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[Merge] lp:~jtv/launchpad/pre-675426 into lp:launchpad/devel


Jeroen T. Vermeulen has proposed merging lp:~jtv/launchpad/pre-675426 into lp:launchpad/devel.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers): code

= Remove dead Translations code =

This gets rid of some dead, untested, obsolete Translations script code that we're only carrying around out of historical interest.  We have bzr for historical interests.

Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~jtv/launchpad/pre-675426 into lp:launchpad/devel.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/services/scripts/tests/__init__.py'
--- lib/lp/services/scripts/tests/__init__.py	2010-08-20 20:31:18 +0000
+++ lib/lp/services/scripts/tests/__init__.py	2010-11-16 13:00:24 +0000
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
-    'scripts/rosetta/remove-obsolete-translations.py',
     # sqlobject.DatbaseIndex ?
     # Python executable without '.py' extension.
@@ -38,7 +37,6 @@
     # Bad script, no help.
-    'scripts/rosetta/message-sharing-populate-test.py',

=== removed file 'lib/lp/translations/scripts/migrate_kde_potemplates.py'
--- lib/lp/translations/scripts/migrate_kde_potemplates.py	2010-08-20 20:31:18 +0000
+++ lib/lp/translations/scripts/migrate_kde_potemplates.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Migrate KDE POTemplates to native support for plural forms and context ."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'migrate_potemplates',
-    ]
-from sqlobject import SQLObjectNotFound
-from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
-from canonical.database.sqlbase import (
-    cursor,
-    sqlvalues,
-    )
-from lp.translations.interfaces.translationfileformat import (
-    TranslationFileFormat,
-    )
-from lp.translations.interfaces.translations import TranslationConstants
-from lp.translations.model.pomsgid import POMsgID
-from lp.translations.model.potemplate import POTemplate
-from lp.translations.model.potmsgset import POTMsgSet
-from lp.translations.model.potranslation import POTranslation
-from lp.translations.model.translationmessage import TranslationMessage
-def getOrCreatePOMsgID(msgid):
-    try:
-        pomsgid = POMsgID.byMsgid(msgid)
-    except SQLObjectNotFound:
-        pomsgid = POMsgID(msgid=msgid)
-    return pomsgid
-def get_potranslations(translations):
-    potranslations = {}
-    for index, translation in enumerate(translations):
-        if translation != '':
-            potranslations[index] = (
-                POTranslation.getOrCreateTranslation(translation))
-        else:
-            potranslations[index] = None
-    for index in range(len(potranslations),
-                       TranslationConstants.MAX_PLURAL_FORMS):
-        potranslations[index] = None
-    return potranslations
-def find_existing_translation(potmsgset, pofile, potranslations):
-    unprotected_potmsgset = removeSecurityProxy(potmsgset)
-    existing_message = (
-        unprotected_potmsgset._findTranslationMessage(
-            pofile=pofile, potranslations=potranslations,
-            pluralforms=TranslationConstants.MAX_PLURAL_FORMS))
-    return existing_message
-def migrate_translations_for_potmsgset(potmsgset, from_potmsgset,
-                                       logger, ztm):
-    """Migrate translations from `from_potmsgset` to `potmsgset`.
-    `from_potmsgset` is an old, unmigrated POTMsgSet we are migrating
-    translations from.  Translations are migrated to native context
-    and plural forms support along the way.
-    `from_potmsgset` and `potmsgset` might be the same, which happens when
-    we are migrating templates as well.
-    """
-    messages = TranslationMessage.select(
-        "potmsgset = %s" % sqlvalues(from_potmsgset))
-    logger.debug("Migrating %d translations for '%s'..." % (
-        messages.count(), potmsgset.singular_text))
-    for message in messages:
-        msgstrs = message.translations
-        # Let's see if translations have only the first plural
-        # form defined: if they do, then they need migration.
-        single_string = False
-        if len(msgstrs) > 0 and msgstrs[0] is not None:
-            single_string = True
-            for msgstr in msgstrs[1:]:
-                if msgstr is not None:
-                    single_string = False
-        if single_string:
-            translations = msgstrs[0].split('\n')
-            # If there's only a single plural form, no need to change
-            # anything.  If POTMsgSets are different, we still need
-            # to move the translation from one to the other.
-            if len(translations) == 1 and potmsgset == from_potmsgset:
-                continue
-            # If there is an existing TranslationMessage with
-            # these translations, re-use that and remove this one,
-            # otherwise modify this one in-place.
-            potranslations = get_potranslations(translations)
-            existing_message = find_existing_translation(
-                potmsgset, message.pofile, potranslations)
-            if existing_message:
-                if existing_message.id != message.id:
-                    # Only transfer is_current and is_imported
-                    # properties to an existing translation.
-                    if message.is_current:
-                        existing_message.is_current = True
-                    if message.is_imported:
-                        existing_message.is_imported = True
-                    # And remove the current message.
-                    message.destroySelf()
-            else:
-                # Modify `message` in-place.
-                message.msgstr0 = potranslations[0]
-                message.msgstr1 = potranslations[1]
-                message.msgstr2 = potranslations[2]
-                message.msgstr3 = potranslations[3]
-                message.msgstr4 = potranslations[4]
-                message.msgstr5 = potranslations[5]
-                if potmsgset.id != from_potmsgset.id:
-                    # Point TranslationMessage to a new POTMsgSet.
-                    # To avoid hitting constraints, first unset
-                    # the is_current and is_imported flags, and
-                    # restore them afterwards.
-                    stored_is_current = message.is_current
-                    stored_is_imported = message.is_imported
-                    message.is_current = False
-                    message.is_imported = False
-                    message.potmsgset = potmsgset
-                    message.sync()
-                    message.is_current = stored_is_current
-                    message.is_imported = stored_is_imported
-                    message.sync()
-def migrate_kde_potemplate_translations(potemplate, logger, ztm):
-    assert potemplate.source_file_format == TranslationFileFormat.KDEPO, (
-        "Trying to move translations for non-KDEPO template.")
-    cur = cursor()
-    cur.execute("""
-      SELECT old_msg.id, new_msg.id
-        FROM POTMsgSet AS old_msg, POMsgID AS old_msgid,
-             POTMsgSet AS new_msg, POMsgID AS singular, POMsgID AS plural
-        WHERE
-          -- they are both from this template
-          old_msg.potemplate=%s AND
-          new_msg.potemplate=old_msg.potemplate AND
-          -- old one is obsolete
-          old_msg.sequence=0 AND
-          -- old POTMsgSet has a singular form of the form '_n:...',
-          -- and no plural form
-          old_msg.msgid_singular=old_msgid.id AND
-          old_msg.msgid_plural IS NULL AND
-          old_msgid.msgid LIKE E'\\\\_n: %%' AND
-          -- and new POTMsgSet has singular and plural which when joined
-          -- give the old plural form
-          new_msg.msgid_singular=singular.id AND
-          new_msg.msgid_plural=plural.id AND
-          '_n: ' || singular.msgid || E'\\n' || plural.msgid = old_msgid.msgid
-          """ % sqlvalues(potemplate))
-    plural_potmsgsets = cur.fetchall()
-    logger.info("Migrating translations for %d plural POTMsgSets..." % (
-        len(plural_potmsgsets)))
-    for old_potmsgset_id, new_potmsgset_id in plural_potmsgsets:
-        old_potmsgset = POTMsgSet.get(old_potmsgset_id)
-        new_potmsgset = POTMsgSet.get(new_potmsgset_id)
-        migrate_translations_for_potmsgset(new_potmsgset, old_potmsgset,
-                                           logger, ztm)
-    cur.execute("""
-      SELECT old_msg.id, new_msg.id
-        FROM POTMsgSet AS old_msg, POMsgID AS old_msgid,
-             POTMsgSet AS new_msg, POMsgID AS new_msgid
-        WHERE
-          -- they are both from this template
-          old_msg.potemplate=%s AND
-          new_msg.potemplate=old_msg.potemplate AND
-          -- old one is obsolete
-          old_msg.sequence=0 AND
-          -- old POTMsgSet has a singular form of the form '_:...',
-          -- and no plural form
-          old_msg.msgid_singular=old_msgid.id AND
-          old_msg.msgid_plural IS NULL AND
-          old_msgid.msgid LIKE E'\\\\_: %%' AND
-          -- and new POTMsgSet has singular and context which when joined
-          -- give the old contextual message
-          new_msg.msgid_singular=new_msgid.id AND
-          '_: ' || new_msg.context || E'\\n' || new_msgid.msgid = old_msgid.msgid
-          """ % sqlvalues(potemplate))
-    plural_potmsgsets = cur.fetchall()
-    logger.info("Migrating translations for %d context POTMsgSets..." % (
-        len(plural_potmsgsets)))
-    for old_potmsgset_id, new_potmsgset_id in plural_potmsgsets:
-        old_potmsgset = POTMsgSet.get(old_potmsgset_id)
-        new_potmsgset = POTMsgSet.get(new_potmsgset_id)
-        messages = TranslationMessage.select(
-            "potmsgset=%s" % sqlvalues(old_potmsgset))
-        logger.debug(
-            "Moving %d context translations from POTMsgSet %d to %d..." % (
-                messages.count(), old_potmsgset_id, new_potmsgset_id))
-        migrate_translations_for_potmsgset(new_potmsgset, old_potmsgset,
-                                           logger, ztm)
-    ztm.commit()
-def existing_potmsgset(potemplate, msgid_singular, context):
-    clauses = ['potemplate=%s' % sqlvalues(potemplate),
-               'msgid_singular=%s' % sqlvalues(msgid_singular)]
-    if context is None:
-        clauses.append("context IS NULL")
-    else:
-        clauses.append("context=%s" % sqlvalues(context))
-    return POTMsgSet.selectOne(" AND ".join(clauses))
-def migrate_potemplate(potemplate, logger, ztm):
-    """Migrate PO templates to KDEPO format if needed."""
-    plural_prefix = u'_n: '
-    context_prefix = u'_: '
-    assert(potemplate.source_file_format == TranslationFileFormat.PO)
-    potmsgsets = POTMsgSet.select("""
-      POTMsgSet.potemplate = %s AND
-      POTMsgSet.msgid_singular=POMsgID.id AND
-      POTMsgSet.msgid_plural IS NULL AND
-      (POMsgID.msgid LIKE E'\\\\_n: %%' OR POMsgID.msgid LIKE E'\\\\_: %%')
-      """ % sqlvalues(potemplate),
-      clauseTables=['POMsgID'])
-    logger.debug("Fixing %d POTMsgSets..." % potmsgsets.count())
-    # We go potmsgset by potmsgset because it's easier to preserve
-    # correctness.  It'd be faster to go through translation messages
-    # but then we'd be fixing potmsgsets after fixing translation messages.
-    for potmsgset in potmsgsets:
-        msgid = potmsgset.singular_text
-        fix_plurals = fix_context = False
-        # Detect plural form and context messages: use the same
-        # logic as in utilities/kde_po_importer.py.
-        if msgid.startswith(plural_prefix) and '\n' in msgid:
-            # This is a KDE plural form.
-            singular_text, plural_text = (
-                msgid[len(plural_prefix):].split('\n', 1))
-            msgid_singular = getOrCreatePOMsgID(singular_text)
-            if existing_potmsgset(potemplate, msgid_singular, None):
-                logger.warn("POTMsgSet %d conflicts with another one." % (
-                    potmsgset.id))
-            else:
-                potmsgset.msgid_singular = msgid_singular
-                potmsgset.msgid_plural = getOrCreatePOMsgID(plural_text)
-                potmsgset.sync()
-                fix_plurals = True
-        elif msgid.startswith(context_prefix) and '\n' in msgid:
-            # This is a KDE context message: it needs no fixing apart
-            # from changing msgid_singular.
-            context, singular_text = (
-                msgid[len(context_prefix):].split('\n', 1))
-            msgid_singular = getOrCreatePOMsgID(singular_text)
-            if existing_potmsgset(potemplate, msgid_singular, context):
-                logger.warn("POTMsgSet %d conflicts with another one." % (
-                    potmsgset.id))
-            else:
-                potmsgset.context = context
-                potmsgset.msgid_singular = msgid_singular
-                potmsgset.sync()
-                fix_context = True
-        else:
-            # Other messages here are the ones which begin like
-            # context or plural form messages, but are actually neither.
-            pass
-        if fix_plurals:
-            # Fix translations for this potmsgset.
-            migrate_translations_for_potmsgset(potmsgset, potmsgset,
-                                               logger, ztm)
-    potemplate.source_file_format = TranslationFileFormat.KDEPO
-    # Commit a PO template one by one.
-    ztm.commit()
-def migrate_translations_for_kdepo_templates(ztm, logger):
-    """Migrate translations for already re-imported KDE PO templates."""
-    potemplates = POTemplate.select("""
-    source_file_format=%s AND
-    POTemplate.id IN
-        (SELECT DISTINCT potemplate
-          FROM POTMsgSet
-          WHERE POTMsgSet.potemplate = POTemplate.id AND
-                (POTMsgSet.msgid_plural IS NOT NULL OR
-                 POTMsgSet.context IS NOT NULL))
-      """ % sqlvalues(TranslationFileFormat.KDEPO))
-    count = potemplates.count()
-    index = 0
-    for potemplate in potemplates:
-        index += 1
-        logger.info("Migrating translations for KDE POTemplate %s [%d/%d]" % (
-            potemplate.displayname, index, count))
-        migrate_kde_potemplate_translations(potemplate, logger, ztm)
-def migrate_unmigrated_templates_to_kdepo(ztm, logger):
-    """Go through all non-KDE PO templates and migrate to KDEPO as needed."""
-    potemplates = POTemplate.select("""
-    source_file_format=%s AND
-    POTemplate.id IN
-        (SELECT DISTINCT potemplate
-          FROM POTMsgSet
-          JOIN POMsgID ON POMsgID.id = POTMsgSet.msgid_singular
-          WHERE POTMsgSet.potemplate = POTemplate.id AND
-                POTMsgSet.msgid_plural IS NULL AND
-                (POMsgID.msgid LIKE E'\\\\_n: %%' OR
-                 POMsgID.msgid LIKE E'\\\\_: %%'))
-      """ % sqlvalues(TranslationFileFormat.PO))
-    count = potemplates.count()
-    index = 0
-    for potemplate in potemplates:
-        index += 1
-        logger.info("Migrating POTemplate %s [%d/%d]" % (
-            potemplate.displayname, index, count))
-        migrate_potemplate(potemplate, logger, ztm)
-def migrate_potemplates(ztm, logger):
-    migrate_translations_for_kdepo_templates(ztm, logger)
-    migrate_unmigrated_templates_to_kdepo(ztm, logger)

=== removed file 'lib/lp/translations/scripts/remove_obsolete_translations.py'
--- lib/lp/translations/scripts/remove_obsolete_translations.py	2010-08-20 20:31:18 +0000
+++ lib/lp/translations/scripts/remove_obsolete_translations.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = ['RemoveObsoleteTranslations']
-from zope.component import getUtility
-from zope.interface import implements
-from canonical.database.sqlbase import quote
-from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.launchpad import ILaunchpadCelebrities
-from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.looptuner import ITunableLoop
-from canonical.launchpad.utilities.looptuner import DBLoopTuner
-from canonical.launchpad.webapp.interfaces import (
-    IStoreSelector,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.series import SeriesStatus
-from lp.services.scripts.base import LaunchpadScript
-collect_order = [
-    'POTemplate',
-    'POFile',
-    'TranslationImportQueueEntry',
-    'POTMsgSet',
-    'TranslationTemplateItem',
-    'TranslationMessage',
-    'POFileTranslator',
-    ]
-remove_order = list(reversed(collect_order))
-collection_query = """
-    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(temporary_table)s;
-    CREATE TEMP TABLE %(temporary_table)s
-        AS SELECT %(table)s.id AS id
-        FROM %(table)s
-        JOIN %(join_table)s ON %(table)s.%(join_column)s = %(join_table)s.id;
-    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %(temporary_table)s_idx ON %(temporary_table)s (id);
-    ANALYZE %(temporary_table)s"""
-# POTemplate
-collect_obsolete_potemplates_query = """
-    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(temporary_table)s;
-    CREATE TEMP TABLE %(temporary_table)s
-    AS SELECT %(table)s.id AS id
-    FROM %(table)s
-        JOIN %(join_table)s ON %(table)s.%(join_column)s = %(join_table)s.id
-    WHERE distroseries.distribution = %(distribution)s
-          AND distroseries.releasestatus = %(releasestatus)s;
-    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %(temporary_table)s_idx ON %(temporary_table)s (id);
-    ANALYZE %(temporary_table)s"""
-# Query to remove subset of entries based on a temporary table.
-deletion_query = """
-    DELETE FROM %(table)s
-    WHERE id IN (
-        SELECT id
-        FROM %(temporary_table)s
-        ORDER BY id
-        LIMIT %%d OFFSET %%d
-        )"""
-def commit_transaction(transaction, logger, dry_run=False):
-    """Commit ongoing transaction, start a new one.
-    Pauses process execution to give the database slave a chance
-    to keep up.
-    """
-    if transaction is None:
-        return
-    if not dry_run:
-        transaction.commit()
-        transaction.begin()
-class DeletionLoopRunner(object):
-    """Generic loop tuner for removal of obsolete translations data."""
-    implements(ITunableLoop)
-    def __init__(self, table_entry, transaction, logger, store,
-                 dry_run=False):
-        """Initialize the loop."""
-        size = table_entry['total']
-        self.table = table_entry['table']
-        self.removal_sql = deletion_query % table_entry
-        self._txn = transaction
-        self._logger = logger
-        self._store = store
-        self._dry_run = dry_run
-        self._iteration_end = size
-        self._iterations_done = 0
-        self._commit_count = 0
-    def isDone(self):
-        """See `ITunableLoop`."""
-        return self._iterations_done >= self._iteration_end
-    def __call__(self, chunk_size):
-        """See `ITunableLoop`."""
-        chunk_size = int(chunk_size)
-        query = self.removal_sql % (chunk_size, self._iterations_done)
-        result = self._store.execute(query)
-        self._logger.debug(
-            " * Removed another %d %ss (%d of %d)." % (
-                result._raw_cursor.rowcount,
-                self.table,
-                self._iterations_done + result._raw_cursor.rowcount,
-                self._iteration_end))
-        self._iterations_done += result._raw_cursor.rowcount
-        commit_transaction(self._txn, self._logger, dry_run=self._dry_run)
-        self._commit_count += 1
-    def getTotalCommits(self):
-        return self._commit_count
-class TranslationsStatusChecker:
-    """Check if translations data is consistent after removal."""
-    check_methods = {
-        'productseries_potemplates' : 'collectProductSeriesStats',
-        'other_distroseries_potemplates' : 'collectOtherDistroSeriesStats',
-        'potemplate_potmsgsets' : 'collectPOTemplatePOTMsgSetStats',
-        'potemplate_pofiles' : 'collectPOTemplatePOFileStats',
-        'pofile_pofiletranslators' : 'collectPOFileTranslatorStats',
-        'translationimportqueue_size' : 'getTranslationImportQueueSize',
-        }
-    def __init__(self, store, logger):
-        self.store = store
-        self.logger = logger
-        self.problems = 0
-        for attribute in self.check_methods:
-            method = getattr(self, self.check_methods[attribute])
-            self.logger.debug("Collecting %s..." % attribute)
-            setattr(self, attribute, method())
-    def postCheck(self):
-        self.checkObsoletePOTemplates()
-        for attribute in self.check_methods:
-            self.genericCheck(attribute)
-        if self.problems > 0:
-            self.logger.info("%d problems found." % self.problems)
-        else:
-            self.logger.info("All checks passed.")
-    def genericCheck(self, attribute_name):
-        method = getattr(self, self.check_methods[attribute_name])
-        new_stats = method()
-        old_stats = getattr(self, attribute_name)
-        if old_stats != new_stats:
-            if not isinstance(old_stats, int):
-                old_stats = len(old_stats)
-                new_stats = len(new_stats)
-            self.logger.warn(
-                "Mismatch in %s (was %d long, now %d)." % (
-                    attribute_name, old_stats, new_stats))
-            self.problems += 1
-    def checkObsoletePOTemplates(self):
-        query = """SELECT COUNT(POTemplate.id) FROM POTemplate
-                   JOIN DistroSeries
-                     ON POTemplate.distroseries=DistroSeries.id
-                   WHERE DistroSeries.releasestatus=%s AND
-                         DistroSeries.distribution=%s""" % (
-            quote(SeriesStatus.OBSOLETE),
-            quote(getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).ubuntu))
-        result = self.store.execute(query)
-        count = result.get_one()
-        if int(count[0]) != 0:
-            self.logger.warn("\tObsolete POTemplates remaining: %s." % count)
-            self.problems += 1
-    def collectProductSeriesStats(self):
-        query = """SELECT ProductSeries.id, COUNT(POTemplate.id)
-                     FROM ProductSeries
-                     JOIN POTemplate
-                       ON POTemplate.productseries=ProductSeries.id
-                     GROUP BY ProductSeries.id
-                     ORDER BY ProductSeries.id"""
-        result = self.store.execute(query)
-        return result.get_all()
-    def collectOtherDistroSeriesStats(self):
-        query = """SELECT DistroSeries.id, COUNT(POTemplate.id)
-                     FROM DistroSeries
-                     JOIN POTemplate
-                       ON POTemplate.distroseries=DistroSeries.id
-                     WHERE DistroSeries.releasestatus != %s
-                     GROUP BY DistroSeries.id
-                     ORDER BY DistroSeries.id""" % quote(
-            SeriesStatus.OBSOLETE)
-        result = self.store.execute(query)
-        return result.get_all()
-    def collectPOTemplatePOFileStats(self):
-        query = """SELECT POTemplate.id, COUNT(POFile.id)
-                     FROM POTemplate
-                     LEFT OUTER JOIN DistroSeries
-                       ON POTemplate.distroseries=DistroSeries.id
-                     JOIN POFile
-                       ON POFile.potemplate=POTemplate.id
-                     WHERE (distroseries IS NOT NULL AND
-                            DistroSeries.releasestatus != %s) OR
-                           productseries IS NOT NULL
-                     GROUP BY POTemplate.id
-                     ORDER BY POTemplate.id""" % quote(
-            SeriesStatus.OBSOLETE)
-        result = self.store.execute(query)
-        return result.get_all()
-    def collectPOTemplatePOTMsgSetStats(self):
-        query = """SELECT POTemplate.id, COUNT(POTMsgSet.id)
-                     FROM POTemplate
-                     LEFT OUTER JOIN DistroSeries
-                       ON POTemplate.distroseries=DistroSeries.id
-                     JOIN POTMsgSet
-                       ON POTMsgSet.potemplate=POTemplate.id
-                     WHERE (distroseries IS NOT NULL AND
-                            DistroSeries.releasestatus != %s) OR
-                           productseries IS NOT NULL
-                     GROUP BY POTemplate.id
-                     ORDER BY POTemplate.id""" % quote(
-            SeriesStatus.OBSOLETE)
-        result = self.store.execute(query)
-        return result.get_all()
-    def collectPOFileTranslatorStats(self):
-        query = """SELECT POFile.id, COUNT(POFileTranslator.id)
-                     FROM POFile
-                     JOIN POTemplate
-                       ON POFile.potemplate=POTemplate.id
-                     LEFT OUTER JOIN DistroSeries
-                       ON POTemplate.distroseries=DistroSeries.id
-                     JOIN POFileTranslator
-                       ON POFileTranslator.pofile=POFile.id
-                     WHERE (distroseries IS NOT NULL AND
-                            DistroSeries.releasestatus != %s) OR
-                           productseries IS NOT NULL
-                     GROUP BY POFile.id
-                     ORDER BY POFile.id""" % quote(
-            SeriesStatus.OBSOLETE)
-        result = self.store.execute(query)
-        return result.get_all()
-    def getTranslationImportQueueSize(self):
-        query = """SELECT count(id) FROM TranslationImportQueueEntry"""
-        result = self.store.execute(query)
-        return int(result.get_one()[0])
-class RemoveObsoleteTranslations(LaunchpadScript):
-    def add_my_options(self):
-        self.parser.add_option(
-            '-d', '--dry-run', action="store_true", dest='dry_run',
-            default=False, help="Don't really make any database changes.")
-        self.parser.add_option(
-            '-l', '--loop-timing', dest='loop_time',
-            default=5, help="Time in seconds for the loop to run.")
-    def main(self):
-        removal_traits = {
-            'TranslationMessage' :
-                { 'table' : 'TranslationMessage',
-                  'temporary_table' : 'obsolete_translationmessage',
-                  'join_table' : 'obsolete_pofile',
-                  'join_column' : 'pofile',
-                  },
-            'TranslationTemplateItem' :
-                { 'table' : 'TranslationTemplateItem',
-                  'temporary_table' : 'obsolete_tti',
-                  'join_table' : 'obsolete_potemplate',
-                  'join_column' : 'potemplate',
-                  },
-            'POTMsgSet' :
-                { 'table' : 'POTMsgSet',
-                  'temporary_table' : 'obsolete_potmsgset',
-                  'join_table' : 'obsolete_potemplate',
-                  'join_column' : 'potemplate',
-                  },
-            'POFileTranslator' :
-                { 'table' : 'POFileTranslator',
-                  'temporary_table' : 'obsolete_pofiletranslator',
-                  'join_table' : 'obsolete_pofile',
-                  'join_column' : 'pofile',
-                  },
-            'POFile' :
-                { 'table' : 'POFile',
-                  'temporary_table' : 'obsolete_pofile',
-                  'join_table' : 'obsolete_potemplate',
-                  'join_column' : 'potemplate',
-                  },
-            'TranslationImportQueueEntry' :
-                { 'table' : 'TranslationImportQueueEntry',
-                  'temporary_table' : 'obsolete_queueentries',
-                  'join_table' : 'obsolete_potemplate',
-                  'join_column' : 'potemplate',
-                  },
-            'POTemplate' :
-                { 'table' : 'POTemplate',
-                  'temporary_table' : 'obsolete_potemplate',
-                  'join_table' : 'distroseries',
-                  'join_column' : 'distroseries',
-                  'distribution' :
-                    quote(getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).ubuntu),
-                  'releasestatus' : quote(SeriesStatus.OBSOLETE),
-                  'collection_sql' : collect_obsolete_potemplates_query,
-                  },
-            }
-        if self.options.dry_run:
-            self.logger.info("Dry run.  Not making any changes.")
-        self.logger.debug(
-            "Removing translations of obsolete Ubuntu versions")
-        self._commit_count = 0
-        # Working on the writable master store
-        store = getUtility(IStoreSelector).get(MAIN_STORE, MASTER_FLAVOR)
-        self._store = store
-        checker = TranslationsStatusChecker(store, self.logger)
-        for table in collect_order:
-            entry = removal_traits[table]
-            collect_sql = entry.get('collection_sql', collection_query)
-            collect = store.execute(collect_sql % entry)
-            count = self._count_rows(entry['temporary_table'])
-            entry['total'] = count
-        self._do_commit()
-        for table in remove_order:
-            entry = removal_traits[table]
-            self.logger.info(
-                "Removing %d %s rows." % (entry['total'], table))
-            loop = DeletionLoopRunner(
-                entry, self.txn, self.logger, store,
-                dry_run=self.options.dry_run)
-            DBLoopTuner(loop, self.options.loop_time, log=self.logger).run()
-            self._commit_count += loop.getTotalCommits()
-        self.logger.info("Done with %d commits." % self._commit_count)
-        self.logger.info("Statistics:")
-        for table in remove_order:
-            self.logger.info("\t%-30s: %d removed" % (
-                    table, removal_traits[table]['total']))
-        self.logger.info("Checks:")
-        checker.postCheck()
-        if self.options.dry_run:
-            self.txn.abort()
-    def _count_rows(self, tablename):
-        """Helper to count all rows in a table."""
-        count_query = "SELECT count(*) FROM %s"
-        result = self._store.execute(
-            count_query % tablename).get_one()
-        return result[0]
-    def _do_commit(self):
-        """Commit ongoing transaction, start a new one.
-        Pauses process execution to give the database slave a chance
-        to keep up.
-        """
-        commit_transaction(self.txn, self.logger,
-                           dry_run=self.options.dry_run)
-        self._commit_count += 1

=== removed file 'scripts/rosetta/message-sharing-populate-test.py'
--- scripts/rosetta/message-sharing-populate-test.py	2010-07-13 15:40:33 +0000
+++ scripts/rosetta/message-sharing-populate-test.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -S
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-# pylint: disable-msg=W0403
-"""Test Translation Message Sharing schema initializations.
-This script verifies the results of the message-sharing-populate.py
-one-off script.  It checks that all schema elements that were added for
-translation message sharing were initialized correctly.
-Run this after message-sharing-populate.py, but also occasionally
-afterwards to ensure that the code that initializes the added schema
-elements on new data is working correctly.
-The new schema elements are not used yet.  Once they are, a next step is
-to start unifying TranslationMessages that are common between
-POTemplates.  When that happens, this script will start reporting errors
-at points marked in the source below.  Change those points & run again!
-import _pythonpath
-from canonical.database.sqlbase import cursor
-from canonical.launchpad.scripts import execute_zcml_for_scripts
-class SchemaElementsInitializationFailure(Exception):
-    """Convenience exception class for errors found in our data."""
-    pass
-def check(query, error_message, expected_result=0):
-    """Report error if `query` result does not match `expected_result`."""
-    cur = cursor()
-    cur.execute(query)
-    result, = cur.fetchone()
-    if result != expected_result:
-        counts = "expected %s, found %s" % (expected_result, result)
-        raise SchemaElementsInitializationFailure(
-            "%s (%s)" % (error_message, counts))
-def test_schema():
-    """Test schema initializations."""
-    cur = cursor()
-    # Are all TranslationMessage.language fields initialized?
-    query = """
-        SELECT count(*)
-        FROM TranslationMessage
-        WHERE language IS NULL
-       """
-    check(query, "Found uninitialized TranslationMessage.language")
-    # Are all TranslationMessages.potemplate fields initialized?
-    # XXX JeroenVermeulen 2008-10-06 spec=message-sharing-migration:
-    # potemplate will be allowed to be null later on, when we really
-    # start sharing messages.  The field means "this message is specific
-    # to this potemplate, rather than shared").  Remove this check then.
-    query = """
-        SELECT count(*)
-        FROM TranslationMessage
-        WHERE potemplate IS NULL OR language IS NULL
-       """
-    check(query, "Found uninitialized TranslationMessages.potemplate.")
-    # Are all TranslationMessages linked to the right languages?
-    query = """
-        SELECT count(*)
-        FROM TranslationMessage
-        LEFT JOIN POFile ON POFile.id = TranslationMessage.pofile
-        WHERE
-            POFile.id IS NULL OR
-            POFile.language <> TranslationMessage.language
-        """
-    check(query, "Found TranslationMessages with incorrect language.")
-    # Do all POTMsgSets with nonzero sequence numbers have linking-table
-    # entries linking them to their POTemplates?  (Zero sequence number
-    # means "does not participate in this POTemplate," a wart that will
-    # go away with this schema change)
-    query = """
-        SELECT count(*)
-        FROM POTMsgSet
-        LEFT JOIN TranslationTemplateItem AS i ON i.potmsgset = POTMsgSet.id
-        WHERE POTMsgSet.sequence <> 0 AND i.id IS NULL
-        """
-    check(query, "Found unlinked POTMsgSets.")
-    # Conversely, is the linking table free of unexpected rows?
-    query = """
-        SELECT count(*)
-        FROM TranslationTemplateItem i
-        LEFT JOIN POTMsgSet ON i.potmsgset = POTMsgSet.id
-        WHERE POTMsgSet.id IS NULL or POTMsgSet.sequence = 0
-        """
-    check(query, "Found unexpected TranslationTemplateItem rows.")
-    # Are all TranslationTemplateItems correct?
-    query = """
-        SELECT count(*)
-        FROM POTMsgSet
-        JOIN TranslationTemplateItem AS i ON i.potmsgset = POTMsgSet.id
-        WHERE
-            i.potemplate <> POTMsgSet.potemplate OR
-            i.sequence <> POTMsgSet.sequence
-        """
-    check(query, "Found incorrect TranslationTemplateItem contents.")
-    # Is each POTMsgSet linked to no more than one POTemplate?
-    # XXX JeroenVermeulen 2008-10-06 spec=message-sharing-migration:
-    # Once we start sharing messages across templates, this will become
-    # a real m:n relationship between POTMsgSet and POTemplate.  At that
-    # point, remove his check.
-    query = """
-        SELECT count(*)
-        FROM (
-            SELECT count(*)
-            FROM TranslationTemplateItem
-            GROUP BY potmsgset
-            HAVING count(*) > 1
-            ) AS shared_potmsgset
-        """
-    check(query, "Found shared POTMsgSets.")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    execute_zcml_for_scripts()
-    test_schema()
-    print "Done."

=== removed file 'scripts/rosetta/message-sharing-populate.py'
--- scripts/rosetta/message-sharing-populate.py	2010-08-06 07:02:32 +0000
+++ scripts/rosetta/message-sharing-populate.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -S
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-# pylint: disable-msg=W0403
-"""Populate schema additions for Translations Message Sharing.
-This fills two new `TranslationMessage` columns: potemplate, language.
-It also creates linking table entries connecting the existing `POTMsgSet`s
-to their `POTemplate`s.
-Since the schema additions are not in use yet, this script doesn't need
-to be careful about grouping by template, preserving any kind of order,
-and so on.
-On the other hand, the Python code tree should already be initializing
-the new columns and the linking table by the time this script is run.
-So we do have to be careful not to interfere with that, or stumble when
-some records have already been initialized properly.
-import _pythonpath
-from zope.interface import implements
-from canonical.database.postgresql import drop_tables
-from canonical.database.sqlbase import cursor, sqlvalues
-from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.looptuner import ITunableLoop
-from lp.services.scripts.base import LaunchpadScript
-from canonical.launchpad.utilities.looptuner import DBLoopTuner
-class PopulateTranslationMessage:
-    """`ITunableLoop` to populate new TranslationMessage columns."""
-    implements(ITunableLoop)
-    def __init__(self, txn, logger):
-        self.txn = txn
-        self.logger = logger
-        self.last_id = 0
-        cur = cursor()
-        cur.execute("""
-            SELECT id
-            INTO TEMP TABLE temp_todo
-            FROM TranslationMessage
-            WHERE potemplate IS NULL
-            ORDER BY id
-            """)
-        cur.execute(
-            "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX temp_todo__pkey ON temp_todo(id)")
-        cur.execute("ANALYZE temp_todo(id)")
-        cur.execute("SELECT max(id) FROM temp_todo")
-        max_id, = cur.fetchone()
-        if max_id is None:
-            self.finish_id = 0
-        else:
-            self.finish_id = max_id + 1
-    def isDone(self):
-        """See `ITunableLoop`."""
-        done = (self.last_id >= self.finish_id)
-        if done:
-            drop_tables(cursor(), 'temp_todo')
-        return done
-    def __call__(self, chunk_size):
-        """See `ITunableLoop`."""
-        chunk_size = int(chunk_size)
-        cur = cursor()
-        cur.execute("""
-            SELECT id
-            FROM temp_todo
-            WHERE id >= %s
-            ORDER BY id
-            OFFSET %s
-            LIMIT 1
-            """ % sqlvalues(self.last_id, chunk_size))
-        batch_limit = cur.fetchone()
-        if batch_limit is None:
-            end_id = self.finish_id
-        else:
-            end_id, = batch_limit
-        cur.execute("""
-            UPDATE TranslationMessage AS Msg
-            SET
-                potemplate = POFile.potemplate,
-                language = POFile.language
-            FROM POFile
-            WHERE
-                POFile.id = Msg.pofile AND
-                Msg.potemplate IS NULL AND
-                Msg.id IN (
-                    SELECT id
-                    FROM temp_todo
-                    WHERE id >= %s AND id < %s
-                )
-            """ % sqlvalues(self.last_id, end_id))
-        self.logger.info(
-            "Updated %d rows: %d - %d." % (
-                cur.rowcount, self.last_id, end_id))
-        self.txn.commit()
-        self.txn.begin()
-        self.last_id = end_id
-class PopulateTranslationTemplateItem:
-    """`ITunableLoop` to populate TranslationTemplateItem linking table."""
-    implements(ITunableLoop)
-    def __init__(self, txn, logger):
-        self.txn = txn
-        self.done = False
-        self.logger = logger
-        self.last_id = 0
-        cur = cursor()
-        cur.execute("""
-            SELECT POTMsgSet.id
-            INTO TEMP TABLE temp_todo
-            FROM POTMsgSet
-            LEFT JOIN TranslationTemplateItem AS ExistingEntry ON
-                ExistingEntry.potmsgset = potmsgset.id
-            WHERE
-                POTMsgSet.sequence > 0 AND
-                ExistingEntry.id IS NULL
-            ORDER BY id
-            """)
-        cur.execute(
-            "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX temp_todo__pkey ON temp_todo(id)")
-        cur.execute("ANALYZE temp_todo(id)")
-        cur.execute("SELECT max(id) FROM temp_todo")
-        max_id, = cur.fetchone()
-        if max_id is None:
-            self.finish_id = 0
-        else:
-            self.finish_id = max_id + 1
-    def isDone(self):
-        """See `ITunableLoop`."""
-        done = (self.last_id >= self.finish_id)
-        if done:
-            drop_tables(cursor(), 'temp_todo')
-        return done
-    def __call__(self, chunk_size):
-        """See `ITunableLoop`."""
-        chunk_size = int(chunk_size)
-        cur = cursor()
-        cur.execute("""
-            SELECT id
-            FROM temp_todo
-            WHERE id >= %s
-            ORDER BY id
-            OFFSET %s
-            LIMIT 1
-            """ % sqlvalues(self.last_id, chunk_size))
-        batch_limit = cur.fetchone()
-        if batch_limit is None:
-            end_id = self.finish_id
-        else:
-            end_id, = batch_limit
-        cur.execute("""
-            INSERT INTO TranslationTemplateItem(
-                potemplate, sequence, potmsgset)
-            SELECT POTMsgSet.potemplate, POTMsgSet.sequence, POTMsgSet.id
-            FROM POTMsgSet
-            LEFT JOIN TranslationTemplateItem AS ExistingEntry ON
-                ExistingEntry.potmsgset = potmsgset.id
-            WHERE
-                POTMsgSet.id >= %s AND
-                POTMsgSet.id < %s AND
-                POTMsgSet.sequence > 0 AND
-                ExistingEntry.id IS NULL
-            """ % sqlvalues(self.last_id, end_id))
-        self.logger.info("Inserted %d rows." % cur.rowcount)
-        self.txn.commit()
-        self.txn.begin()
-        self.last_id = end_id
-class PopulateMessageSharingSchema(LaunchpadScript):
-    description = (
-        "Populate columns and linking table added for Translations Message "
-        "sharing.")
-    def main(self):
-        self.logger.info("Populating new TranslationMessage columns.")
-        tm_loop = PopulateTranslationMessage(self.txn, self.logger)
-        DBLoopTuner(tm_loop, 2, log=self.logger).run()
-        self.logger.info("Populating TranslationTemplateItem.")
-        tti_loop = PopulateTranslationTemplateItem(self.txn, self.logger)
-        DBLoopTuner(tti_loop, 2, log=self.logger).run()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    script = PopulateMessageSharingSchema(
-        'canonical.launchpad.scripts.message-sharing-populate')
-    script.run()

=== removed file 'scripts/rosetta/remove-obsolete-translations.py'
--- scripts/rosetta/remove-obsolete-translations.py	2010-04-27 19:48:39 +0000
+++ scripts/rosetta/remove-obsolete-translations.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -S
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-# pylint: disable-msg=W0403
-# (Suppressing pylint "relative import" warning 0403 for _pythonpath)
-__metaclass__ = type
-import _pythonpath
-from lp.translations.scripts.remove_obsolete_translations import (
-    RemoveObsoleteTranslations)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    script = RemoveObsoleteTranslations(
-        'canonical.launchpad.scripts.remove-obsolete-translations',
-        dbuser='rosettaadmin')
-    script.run()

=== modified file 'utilities/migrater/file-ownership.txt'
--- utilities/migrater/file-ownership.txt	2010-10-31 20:18:45 +0000
+++ utilities/migrater/file-ownership.txt	2010-11-16 13:00:24 +0000
@@ -604,7 +604,6 @@
 reg ./scripts/listteammembers.py
-    ./scripts/migrate_kde_potemplates.py
@@ -623,7 +622,6 @@
-    ./scripts/remove_obsolete_translations.py