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[Merge] lp:~adeuring/launchpad/bug-607958 into lp:launchpad


Abel Deuring has proposed merging lp:~adeuring/launchpad/bug-607958 into lp:launchpad.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
Related bugs:
  #607958 timeouts on Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats

For more details, see:

This branch fixes bug 607958: timeouts on Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats

The query to find expirable bugtasks is/was quite slow. An EXPLAIN ANALYZE showed that the sub-query to find all possible bug targets having bug expiration enabled retrieved _all_ bugtargets, even if findExpirableBugTasks() is called with a target. This branch modifies this sub-query so that only those bug targets are retrieved that are related to the given target parameter. (Note the difference between a target of a bug task and parameter "target" of findExpirableBugtasks(): If the method parameter is a distribution or a product, we want to retrieve bugtasks for a distroseries or a productseries too).

So I added a method _getJoinForTargets() which builds the JOIN expression for several targets. This method is called by _getTargetJoinAndClause() with the "right" selection of target types for a given parameter "target" of findExpirableBugTasks()

This makes the query twice as a fast as before for findExpriableBugTasks(target=ubuntu). (Note that the timeouts mentioned in the bug report already disappeared when we switched to PostgesQL 8.3)

test: ./bin/test -vvt test_bugtask.BugTaskSetFindExpirableBugTasksTest

no lint
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~adeuring/launchpad/bug-607958 into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/model/bugtask.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/model/bugtask.py	2011-01-05 08:10:10 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/model/bugtask.py	2011-01-10 11:19:16 +0000
@@ -2620,6 +2620,60 @@
                     AND RelatedBugTask.status IN %s)
             """ % sqlvalues(unexpirable_status_list)
+        IDistribution: """
+            SELECT Distribution.id, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                Distribution.id, NULL
+            FROM Distribution
+            WHERE Distribution.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE""",
+        IDistroSeries: """
+            SELECT NULL, DistroSeries.id, NULL, NULL,
+                Distribution.id, NULL
+            FROM DistroSeries
+                JOIN Distribution
+                    ON DistroSeries.distribution = Distribution.id
+            WHERE Distribution.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE""",
+        IProduct: """
+            SELECT NULL, NULL, Product.id, NULL,
+                NULL, Product.id
+            FROM Product
+            WHERE Product.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE""",
+        IProductSeries: """
+            SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, ProductSeries.id,
+                NULL, Product.id
+            FROM ProductSeries
+                JOIN Product
+                    ON ProductSeries.Product = Product.id
+            WHERE Product.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE""",
+        }
+        IDistribution: "BugTask.distribution = target.distribution",
+        IDistroSeries: "BugTask.distroseries = target.distroseries",
+        IProduct: "BugTask.product = target.product",
+        IProductSeries: "BugTask.productseries = target.productseries",
+        }
+    def _getJoinForTargets(self, *targets):
+        """Build the UNION of the sub-query for the given set of targets."""
+        selects = ' UNION '.join(
+            self.TARGET_SELECT[target] for target in targets)
+        join_clause = ' OR '.join(
+            self.TARGET_JOIN_CLAUSE[target] for target in targets)
+        return """
+        JOIN (
+            -- We create this rather bizarre looking structure
+            -- because we must replicate the behaviour of BugTask since
+            -- we are joining to it. So when distroseries is set,
+            -- distribution should be NULL. The two pillar columns will
+            -- be used in the WHERE clause.
+            SELECT 0 AS distribution, 0 AS distroseries,
+                   0 AS product , 0 AS productseries,
+                   0 AS distribution_pillar, 0 AS product_pillar
+            UNION %s
+            ) target
+            ON (%s)""" % (selects, join_clause)
     def _getTargetJoinAndClause(self, target):
         """Return a SQL join clause to a `BugTarget`.
@@ -2632,54 +2686,23 @@
         :raises AssertionError: If the target is not a known implementer of
-        target_join = """
-            JOIN (
-                -- We create this rather bizarre looking structure
-                -- because we must replicate the behaviour of BugTask since
-                -- we are joining to it. So when distroseries is set,
-                -- distribution should be NULL. The two pillar columns will
-                -- be used in the WHERE clause.
-                SELECT 0 AS distribution, 0 AS distroseries,
-                       0 AS product , 0 AS productseries,
-                       0 AS distribution_pillar, 0 AS product_pillar
-                UNION
-                    SELECT Distribution.id, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                        Distribution.id, NULL
-                    FROM Distribution
-                    WHERE Distribution.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE
-                UNION
-                    SELECT NULL, DistroSeries.id, NULL, NULL,
-                        Distribution.id, NULL
-                    FROM DistroSeries
-                        JOIN Distribution
-                            ON DistroSeries.distribution = Distribution.id
-                    WHERE Distribution.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE
-                UNION
-                    SELECT NULL, NULL, Product.id, NULL,
-                        NULL, Product.id
-                    FROM Product
-                    WHERE Product.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE
-                UNION
-                    SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, ProductSeries.id,
-                        NULL, Product.id
-                    FROM ProductSeries
-                        JOIN Product
-                            ON ProductSeries.Product = Product.id
-                    WHERE Product.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE) target
-                ON (BugTask.distribution = target.distribution
-                    OR BugTask.distroseries = target.distroseries
-                    OR BugTask.product = target.product
-                    OR BugTask.productseries = target.productseries)"""
         if target is None:
+            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(
+                IDistribution, IDistroSeries, IProduct, IProductSeries)
             target_clause = "TRUE IS TRUE"
         elif IDistribution.providedBy(target):
+            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(
+                IDistribution, IDistroSeries)
             target_clause = "target.distribution_pillar = %s" % sqlvalues(
         elif IDistroSeries.providedBy(target):
+            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(IDistroSeries)
             target_clause = "BugTask.distroseries = %s" % sqlvalues(target)
         elif IProduct.providedBy(target):
+            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(IProduct, IProductSeries)
             target_clause = "target.product_pillar = %s" % sqlvalues(target)
         elif IProductSeries.providedBy(target):
+            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(IProductSeries)
             target_clause = "BugTask.productseries = %s" % sqlvalues(target)
         elif (IProjectGroup.providedBy(target)
               or ISourcePackage.providedBy(target)

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/model/tests/test_bugtask.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/model/tests/test_bugtask.py	2010-11-12 03:58:03 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/model/tests/test_bugtask.py	2011-01-10 11:19:16 +0000
@@ -1204,14 +1204,16 @@
         Four BugTarget types may passed as the target argument:
         Distribution, DistroSeries, Product, ProductSeries.
-        supported_targets = [self.distribution, self.distroseries,
-                             self.product, self.productseries]
-        for target in supported_targets:
+        supported_targets_and_task_count = [
+            (self.distribution, 2), (self.distroseries, 1), (self.product, 2),
+            (self.productseries, 1), (None, 4)]
+        for target, expected_count in supported_targets_and_task_count:
             expirable_bugtasks = self.bugtaskset.findExpirableBugTasks(
                 0, self.user, target=target)
-            self.assertNotEqual(expirable_bugtasks.count(), 0,
-                 "%s has %d expirable bugtasks." %
-                 (self.distroseries, expirable_bugtasks.count()))
+            self.assertEqual(expected_count, expirable_bugtasks.count(),
+                 "%s has %d expirable bugtasks, expected %d." %
+                 (self.distroseries, expirable_bugtasks.count(),
+                  expected_count))
     def testUnsupportedBugTargetParam(self):
         """Test that unsupported targets raise errors.