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[Merge] lp:~wgrant/meta-lp-deps/lp-soyuz-deps into lp:meta-lp-deps


William Grant has proposed merging lp:~wgrant/meta-lp-deps/lp-soyuz-deps into lp:meta-lp-deps.

    Requested reviews:
    Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

One of my pending LP branches needs a version of dpkg that supports the v3 formats. Since Hardy doesn't have a sufficiently new version, we need to keep a backport on all Soyuz machines.

I've created a new launchpad-soyuz-dependencies metapackage which depends on a new-enough dpkg. I've also moved the existing germinate and devscripts dependencies from launchpad-dependencies to launchpad-soyuz-dependencies, as again only the Soyuz machines need them.

launchpad-developer-dependencies also now depends on launchpad-soyuz-dependencies, as the test suite needs it.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is subscribed to branch lp:meta-lp-deps.
=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- debian/changelog	2009-12-07 13:24:58 +0000
+++ debian/changelog	2009-12-08 21:15:23 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+launchpad-dependencies (0.60) karmic; urgency=low
+  * Split the Soyuz-only dependencies into launchpad-soyuz-dependencies.
+  * launchpad-developer-dependencies depends on launchpad-soyuz-dependencies.
+  * launchpad-soyuz-dependencies depends on dpkg >= 1.15.4, for v3 support.
+ -- William Grant <wgrant@xxxxxxxxxx>  Wed, 09 Dec 2009 07:45:37 +1100
 launchpad-dependencies (0.59) karmic; urgency=low
   * Depend on xvfb, firefox, and xfonts-base in

=== modified file 'debian/control'
--- debian/control	2009-12-07 12:47:52 +0000
+++ debian/control	2009-12-08 21:15:23 +0000
@@ -13,10 +13,9 @@
   python2.5-subversion, python-sqlite, ubuntu-keyring,
   python2.5-imaging, bison, python-paramiko, python-mechanize,
   python-openssl, graphviz, python-zopeinterface, python-celementtree,
-  python2.5-tickcount, germinate, devscripts, libxml2-utils,
-  python-epydoc, patchutils, openssh-blacklist,
-  openssh-client (>= 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.1), xsltproc, python-magic,
-  geoip-data | geoip-data-city-lite,
+  python2.5-tickcount, libxml2-utils, python-epydoc, patchutils,
+  openssh-blacklist, openssh-client (>= 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.1), xsltproc,
+  python-magic, geoip-data | geoip-data-city-lite,
   python-psycopg2 (>= 2.0.7+bzr361-0~CAT.8.04), python-pygments,
   python-support, python-openid, python2.5-pysqlite2, zlib1g-dev,
   ca-certificates, python-pyrex, libapr1-dev, libsvn-dev
@@ -26,9 +25,17 @@
  This package depends on all of the packages necessary to run the Launchpad
+Package: launchpad-soyuz-dependencies
+Architecture: all
+Depends: launchpad-dependencies (= ${source:Version}), dpkg (>= 1.15.4),
+  germinate, devscripts
+Description: Metapackage for Launchpad Soyuz packages
+ This package depends on all of the packages necessary to run Soyuz.
 Package: launchpad-developer-dependencies
 Architecture: all
 Depends: launchpad-dependencies (= ${source:Version}), launchpad-database-dependencies (= ${source:Version}),
+  launchpad-soyuz-dependencies (= ${source:Version}),
   exuberant-ctags, bzr-pqm, python-pullparser, python-clientcookie,
   postgresql-doc-8.3, postgresql-autodoc, tidy,
   python-codespeak-lib, pylint, ssh, mhonarc,

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