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New inbox utility in lp-dev-utils



I've add a new utility to lp-dev-utils to aid in the QA of mail related
functionality in Launchpad. The purge-inbox.py tool expunges old
messages from a mail inbox. It is intended to be run before starting QA
so that your email client does not spend hours downloading 1000's of
message headers when you connect to qastaging's inbox to try and read
the mail you are testing for.

Usage details are:

Usage: purge-inbox.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SERVER, --server=SERVER
                        the mail server name
  -p PORT, --port=PORT  the mail server port to which to connect
  -u USER, --user=USER  the account user name
  -w PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
                        the account user password
  -d DAYS_TO_KEEP, --days_to_keep=DAYS_TO_KEEP
                        how many day's worth of messages to keep
  -f CONFIG_FILE, --config-file=CONFIG_FILE
                        a file containing config options
  -a ACCOUNT, --account=ACCOUNT
                        the account name to use in the config file

The default server and port are configured for qastaging so the only
parameters which need to be specified in general are user and password.
The days to keep defaults to 2. I have added the qastaging credentials
to a config file so I can run the utility on my system without any
parameters at all. Details for how to set up the config file are
documented in the utility itself.