to all be happy, so this should just be one-time
dev machine fixup.


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