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[Merge] lp:~sinzui/launchpad/page-titles-0 into lp:launchpad/devel


Curtis Hovey has proposed merging lp:~sinzui/launchpad/page-titles-0 into lp:launchpad/devel.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

This is my branch to delete the page titles that are not being used.

    Diff size: 617 (all deleted)
    Launchpad bug:
    Test command: ./bin/test -vv --layer=PageTest
    Pre-implementation: who
    Target release: 10.08

Move page titles into views

Some templates use CONTEXTS/fmt:pagetitle to calculate their page titles. With
the new Launchpad 3.0 UI rules for pagetitles, this is deprecated and should
be removed. Once this is removed, PageTemplateContextsAPI can also be removed.

This branch removes 2/3 of the titles because they are safe to delete. 1/3
were are page titles for non-existent pages. 1/3 were for views that supply
a page_title or a form that provides label.

The remaining pagetitle entries need to be inlined into their views and that
may constitute several more branches.


    * Delete the pagetitles that are not being used.


    * The oops reports on edge can be watched for
      AssertionError: No page title in canonical.launchpad.pagetitles ...


Linting changed files:

^ This module has lint, but we want to delete it, not fix it.


None were changed. The entire pagetest layer must be run to screen these.


    * lib/canonical/launchpad/pagetitles.py
      * all deletes.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~sinzui/launchpad/page-titles-0 into lp:launchpad/devel.
=== modified file 'lib/canonical/launchpad/pagetitles.py'
--- lib/canonical/launchpad/pagetitles.py	2010-06-02 16:40:02 +0000
+++ lib/canonical/launchpad/pagetitles.py	2010-07-13 23:45:55 +0000
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 from zope.component import getUtility
 from canonical.launchpad.interfaces import (
-    ILaunchBag, IMaloneApplication, IPerson, IStructuralObjectPresentation)
+    ILaunchBag, IMaloneApplication, IStructuralObjectPresentation)
 from canonical.lazr.utils import smartquote
@@ -87,11 +87,6 @@
     def __call__(self, context, view):
         return self.text % context.title
-class ContextBrowsername(SubstitutionHelper):
-    """Return the formatted string with context's browsername."""
-    def __call__(self, context, view):
-        return self.text % context.displayname
 class LaunchbagBugID(SubstitutionHelper):
     """Return the formatted string with the bug's id from LaunchBag."""
@@ -112,8 +107,6 @@
         return view.label
-# Functions and strings used as the titles of pages.
 archive_admin = ContextDisplayName('Administer %s')
 archive_activate = 'Activate Personal Package Archive'
@@ -124,30 +117,13 @@
 archive_edit = ContextDisplayName('Edit %s')
-bazaar_all_branches = 'All branches in the Launchpad Bazaar'
 bazaar_index = 'Launchpad Branches'
-bazaar_sync_review = (
-    'Review upstream repositories for Launchpad Bazaar syncing')
-def binarypackagerelease_index(context, view):
-    """Return the page title for context's binary packages."""
-    return "%s binary package in Launchpad" % context.title
-binarypackagenames_index = 'Binary package name set'
 branch_bug_links = ContextDisplayName(smartquote('Bug links for %s'))
 branch_index = ContextDisplayName(smartquote(
     '"%s" branch in Launchpad'))
-def branch_merges(context, view):
-    return 'Merges involving "%s" in Launchpad' % context.bzr_identity
-branch_landing_candidates = ContextDisplayName(smartquote(
-    'Landing candidates for "%s"'))
 def branchmergeproposal_index(context, view):
     return 'Proposal to merge %s' % context.source_branch.bzr_identity
@@ -159,15 +135,6 @@
 bug_edit = ContextBugId('Bug #%d - Edit')
-bug_edit_confirm = ContextBugId('Bug #%d - Edit confirmation')
-bug_extref_add = LaunchbagBugID("Bug #%d - Add a web link")
-def bug_extref_edit(context, view):
-    """Return the page title for editing a bugs external web link."""
-    return smartquote('Bug #%d - Edit web link "%s"') % (
-        context.bug.id, context.title)
 bug_mark_as_duplicate = ContextBugId('Bug #%d - Mark as duplicate')
 bug_mark_as_affecting_user = ContextBugId(
@@ -181,14 +148,8 @@
 bugbranch_delete = 'Delete bug branch link'
-bugbranch_edit = "Edit branch fix status"
-buglinktarget_linkbug = 'Link to bug report'
 buglinktarget_unlinkbugs = 'Remove links to bug reports'
-buglisting_advanced = ContextTitle("Bugs in %s")
 buglisting_default = ContextTitle("Bugs in %s")
 def buglisting_embedded_advanced_search(context, view):
@@ -200,15 +161,6 @@
     return 'Manage nomination for bug #%d in %s' % (
         context.bug.id, context.target.bugtargetdisplayname)
-def bugs_assigned(context, view):
-    """Return the page title for the bugs assigned to the logged-in user."""
-    if view.user:
-        return 'Bugs assigned to %s' % view.user.displayname
-    else:
-        return 'No-one to display bugs for'
-bugtarget_advanced_search = ContextTitle("Search bugs in %s")
 bugtarget_bugs = ContextTitle('Bugs in %s')
 def bugtarget_filebug_advanced(context, view):
@@ -244,41 +196,8 @@
 bugtask_view = BugTaskPageTitle()
-# bugtask_macros_buglisting contains only macros
-# bugtasks_index is a redirect
-calendar_index = ContextTitle('%s')
-calendar_event_addform = ContextTitle('Add event to %s')
-calendar_event_display = ContextTitle(smartquote('Event "%s"'))
-calendar_event_editform = ContextTitle(
-    smartquote('Change "%s" event details'))
-calendar_subscribe = ContextTitle(smartquote('Subscribe to "%s"'))
-calendar_subscriptions = 'Calendar subscriptions'
-def calendar_view(context, view):
-    """Return calendar's page title with the date."""
-    return '%s - %s' % (context.calendar.title, view.datestring)
-calendar_view_day = calendar_view
-calendar_view_week = calendar_view
-calendar_view_month = calendar_view
-calendar_view_year = calendar_view
-canbementored_mentoringoffer = 'Offer to mentor this work'
-canbementored_retractmentoring = 'Retract offer of mentorship'
 code_in_branches = 'Projects with active branches'
-def codeimport(context, view):
-    """Return the view's title."""
-    return view.title
 codeimport_list = 'Code Imports'
 codeimport_machines = ViewLabel()
@@ -305,47 +224,28 @@
 cve_unlinkbugs = ContextDisplayName('Remove links between %s and bug reports')
-debug_root_index = 'Launchpad Debug Home Page'
-distributionmirror_index = ContextTitle('Mirror %s')
 distribution_archive_list = ContextTitle('%s Copy Archives')
 distribution_upstream_bug_report = ContextTitle('Upstream Bug Report for %s')
 distribution_cvereport = ContextTitle('CVE reports for %s')
-distribution_members = ContextTitle('%s distribution members')
 distribution_mirrors = ContextTitle("Mirrors of %s")
 distribution_translations = ContextDisplayName('Translating %s')
-distribution_translation_settings = ContextTitle(
-    smartquote("Change %s's translation settings"))
 distribution_search = ContextDisplayName(smartquote("Search %s's packages"))
 distribution_index = ContextTitle('%s in Launchpad')
-distributionsourcepackage_bugs = ContextTitle('Bugs in %s')
 distributionsourcepackage_index = ContextTitle('%s')
-distributionsourcepackage_publishinghistory = ContextTitle(
-    'Publishing history of %s')
 distroarchseries_index = ContextTitle('%s in Launchpad')
-distroarchseries_search = ContextTitle(
-    smartquote("Search %s's binary packages"))
 distroarchseriesbinarypackage_index = ContextTitle('%s')
 distroarchseriesbinarypackagerelease_index = ContextTitle('%s')
-distroseries_bugs = ContextTitle('Bugs in %s')
 distroseries_cvereport = ContextDisplayName('CVE report for %s')
 def distroseries_language_packs(context, view):
@@ -357,47 +257,14 @@
 distroseriessourcepackagerelease_index = ContextTitle('%s')
-errorservice_config = 'Configure error log'
-errorservice_entry = 'Error log entry'
-errorservice_index = 'Error log report'
-errorservice_tbentry = 'Traceback entry'
-faq = 'Launchpad Frequently Asked Questions'
-def hasmentoringoffers_mentoring(context, view):
-    """Return the mentoring title for the context."""
-    if IPerson.providedBy(context):
-        if context.teamowner is None:
-            return 'Mentoring offered by %s' % context.title
-        else:
-            return ('Mentoring available for newcomers to %s'  %
-                    context.displayname)
-    else:
-        return 'Mentoring available in %s' % context.displayname
 hasannouncements_index = ContextDisplayName('%s news and announcements')
 hassprints_sprints = ContextTitle("Events related to %s")
-# launchpad_debug doesn't need a title.
 launchpad_feedback = 'Help improve Launchpad'
 launchpad_forbidden = 'Forbidden'
-# launchpad_css is a css file
-# launchpad_js is standard javascript
-launchpad_legal = 'Launchpad legalese'
-launchpad_login = 'Log in or register with Launchpad'
-launchpad_onezerostatus = 'One-Zero Page Template Status'
 def launchpad_search(context, view):
     """Return the page title corresponding to the user's search."""
     return view.page_title
@@ -406,135 +273,17 @@
 launchpad_librarianfailure = "Sorry, you can't do this right now"
-# launchpad_widget_macros doesn't need a title.
-loginservice_email_sent = 'Launchpad Login Service - Email sent'
-def loginservice_authorize(context, view):
-    """Return the page title for authenticating to a system."""
-    rpconfig = view.rpconfig
-    if rpconfig is None:
-        displayname = view.openid_request.trust_root
-    else:
-        displayname = rpconfig.displayname
-    return 'Authenticate to %s' % displayname
-loginservice_login = 'Launchpad Login Service'
-loginservice_standalone_login = loginservice_login
-# main_template has the code to insert one of these titles.
-malone_about = 'About Launchpad Bugs'
-malone_distros_index = 'Report a bug about a distribution'
-malone_index = 'Launchpad Bugs'
-# malone_people_index is a redirect
-# malone_template is a means to include the mainmaster template
-# marketing_about_template is used by the marketing pages
-marketing_answers_about = "About Answers"
-marketing_answers_faq = "FAQs about Answers"
-marketing_blueprints_about = "About Blueprints"
-marketing_blueprints_faq = "FAQs about Blueprints"
-marketing_bugs_about = "About Bugs"
-marketing_bugs_faq = "FAQs about Bugs"
-marketing_code_about = "About Code"
-marketing_code_faq = "FAQs about Code"
-# marketing_faq_template is used by the marketing pages
-marketing_home = "About Launchpad"
-# marketing_main_template is used by the marketing pages
-def marketing_tour(context, view):
-    """Return the view's pagetitle."""
-    return view.pagetitle
-marketing_translations_faq = "FAQs about Translations"
-mentoringofferset_success = "Successful mentorships over the past year."
-# messagechunk_snippet is a fragment
-# messages_index is a redirect
-milestone_add = ContextTitle('Add new milestone for %s')
-milestone_edit = ContextTitle('Edit %s')
-milestone_delete = ContextTitle('Delete %s')
 oauth_authorize = 'Authorize application to access Launchpad on your behalf'
-def object_driver(context, view):
-    """Return the page title to change the driver."""
-    return view.page_title
-# object_pots is a fragment.
-object_translations = ContextDisplayName('Translation templates for %s')
 object_templates = ContextDisplayName('Translation templates for %s')
 oops = 'Oops!'
-openid_account_change_password = 'Change your password'
-def openid_account_edit(context, view):
-    return smartquote("%s's details") % view.account.displayname
-def openid_account_edit_emails(context, view):
-    return smartquote("%s's e-mail addresses") % view.account.displayname
-openid_default = 'OpenID Endpoint'
-def openid_index(context, view):
-    return 'Welcome %s' % view.account.displayname
-def openid_invalid_identity(context, view):
-    """Return the page title to the invalid identity page."""
-    return 'Invalid OpenID identity %s' % view.openid_request.identity
-def package_bugs(context, view):
-    """Return the page title bug in a package."""
-    return 'Bugs in %s' % context.name
-people_adminrequestmerge = 'Merge Launchpad accounts'
-def people_list(context, view):
-    """Return the view's header."""
-    return view.header
 people_mergerequest_sent = 'Merge request sent'
 person_answer_contact_for = ContextDisplayName(
     'Projects for which %s is an answer contact')
-# person_foaf is an rdf file
-person_images = ContextDisplayName(smartquote("%s's hackergotchi and emblem"))
-person_karma = ContextDisplayName(smartquote("%s's karma in Launchpad"))
-person_mentoringoffers = ContextTitle('Mentoring offered by %s')
-def person_mergeproposals(context, view):
-    """Return the view's heading."""
-    return view.heading
 person_packagebugs = ContextDisplayName("%s's package bug reports")
 person_packagebugs_overview = person_packagebugs
@@ -548,113 +297,45 @@
 person_translations_to_review = ContextDisplayName(
     'Translations for review by %s')
-# portlet_* are portlets
 poll_edit = ContextTitle(smartquote('Edit poll "%s"'))
 poll_index = ContextTitle(smartquote('Poll: "%s"'))
 poll_newoption = ContextTitle(smartquote('New option for poll "%s"'))
-def poll_new(context, view):
-    """Return a page title to create a new poll."""
-    return 'Create a new Poll in team %s' % context.team.displayname
 def polloption_edit(context, view):
     """Return the page title to edit a poll's option."""
     return 'Edit option: %s' % context.title
-poll_options = ContextTitle(smartquote('Options for poll "%s"'))
 poll_vote_condorcet = ContextTitle(smartquote('Vote in poll "%s"'))
 poll_vote_simple = ContextTitle(smartquote('Vote in poll "%s"'))
-product_admin = ContextTitle('Administer %s in Launchpad')
-product_bugs = ContextDisplayName('Bugs in %s')
-product_code_index = ContextDisplayName("Bazaar branches of %s")
 product_cvereport = ContextTitle('CVE reports for %s')
-product_edit = 'Change project details'
-# We don't mention its name here, because that might be what you're changing.
-product_edit_people = "Change the roles of people"
 product_index = ContextTitle('%s in Launchpad')
-def product_mergeproposals(context, view):
-    """Return the view's heading."""
-    return view.heading
-product_new_guided = 'Before you register your project...'
 product_purchase_subscription = ContextDisplayName(
     'Purchase Subscription for %s')
-product_review_license = ContextTitle('Review %s')
-product_timeline = ContextTitle('Timeline Diagram for %s')
 product_translations = ContextTitle('Translations of %s in Launchpad')
-productrelease_admin = ContextTitle('Administer %s in Launchpad')
-productrelease_index = ContextDisplayName('%s in Launchpad')
 productseries_translations = ContextTitle('Translations overview for %s')
 productseries_translations_settings = 'Settings for translations'
 project_index = ContextTitle('%s in Launchpad')
-project_bugs = ContextTitle('Bugs in %s')
-project_edit = 'Change project group details'
-# We don't mention its name here, because that might be what you're changing.
-project_filebug_search = bugtarget_filebug_advanced
-project_interest = 'Launchpad Translations: Project group not translatable'
-project_rosetta_index = ContextTitle('Launchpad Translations: %s')
-project_specs = ContextTitle('Blueprints for %s')
 project_translations = ContextTitle('Translatable projects for %s')
-projects_request = 'Launchpad Translations: Request a project group'
-projects_search = 'Search for project groups in Launchpad'
-# redirect_up is a redirect
-def reference_index(context, view):
-    """Return the page title for bug reference web links."""
-    return 'Web links for bug %s' % context.bug.id
-# references_index is a redirect
-registry_about = 'About the Launchpad Registry'
-registry_index = 'Project and group registration in Launchpad'
 remotebug_index = ContextTitle('%s')
 root_index = 'Launchpad'
-rosetta_about = 'About Launchpad Translations'
 rosetta_index = 'Launchpad Translations'
 rosetta_products = 'Projects with Translations in Launchpad'
-question_confirm_answer = ContextId('Confirm an answer to question #%s')
-questions_index = 'Launchpad Answers'
 series_bug_nominations = ContextDisplayName('Bugs nominated for %s')
 shipit_adminrequest = 'ShipIt admin request'
@@ -701,116 +382,16 @@
 signedcodeofconduct_deactivate = ContextDisplayName('Deactivating %s')
-sourcepackage_bugs = ContextDisplayName('Bugs in %s')
-sourcepackage_changelog = 'Source package changelog'
-sourcepackage_filebug = ContextTitle("Report a bug about %s")
-sourcepackagenames_index = 'Source package name set'
-sourcepackagerelease_index = ContextTitle('Source package %s')
-def sourcepackages(context, view):
-    """Return the page title for a source package in a distroseries."""
-    return '%s source packages' % context.distroseries.title
-sources_index = 'Bazaar: Upstream revision control imports to Bazaar'
-sources_list = 'Available code imports'
-sourcesource_index = 'Upstream source import'
-specification_add = 'Register a blueprint in Launchpad'
-specification_addsubscriber = 'Subscribe someone else to this blueprint'
-specification_linkbug = ContextTitle(
-  u'Link blueprint \N{left double quotation mark}%s'
-  u'\N{right double quotation mark} to a bug report')
-specification_new = 'Register a proposal as a blueprint in Launchpad'
-specification_unlinkbugs = 'Remove links to bug reports'
-specification_retargeting = 'Attach blueprint to a different project'
-specification_superseding = 'Mark blueprint as superseded by another'
-specification_goaldecide = 'Approve or decline blueprint goal'
-specification_dependency = 'Create a blueprint dependency'
-specification_distroseries = ('Target blueprint to a distribution release')
-specification_productseries = 'Target blueprint to a series'
-specification_removedep = 'Remove a dependency'
-specification_givefeedback = 'Clear feedback requests'
-specification_edit = 'Edit blueprint details'
-specification_linksprint = 'Put blueprint on sprint agenda'
-specification_queue = 'Queue blueprint for review'
-specification_linkbranch = 'Link branch to blueprint'
-specifications_index = 'Launchpad Blueprints'
-specificationbranch_status = 'Edit blueprint branch status'
-specificationgoal_specs = ContextTitle('List goals for %s')
-def specificationsubscription_edit(context, view):
-    """Return the page title for subscribing to a specification."""
-    return "Subscription of %s" % context.person.displayname
-specificationtarget_index = ContextTitle('Blueprint listing for %s')
-def specificationtarget_specs(context, view):
-    """Return the page title for a specificationtarget."""
-    return view.title
-specificationtarget_workload = ContextTitle('Blueprint workload in %s')
-sprint_attend = ContextTitle('Register your attendance at %s')
-sprint_edit = ContextTitle(smartquote('Edit "%s" details'))
-sprint_new = 'Register a meeting or sprint in Launchpad'
-sprint_specs = ContextTitle('Blueprints for %s')
-sprint_workload = ContextTitle('Workload at %s')
-sprintspecification_admin = 'Approve blueprint for sprint agenda'
 standardshipitrequests_index = 'Standard ShipIt options'
 standardshipitrequest_new = 'Create a new standard option'
 standardshipitrequest_edit = 'Edit standard option'
-team_index = ContextBrowsername('%s in Launchpad')
-team_mentoringoffers = ContextTitle('Mentoring available for newcomers to %s')
 team_newpoll = ContextTitle('New poll for team %s')
 team_polls = ContextTitle('Polls for team %s')
-template_auto_add = 'Launchpad Auto-Add Form'
-template_auto_edit = 'Launchpad Auto-Edit Form'
-template_edit = 'EXAMPLE EDIT TITLE'
-template_index = '%EXAMPLE TITLE'
-template_new = 'EXAMPLE NEW TITLE'
 token_authorized = 'Almost finished ...'
 translationimportqueueentry_index = 'Translation import queue entry'