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[Merge] lp:~thumper/launchpad/xmlrpc-lp-name-resolution into lp:launchpad/devel


Tim Penhey has proposed merging lp:~thumper/launchpad/xmlrpc-lp-name-resolution into lp:launchpad/devel.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

This branch changes the way the XMLRPC server resolves the lp: urls where the alias for a branch is used.  lp:~user/... are still resolved the same way, as are public http urls. 
However for bzr+ssh urls, branches that are linked to series (either distroseries or product series) are now resolved to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/<alias> where <alias> is the bit after 'lp:' on the bazaar identity.

This is going to be used to allow private trunk branches to use the lp:<project> syntax for accessing branches.


As a drive-by the compose_public_url function was moved into lp.code.interfaces.codehosting, which avoids the non-standard import statements that were there to avoid the circular dependencies.

Most of the changes are updates to the tests.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~thumper/launchpad/xmlrpc-lp-name-resolution into lp:launchpad/devel.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/interfaces/codehosting.py'
--- lib/lp/code/interfaces/codehosting.py	2010-08-20 20:31:18 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/interfaces/codehosting.py	2010-09-02 22:50:58 +0000
@@ -9,17 +9,24 @@
 __all__ = [
+    'compose_public_url',
+import os.path
+import urllib
+from lazr.uri import URI
 from zope.interface import Interface
+from canonical.config import config
 from canonical.launchpad.validators.name import valid_name
 from canonical.launchpad.webapp.interfaces import ILaunchpadApplication
@@ -49,6 +56,10 @@
 # The path prefix for getting at branches via their short name.
+# The scheme types that are supported for codehosting.
+SUPPORTED_SCHEMES = 'bzr+ssh', 'http'
 class ICodehostingApplication(ILaunchpadApplication):
     """Branch Puller application root."""
@@ -170,3 +181,19 @@
             'path_in_transport' is a path relative to that transport. e.g.
             (BRANCH_TRANSPORT, {'id': 3, 'writable': False}, '.bzr/README').
+def compose_public_url(scheme, unique_name, suffix=None):
+    # Accept sftp as a legacy protocol.
+    accepted_schemes = set(SUPPORTED_SCHEMES)
+    accepted_schemes.add('sftp')
+    assert scheme in accepted_schemes, "Unknown scheme: %s" % scheme
+    host = URI(config.codehosting.supermirror_root).host
+    if isinstance(unique_name, unicode):
+        unique_name = unique_name.encode('utf-8')
+    # After quoting and encoding, the path should be perfectly
+    # safe as a plain ASCII string, str() just enforces this
+    path = '/' + str(urllib.quote(unique_name, safe='/~+'))
+    if suffix:
+        path = os.path.join(path, suffix)
+    return str(URI(scheme=scheme, host=host, path=path))

=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/model/branch.py'
--- lib/lp/code/model/branch.py	2010-08-27 02:11:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/model/branch.py	2010-09-02 22:50:58 +0000
@@ -7,15 +7,12 @@
 __all__ = [
-    'compose_public_url',
 from datetime import datetime
-import os.path
 from bzrlib import urlutils
 from bzrlib.revision import NULL_REVISION
-from lazr.uri import URI
 import pytz
 from sqlobject import (
@@ -108,6 +105,7 @@
 from lp.code.interfaces.branchnamespace import IBranchNamespacePolicy
 from lp.code.interfaces.branchpuller import IBranchPuller
 from lp.code.interfaces.branchtarget import IBranchTarget
+from lp.code.interfaces.codehosting import compose_public_url
 from lp.code.interfaces.seriessourcepackagebranch import (
@@ -1324,18 +1322,3 @@
     send_branch_modified_notifications(branch, event)
-def compose_public_url(scheme, unique_name, suffix=None):
-    # Avoid circular imports.
-    from lp.code.xmlrpc.branch import PublicCodehostingAPI
-    # Accept sftp as a legacy protocol.
-    accepted_schemes = set(PublicCodehostingAPI.supported_schemes)
-    accepted_schemes.add('sftp')
-    assert scheme in accepted_schemes, "Unknown scheme: %s" % scheme
-    host = URI(config.codehosting.supermirror_root).host
-    path = '/' + urlutils.escape(unique_name)
-    if suffix:
-        path = os.path.join(path, suffix)
-    return str(URI(scheme=scheme, host=host, path=path))

=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/branch.py'
--- lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/branch.py	2010-08-20 20:31:18 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/branch.py	2010-09-02 22:50:58 +0000
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
 __all__ = [
-    'BranchSetAPI', 'IBranchSetAPI', 'IPublicCodehostingAPI',
-    'PublicCodehostingAPI']
+    'BranchSetAPI',
+    'IBranchSetAPI',
+    'IPublicCodehostingAPI',
+    'PublicCodehostingAPI',
+    ]
 from bzrlib import urlutils
@@ -42,6 +45,11 @@
 from lp.code.interfaces.branch import IBranch
 from lp.code.interfaces.branchlookup import IBranchLookup
 from lp.code.interfaces.branchnamespace import get_branch_namespace
+from lp.code.interfaces.codehosting import (
+    compose_public_url,
+    )
 from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseries import NoSuchDistroSeries
 from lp.registry.interfaces.person import (
@@ -171,8 +179,7 @@
     def resolve_lp_path(path):
         """Expand the path segment of an lp: URL into a list of branch URLs.
-        This method is added to support Bazaar 0.93. It cannot be removed
-        until we stop supporting Bazaar 0.93.
+        This method is added to Bazaar in 0.93.
         :return: A dict containing a single 'urls' key that maps to a list of
             URLs. Clients should use the first URL in the list that they can
@@ -194,12 +201,25 @@
-    supported_schemes = 'bzr+ssh', 'http'
-    def _getResultDict(self, branch, suffix=None, supported_schemes=None):
+    def _compose_http_url(unique_name, path, suffix):
+        return compose_public_url('http', unique_name, suffix)
+    def _compose_bzr_ssh_url(unique_name, path, suffix):
+        if not path.startswith('~'):
+            path = '%s/%s' % (BRANCH_ALIAS_PREFIX, path)
+        return compose_public_url('bzr+ssh', path, suffix)
+    scheme_funcs = {
+        'bzr+ssh': _compose_bzr_ssh_url,
+        'http': _compose_http_url,
+        }
+    def _getResultDict(self, branch, lp_path, suffix=None,
+                       supported_schemes=None):
         """Return a result dict with a list of URLs for the given branch.
         :param branch: A Branch object.
+        :param lp_path: The path that was used to traverse to the branch.
         :param suffix: The section of the path that follows the branch
         :return: {'urls': [list_of_branch_urls]}.
@@ -210,17 +230,18 @@
             return dict(urls=[branch.url])
             return self._getUniqueNameResultDict(
-                branch.unique_name, suffix, supported_schemes)
+                branch.unique_name, suffix, supported_schemes, lp_path)
     def _getUniqueNameResultDict(self, unique_name, suffix=None,
-                                 supported_schemes=None):
-        from lp.code.model.branch import compose_public_url
+                                 supported_schemes=None, path=None):
         if supported_schemes is None:
-            supported_schemes = self.supported_schemes
+            supported_schemes = SUPPORTED_SCHEMES
+        if path is None:
+            path = unique_name
         result = dict(urls=[])
         for scheme in supported_schemes:
-                compose_public_url(scheme, unique_name, suffix))
+                self.scheme_funcs[scheme](unique_name, path, suffix))
         return result
@@ -233,7 +254,7 @@
         strip_path = path.strip('/')
         if strip_path == '':
             raise faults.InvalidBranchIdentifier(path)
-        supported_schemes = self.supported_schemes
+        supported_schemes = SUPPORTED_SCHEMES
         hot_products = [product.strip() for product
                         in config.codehosting.hot_products.split(',')]
         if strip_path in hot_products:
@@ -270,7 +291,14 @@
             raise faults.CannotHaveLinkedBranch(e.component)
         except InvalidNamespace, e:
             raise faults.InvalidBranchUniqueName(urlutils.escape(e.name))
-        return self._getResultDict(branch, suffix, supported_schemes)
+        # Reverse engineer the actual lp_path that is used, so we need to
+        # remove any suffix that may be there from the strip_path.
+        lp_path = strip_path
+        if suffix is not None:
+            # E.g. 'project/trunk/filename.txt' the suffix is 'filename.txt'
+            # we want lp_path to be 'project/trunk'.
+            lp_path = lp_path[:-(len(suffix)+1)]
+        return self._getResultDict(branch, lp_path, suffix, supported_schemes)
     def resolve_lp_path(self, path):
         """See `IPublicCodehostingAPI`."""

=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_branch.py'
--- lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_branch.py	2010-08-20 20:31:18 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_branch.py	2010-09-02 22:50:58 +0000
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 """Unit tests for the public codehosting API."""
+from __future__ import with_statement
 __metaclass__ = type
 __all__ = []
@@ -15,17 +17,14 @@
 from lazr.uri import URI
 from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
-from canonical.config import config
-from canonical.launchpad.ftests import (
-    login,
-    logout,
-    )
 from canonical.launchpad.xmlrpc import faults
 from canonical.testing import DatabaseFunctionalLayer
 from lp.code.enums import BranchType
+from lp.code.interfaces.codehosting import BRANCH_ALIAS_PREFIX
+from lp.code.interfaces.linkedbranch import ICanHasLinkedBranch
 from lp.code.xmlrpc.branch import PublicCodehostingAPI
 from lp.services.xmlrpc import LaunchpadFault
-from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory
+from lp.testing import person_logged_in, TestCaseWithFactory
@@ -36,43 +35,42 @@
     layer = DatabaseFunctionalLayer
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up the fixture for these unit tests.
-        - 'project' is an arbitrary Launchpad project.
-        - 'trunk' is a branch on 'project', associated with the development
-          focus.
+    def makeProdutWithTrunk(self):
+        """Make a new project with a trunk hosted branch."""
+        product = self.factory.makeProduct()
+        # BranchType is only signficiant insofar as it is not a REMOTE branch.
+        trunk = self.factory.makeProductBranch(
+            branch_type=BranchType.HOSTED, product=product)
+        with person_logged_in(product.owner):
+            ICanHasLinkedBranch(product).setBranch(trunk)
+        return product, trunk
+    def assertResolves(self, lp_url_path, public_branch_path, lp_path=None):
+        """Assert that `lp_url_path` path expands to `unique_name`.
+        :param public_branch_path: The path that is accessible over http.
+        :param lp_path: The path the short lp alias path for the branch.
-        TestCaseWithFactory.setUp(self)
-        self.api = PublicCodehostingAPI(None, None)
-        self.product = self.factory.makeProduct()
-        # Associate 'trunk' with the product's development focus. Use
-        # removeSecurityProxy so that we can assign directly to branch.
-        trunk_series = removeSecurityProxy(self.product).development_focus
-        # BranchType is only signficiant insofar as it is not a REMOTE branch.
-        trunk_series.branch = (
-            self.factory.makeProductBranch(
-                branch_type=BranchType.HOSTED, product=self.product))
-    def makePrivateBranch(self, **kwargs):
-        """Create an arbitrary private branch using `makeBranch`."""
-        branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch(**kwargs)
-        naked_branch = removeSecurityProxy(branch)
-        naked_branch.private = True
-        return branch
-    def assertResolves(self, lp_url_path, unique_name):
-        """Assert that `lp_url_path` path expands to `unique_name`."""
-        results = self.api.resolve_lp_path(lp_url_path)
+        api = PublicCodehostingAPI(None, None)
+        results = api.resolve_lp_path(lp_url_path)
+        if lp_path is None:
+            ssh_branch_path = public_branch_path
+        else:
+            ssh_branch_path = '%s/%s' % (BRANCH_ALIAS_PREFIX, lp_path)
         # This improves the error message if results happens to be a fault.
         if isinstance(results, LaunchpadFault):
             raise results
         for url in results['urls']:
-            self.assertEqual('/' + unique_name, URI(url).path)
+            uri = URI(url)
+            if uri.scheme == 'http':
+                self.assertEqual('/' + public_branch_path, uri.path)
+            else:
+                self.assertEqual('/' + ssh_branch_path, uri.path)
     def assertFault(self, lp_url_path, expected_fault):
         """Trying to resolve lp_url_path raises the expected fault."""
-        fault = self.api.resolve_lp_path(lp_url_path)
+        api = PublicCodehostingAPI(None, None)
+        fault = api.resolve_lp_path(lp_url_path)
             isinstance(fault, xmlrpclib.Fault),
             "resolve_lp_path(%r) returned %r, not a Fault."
@@ -87,35 +85,39 @@
         # containing a list of these URLs, with the faster and more featureful
         # URLs earlier in the list. We use a dict so we can easily add more
         # information in the future.
-        trunk = self.product.development_focus.branch
-        results = self.api.resolve_lp_path(self.product.name)
+        product, trunk = self.makeProdutWithTrunk()
+        api = PublicCodehostingAPI(None, None)
+        results = api.resolve_lp_path(product.name)
         urls = [
-            'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.dev/%s' % trunk.unique_name,
+            'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.dev/+branch/%s' % product.name,
             'http://bazaar.launchpad.dev/%s' % trunk.unique_name]
         self.assertEqual(dict(urls=urls), results)
     def test_resultDictForHotProduct(self):
         # If 'project-name' is in the config.codehosting.hot_products list,
         # lp:project-name will only resolve to the http url.
-        config.push(
-            'hot_product',
-            '[codehosting]\nhot_products: %s '% self.product.name)
-        self.addCleanup(config.pop, 'hot_product')
-        trunk = self.product.development_focus.branch
-        results = self.api.resolve_lp_path(self.product.name)
+        product, trunk = self.makeProdutWithTrunk()
+        self.pushConfig('codehosting', hot_products=product.name)
+        api = PublicCodehostingAPI(None, None)
+        results = api.resolve_lp_path(product.name)
         http_url = 'http://bazaar.launchpad.dev/%s' % trunk.unique_name
         self.assertEqual(dict(urls=[http_url]), results)
     def test_product_only(self):
         # lp:product expands to the branch associated with development focus
-        # of the product.
-        trunk = self.product.development_focus.branch
-        self.assertResolves(self.product.name, trunk.unique_name)
-        trunk_series = removeSecurityProxy(self.product).development_focus
-        trunk_series.branch = self.factory.makeProductBranch(
-            branch_type=BranchType.HOSTED, product=self.product)
-        self.assertResolves(
-            self.product.name, trunk_series.branch.unique_name)
+        # of the product for the anonymous public access, just to the aliased
+        # short name for bzr+ssh access.
+        product, trunk = self.makeProdutWithTrunk()
+        lp_path = product.name
+        self.assertResolves(lp_path, trunk.unique_name, lp_path)
+    def test_product_explicit_dev_series(self):
+        # lp:product/development_focus expands to the branch associated with
+        # development focus of the product for the anonymous public access,
+        # just to the aliased short name for bzr+ssh access.
+        product, trunk = self.makeProdutWithTrunk()
+        lp_path='%s/%s' % (product.name, product.development_focus.name)
+        self.assertResolves(lp_path, trunk.unique_name, lp_path)
     def test_product_doesnt_exist(self):
         # Return a NoSuchProduct fault if the product doesn't exist.
@@ -165,18 +167,11 @@
     def test_product_and_series(self):
         # lp:product/series expands to the branch associated with the product
         # series 'series' on 'product'.
-        series = self.factory.makeSeries(
-            product=self.product,
-            branch=self.factory.makeProductBranch(product=self.product))
-        self.assertResolves(
-            '%s/%s' % (self.product.name, series.name),
-            series.branch.unique_name)
-        # We can also use product/series notation to reach trunk.
-        self.assertResolves(
-            '%s/%s' % (self.product.name,
-                       self.product.development_focus.name),
-            self.product.development_focus.branch.unique_name)
+        product = self.factory.makeProduct()
+        branch = branch=self.factory.makeProductBranch(product=product)
+        series = self.factory.makeSeries(product=product, branch=branch)
+        lp_path = '%s/%s' % (product.name, series.name)
+        self.assertResolves(lp_path, branch.unique_name, lp_path)
     def test_development_focus_has_no_branch(self):
         # Return a NoLinkedBranch fault if the development focus has no branch
@@ -196,17 +191,19 @@
     def test_no_such_product_series(self):
         # Return a NoSuchProductSeries fault if there is no series of the
         # given name associated with the product.
+        product = self.factory.makeProduct()
-            '%s/%s' % (self.product.name, "doesntexist"),
-            faults.NoSuchProductSeries("doesntexist", self.product))
+            '%s/%s' % (product.name, "doesntexist"),
+            faults.NoSuchProductSeries("doesntexist", product))
     def test_no_such_product_series_non_ascii(self):
         # lp:product/<non-ascii-string> returns NoSuchProductSeries with the
         # name escaped.
+        product = self.factory.makeProduct()
-            '%s/%s' % (self.product.name, NON_ASCII_NAME),
+            '%s/%s' % (product.name, NON_ASCII_NAME),
-                urlutils.escape(NON_ASCII_NAME), self.product))
+                urlutils.escape(NON_ASCII_NAME), product))
     def test_no_such_distro_series(self):
         # Return a NoSuchDistroSeries fault if there is no series of the given
@@ -254,34 +251,37 @@
     def test_branch(self):
         # The unique name of a branch resolves to the unique name of the
         # branch.
-        arbitrary_branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch()
-        self.assertResolves(
-            arbitrary_branch.unique_name, arbitrary_branch.unique_name)
-        trunk = self.product.development_focus.branch
+        branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch()
+        self.assertResolves(branch.unique_name, branch.unique_name)
+    def test_trunk_accessed_as_branch(self):
+        # A branch that is the development focus for any product can also be
+        # accessed through the branch's unique_name.
+        _ignored, trunk = self.makeProdutWithTrunk()
         self.assertResolves(trunk.unique_name, trunk.unique_name)
     def test_mirrored_branch(self):
         # The unique name of a mirrored branch resolves to the unique name of
         # the branch.
-        arbitrary_branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch(
-            branch_type=BranchType.MIRRORED)
-        self.assertResolves(
-            arbitrary_branch.unique_name, arbitrary_branch.unique_name)
+        branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch(branch_type=BranchType.MIRRORED)
+        self.assertResolves(branch.unique_name, branch.unique_name)
     def test_no_such_branch_product(self):
         # Resolve paths to branches even if there is no branch of that name.
         # We do this so that users can push new branches to lp: URLs.
         owner = self.factory.makePerson()
+        product = self.factory.makeProduct()
         nonexistent_branch = '~%s/%s/doesntexist' % (
-            owner.name, self.product.name)
+            owner.name, product.name)
         self.assertResolves(nonexistent_branch, nonexistent_branch)
     def test_no_such_branch_product_non_ascii(self):
         # A path to a branch that contains non ascii characters will never
         # find a branch, but it still resolves rather than erroring.
         owner = self.factory.makePerson()
+        product = self.factory.makeProduct()
         nonexistent_branch = u'~%s/%s/%s' % (
-            owner.name, self.product.name, NON_ASCII_NAME)
+            owner.name, product.name, NON_ASCII_NAME)
             nonexistent_branch, urlutils.escape(nonexistent_branch))
@@ -291,8 +291,7 @@
         # the '+junk' project, which doesn't actually exist.
         owner = self.factory.makePerson()
         nonexistent_branch = '~%s/+junk/doesntexist' % owner.name
-        self.assertResolves(
-            nonexistent_branch, urlutils.escape(nonexistent_branch))
+        self.assertResolves(nonexistent_branch, nonexistent_branch)
     def test_no_such_branch_package(self):
         # Resolve paths to package branches even if there's no branch of that
@@ -374,26 +373,26 @@
     def test_trailing_slashes(self):
         # Trailing slashes are trimmed.
         # Trailing slashes on lp:product//
-        trunk = self.product.development_focus.branch
-        self.assertResolves(self.product.name + '/', trunk.unique_name)
-        self.assertResolves(self.product.name + '//', trunk.unique_name)
+        product, trunk = self.makeProdutWithTrunk()
+        self.assertResolves(
+            product.name + '/', trunk.unique_name, product.name)
+        self.assertResolves(
+            product.name + '//', trunk.unique_name, product.name)
         # Trailing slashes on lp:~owner/product/branch//
-        arbitrary_branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch()
-        self.assertResolves(
-            arbitrary_branch.unique_name + '/', arbitrary_branch.unique_name)
-        self.assertResolves(
-            arbitrary_branch.unique_name + '//', arbitrary_branch.unique_name)
+        branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch()
+        self.assertResolves(branch.unique_name + '/', branch.unique_name)
+        self.assertResolves(branch.unique_name + '//', branch.unique_name)
     def test_private_branch(self):
         # Invisible branches are resolved as if they didn't exist, so that we
         # reveal the least possile amount of information about them.
         # For fully specified branch names, this means resolving the lp url.
-        arbitrary_branch = self.makePrivateBranch()
+        branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch(private=True)
         # Removing security proxy to get at the unique_name attribute of a
         # private branch, and tests are currently running as an anonymous
         # user.
-        unique_name = removeSecurityProxy(arbitrary_branch).unique_name
+        unique_name = removeSecurityProxy(branch).unique_name
         self.assertResolves(unique_name, unique_name)
     def test_private_branch_on_series(self):
@@ -404,7 +403,7 @@
         # Removing security proxy because we need to be able to get at
         # attributes of a private branch and these tests are running as an
         # anonymous user.
-        branch = removeSecurityProxy(self.makePrivateBranch())
+        branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch(private=True)
         series = self.factory.makeSeries(branch=branch)
             '%s/%s' % (series.product.name, series.name),
@@ -417,11 +416,9 @@
         # development focus. If that branch is private, other views will
         # indicate that there is no branch on the development focus. We do the
         # same.
-        trunk = self.product.development_focus.branch
-        naked_trunk = removeSecurityProxy(trunk)
-        naked_trunk.private = True
-        self.assertFault(
-            self.product.name, faults.NoLinkedBranch(self.product))
+        product, trunk = self.makeProdutWithTrunk()
+        removeSecurityProxy(trunk).private = True
+        self.assertFault(product.name, faults.NoLinkedBranch(product))
     def test_private_branch_as_user(self):
         # We resolve invisible branches as if they don't exist.
@@ -433,19 +430,17 @@
         # Create the owner explicitly so that we can get its email without
         # resorting to removeSecurityProxy.
-        email = self.factory.getUniqueEmailAddress()
-        arbitrary_branch = self.makePrivateBranch(
-            owner=self.factory.makePerson(email=email))
-        login(email)
-        self.addCleanup(logout)
-        self.assertResolves(
-            arbitrary_branch.unique_name, arbitrary_branch.unique_name)
+        owner = self.factory.makePerson()
+        branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch(owner=owner, private=True)
+        path = removeSecurityProxy(branch).unique_name
+        self.assertResolves(path, path)
     def test_remote_branch(self):
         # For remote branches, return results that link to the actual remote
         # branch URL.
         branch = self.factory.makeAnyBranch(branch_type=BranchType.REMOTE)
-        result = self.api.resolve_lp_path(branch.unique_name)
+        api = PublicCodehostingAPI(None, None)
+        result = api.resolve_lp_path(branch.unique_name)
         self.assertEqual([branch.url], result['urls'])
     def test_remote_branch_no_url(self):