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Re: Introduction to and Minutes of yellow squad's weekly postmortem call: 2012-03-30


On 03/30/12 11:59, Aaron Bentley wrote:
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On 12-03-30 11:17 AM, Gary Poster wrote:
* Suggested process change: never patch eggs; fork branches if you
must, and make eggs from them.
I thought that this was already our policy:

Implied by: "The first [comment line] should indicate the location of
the sourcecode (trunk or branch or tag), that was used to create the
Yeah.  I don't think that policy has been reviewed/approved/adjusted by 
Robert ("last edited 2010-10-28 16:42:28 by gary"), and it was not 
followed at all for at least a couple of the zope.testing revisions that 
we have.  It's mostly followed (exceptions: we're missing the "how to 
build" comment, and patches have branches rather than revision numbers) 
for the recent revision.
Thanks for highlighting the page, though, which I had completely 
forgotten about.
