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[Merge] lp:~sinzui/launchpad/dsp-bug-counts-0 into lp:launchpad/devel


Curtis Hovey has proposed merging lp:~sinzui/launchpad/dsp-bug-counts-0 into lp:launchpad/devel.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

This is my branch to fix DSP bug heat calculations.

    Diff size: 146
    Launchpad bug:
    Test command: ./bin/test -vv -t test_bugheat
    Pre-implementation: gmb, bac, jcsackett
    Target release: 10.09

Fix DSP bug heat calculations

+needspackaging should be showing the number of open bugs. It is showing the
total of all bugs for the package. A quick examination shows that most of the
packages list on the first page of results have no open bugs :(

DSP.recalculateBugHeatCache is counting all bugs to get
    self.max_bug_heat, self.total_bug_heat, self.bug_count

I think this should only count open bugs. The original query that calculated
total_bug_heat and bug_count used
in the query to ensure closed bugs did not taint the priorities.


    * Add a closed bu to the test
    * Add a constraint to recalculateBugHeatCache:


I expect this fix will also address part of the problem in the heuristics
that rank the packages that most need linking to a project. The current
10 ten have no open bugs; packages with open bugs have a greater need to be
linked so that bugs can be forwarded.

    * Visit https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+needs-packaging
    * Verify the counts of bugs show on on the page match the counts
      of bugs on the dsp's bug page.


Linting changed files:


    * lib/lp/bugs/tests/test_bugheat.py
      * Added a closed bug to the test setup. It must not change the results
        of the existing tests.


    * lib/lp/registry/model/distributionsourcepackage.py
      * Updated the rules to recalculate the DSP bug heat to ignore closed
    * lib/lp/testing/factory.py
      * The test runner was generating oops when bug_heat was accessed
        reporting that the attribute should not be set before the
        object had a db representation. I added an option to create a DSP
        (which is normally arbitrary) with a db row--it uses
        removeSecurityProxy because special privileges (a back end proc)
        usually makes the db row.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~sinzui/launchpad/dsp-bug-counts-0 into lp:launchpad/devel.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/tests/test_bugheat.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/tests/test_bugheat.py	2010-07-18 00:55:24 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/tests/test_bugheat.py	2010-08-12 17:51:14 +0000
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 from canonical.testing import LaunchpadZopelessLayer
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import BugTaskStatus
 from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory
 from lp.testing.factory import LaunchpadObjectFactory
@@ -110,9 +111,13 @@
     def setUp(self):
-        self.target = self.factory.makeDistributionSourcePackage()
+        self.target = self.factory.makeDistributionSourcePackage(with_db=True)
         self.bugtask1 = self.factory.makeBugTask(target=self.target)
         self.bugtask2 = self.factory.makeBugTask(target=self.target)
+        self.bugtask3 = self.factory.makeBugTask(target=self.target)
+        # A closed bug is not include in DSP bug heat calculations.
+        self.bugtask3.transitionToStatus(
+            BugTaskStatus.FIXRELEASED, self.target.distribution.owner)
         # Bug heat gets calculated by complicated rules in a db
         # stored procedure. We will override them here to avoid
         # testing inconsitencies if those values are calculated
@@ -121,8 +126,10 @@
         # automatically by bug.setHeat().
         bug1 = self.bugtask1.bug
         bug2 = self.bugtask2.bug
+        bug3 = self.bugtask3.bug
+        bug3.setHeat(11)
         self.max_heat = max(bug1.heat, bug2.heat)
         self.total_heat = sum([bug1.heat, bug2.heat])

=== modified file 'lib/lp/registry/model/distributionsourcepackage.py'
--- lib/lp/registry/model/distributionsourcepackage.py	2010-07-07 16:53:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/model/distributionsourcepackage.py	2010-08-12 17:51:14 +0000
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 from canonical.lazr.utils import smartquote
 from lp.answers.interfaces.questiontarget import IQuestionTarget
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtarget import IHasBugHeat
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import UNRESOLVED_BUGTASK_STATUSES
 from lp.bugs.model.bug import Bug, BugSet, get_bug_tags_open_count
 from lp.bugs.model.bugtarget import BugTargetBase, HasBugHeatMixin
 from lp.bugs.model.bugtask import BugTask
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
 from lp.translations.model.customlanguagecode import (
     CustomLanguageCode, HasCustomLanguageCodesMixin)
 def is_upstream_link_allowed(spph):
     """Metapackages shouldn't have upstream links.
@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@
 class DistributionSourcePackageProperty:
     def __init__(self, attrname):
         self.attrname = attrname
@@ -90,8 +93,8 @@
                 SourcePackagePublishingHistory.sourcepackagereleaseID ==
                 SourcePackageRelease.sourcepackagenameID ==
-                    obj.sourcepackagename.id
-                ).order_by(Desc(SourcePackagePublishingHistory.id)).first()
+                    obj.sourcepackagename.id).order_by(
+                        Desc(SourcePackagePublishingHistory.id)).first()
             obj._new(obj.distribution, obj.sourcepackagename,
         setattr(obj._self_in_database, self.attrname, value)
@@ -185,7 +188,8 @@
             (Max(Bug.heat), Sum(Bug.heat), Count(Bug.id)),
             BugTask.bug == Bug.id,
             BugTask.distributionID == self.distribution.id,
-            BugTask.sourcepackagenameID == self.sourcepackagename.id).one()
+            BugTask.sourcepackagenameID == self.sourcepackagename.id,
+            BugTask.status.is_in(UNRESOLVED_BUGTASK_STATUSES)).one()
         # Aggregate functions return NULL if zero rows match.
         row = list(row)
@@ -329,8 +333,7 @@
             # Next, the joins for the ordering by soyuz karma of the
             # SPR creator.
             KarmaTotalCache.person == SourcePackageRelease.creatorID,
-            *extra_args
-            )
+            *extra_args)
         # Note: If and when we later have a field on IArchive to order by,
         # such as IArchive.rank, we will then be able to return distinct
@@ -352,8 +355,7 @@
         condition = And(
             Packaging.sourcepackagename == self.sourcepackagename,
             Packaging.distroseriesID == DistroSeries.id,
-            DistroSeries.distribution == self.distribution
-            )
+            DistroSeries.distribution == self.distribution)
         result = store.find(Packaging, condition)
         result.order_by("debversion_sort_key(version) DESC")
         if result.count() == 0:
@@ -518,8 +520,7 @@
             DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase.sourcepackagename ==
             DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase.distribution ==
-                distribution
-            ).one()
+                distribution).one()
     def _new(cls, distribution, sourcepackagename,

=== modified file 'lib/lp/testing/factory.py'
--- lib/lp/testing/factory.py	2010-08-06 10:48:49 +0000
+++ lib/lp/testing/factory.py	2010-08-12 17:51:14 +0000
@@ -2630,7 +2630,7 @@
             SuiteSourcePackage(distroseries, pocket, sourcepackagename))
     def makeDistributionSourcePackage(self, sourcepackagename=None,
-                                      distribution=None):
+                                      distribution=None, with_db=False):
         # Make sure we have a real sourcepackagename object.
         if (sourcepackagename is None or
             isinstance(sourcepackagename, basestring)):
@@ -2638,8 +2638,13 @@
         if distribution is None:
             distribution = self.makeDistribution()
-        return distribution.getSourcePackage(sourcepackagename)
+        package = distribution.getSourcePackage(sourcepackagename)
+        if with_db:
+            # Create an instance with a database record. That is normally
+            # done by secondary process.
+            removeSecurityProxy(package)._new(
+                distribution, sourcepackagename, False)
+        return package
     def makeEmailMessage(self, body=None, sender=None, to=None,
                          attachments=None, encode_attachments=False):