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[Merge] lp:~rvb/launchpad/change-perm-sync into lp:launchpad


Raphaël Victor Badin has proposed merging lp:~rvb/launchpad/change-perm-sync into lp:launchpad.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
Related bugs:
  Bug #773261 in Launchpad itself: "The permission check for syncing packages on the differences pages (+localpackagediff) should be done on a per-package basis and not by checking lp.Edit on the series."

For more details, see:

This branch fixes the permission check used to sync packages. It previously used lp.edit on the series and now checks upload permissions for every synced package.

= Details =
The tricky part is that this perm check cannot be performed by a security adapter because the check needs more information than what is available inside a security adapter.

- Added the permission check inside checkCopy (lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/packagecopier.py). The person requesting the sync had to be passed along the call stack.
- Removed the perm check against lp.edit on the series.
- Added new tests and refactored existing ones in lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/test_distroseries.py to avoid code duplication.
- Drive-by documentation fix: added documentation for parameter strict_component of checkUpload (lib/lp/soyuz/interfaces/archive.py).
- Drive-by style fix in lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/test_distroseries.py: renamed a few local variables (that where overriding an import), removed unused variables.

== Pre-implementation notes ==
Spoke with William Grant.

= Tests =
(modified tests)
./bin/test -cvv test_distroseries test_sync_error_nothing_selected
./bin/test -cvv test_distroseries test_sync_notification_on_success
./bin/test -cvv test_distroseries test_sync_error_invalid_selection
(added tests)
./bin/test -cvv test_distroseries test_canPerformSync_anon
./bin/test -cvv test_distroseries test_canPerformSync_non_anon
./bin/test -cvv test_distroseries test_sync_error_no_perm_dest_archive
./bin/test -cvv test_distroseries test_sync_success_perm_component
./bin/test -cvv test_distroseries test_sync_error_no_perm_component
./bin/test -cvv test_distroseries test_sync_success_not_yet_in_derived_series

= QA =
On DF: https://dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+localpackagediffs
As anon user: the sync button should not be displayed.
As non privileged user: syncing packages should return an error.
As a user with perms on destination component A:
- syncing a package already existing in component B should fail.
- syncing a package already existing in component A should work.
- syncing a package not existing in the destination series should work.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~rvb/launchpad/change-perm-sync into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/registry/browser/distroseries.py'
--- lib/lp/registry/browser/distroseries.py	2011-04-26 14:40:00 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/browser/distroseries.py	2011-04-29 14:01:22 +0000
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
             'selected_differences', sources, self.context.main_archive,
             self.context, PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE,
             include_binaries=False, dest_url=series_url,
-            dest_display_name=series_title):
+            dest_display_name=series_title, person=self.user):
             # The copy worked so we can redirect back to the page to
             # show the results.
             self.next_url = self.request.URL
@@ -795,8 +795,7 @@
         This method is used as a condition for the above sync action, as
         well as directly in the template.
-        return (check_permission('launchpad.Edit', self.context) and
-                self.cached_differences.batch.total() > 0)
+        return self.user is not None and self.cached_differences.batch.total() > 0
     def specified_name_filter(self):

=== modified file 'lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/test_distroseries.py'
--- lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/test_distroseries.py	2011-04-27 07:27:55 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/test_distroseries.py	2011-04-29 14:01:22 +0000
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
         # Helper function to create a valid DSD.
         distroseries = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-        ds_diff = self.factory.makeDistroSeriesDifference(
+        self.factory.makeDistroSeriesDifference(
             derived_series=distroseries, difference_type=difference_type)
         return create_initialized_view(distroseries, '+index')
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@
-            html = view()
+            html_content = view()
             None, getFeatureFlag('soyuz.derived-series-ui.enabled'))
-        self.assertThat(html, Not(portlet_header))
+        self.assertThat(html_content, Not(portlet_header))
     def test_differences_portlet_all_differences(self):
         # The difference portlet shows the differences with the parent
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@
             # XXX rvb 2011-04-12 bug=758649: LaunchpadTestRequest overrides
             # self.features to NullFeatureController.
             view.request.features = get_relevant_feature_controller()
-            html = view()
+            html_content = view()
-        self.assertThat(html, portlet_display)
+        self.assertThat(html_content, portlet_display)
     def test_differences_portlet_no_differences(self):
         # The difference portlet displays 'No differences' if there is no
@@ -235,9 +235,9 @@
             # XXX rvb 2011-04-12 bug=758649: LaunchpadTestRequest overrides
             # self.features to NullFeatureController.
             view.request.features = get_relevant_feature_controller()
-            html = view()
+            html_content = view()
-        self.assertThat(html, portlet_display)
+        self.assertThat(html_content, portlet_display)
     def test_differences_portlet_initialising(self):
         # The difference portlet displays 'The series is initialising.' if
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
         derived_series = self._setupDifferences('deri', 'sid', 0, 0, 0)
         job_source = getUtility(IInitialiseDistroSeriesJobSource)
-        job = job_source.create(derived_series.parent, derived_series)
+        job_source.create(derived_series.parent, derived_series)
         portlet_display = soupmatchers.HTMLContains(
                 'Derived series', 'h2',
@@ -263,10 +263,10 @@
             # XXX rvb 2011-04-12 bug=758649: LaunchpadTestRequest overrides
             # self.features to NullFeatureController.
             view.request.features = get_relevant_feature_controller()
-            html = view()
+            html_content = view()
-        self.assertThat(html, portlet_display)
+        self.assertThat(html_content, portlet_display)
 class TestMilestoneBatchNavigatorAttribute(TestCaseWithFactory):
@@ -1001,51 +1001,142 @@
             [resolved_diff], filtered_view.cached_differences.batch)
-    def test_canPerformSync_non_editor(self):
-        # Non-editors do not see options to sync.
+    def _setUpDSD(self, src_name='src-name', versions=None,
+                  difference_type=None):
+        # Helper to create a derived series with fixed names and proper
+        # source package format selection along with a DSD.
+        parent_series = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(name='warty')
         derived_series = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-            name='derilucid', parent_series=self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-                name='lucid'))
+            distribution=self.factory.makeDistribution(name='deribuntu'),
+            name='derilucid', parent_series=parent_series)
+        self._set_source_selection(derived_series)
-            derived_series=derived_series)
+            source_package_name_str=src_name,
+            derived_series=derived_series, versions=versions,
+            difference_type=difference_type)
+        sourcepackagename = self.factory.getOrMakeSourcePackageName(
+            src_name)
+        return derived_series, parent_series, sourcepackagename
+    def test_canPerformSync_anon(self):
+        # Anonymous users do not see options to sync.
+        derived_series, _, _ = self._setUpDSD()
+        view = create_initialized_view(
+            derived_series, '+localpackagediffs')
+        self.assertFalse(view.canPerformSync())
+    def test_canPerformSync_non_anon(self):
+        # Logged-in users are presented with options to perform syncs.
+        # Note that a more fine-grained perm check is done on each
+        # synced package.
+        derived_series, _, _ = self._setUpDSD()
         with person_logged_in(self.factory.makePerson()):
             view = create_initialized_view(
                 derived_series, '+localpackagediffs')
-        self.assertFalse(view.canPerformSync())
-    def test_canPerformSync_editor(self):
-        # Editors are presented with options to perform syncs.
-        derived_series = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-            name='derilucid', parent_series=self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-                name='lucid'))
-        self.factory.makeDistroSeriesDifference(
-            derived_series=derived_series)
-        set_derived_series_ui_feature_flag(self)
-        with person_logged_in(derived_series.owner):
-            view = create_initialized_view(
-                derived_series, '+localpackagediffs')
+    def _syncAndGetView(self, derived_series, person, sync_differences,
+                        difference_type=None, view_name='+localpackagediffs'):
+        # A helper to get the POST'ed sync view.
+        with person_logged_in(person):
+            view = create_initialized_view(
+                derived_series, view_name,
+                method='POST', form={
+                    'field.selected_differences': sync_differences,
+                    'field.actions.sync': 'Sync',
+                    })
+            return view
+    def test_sync_error_nothing_selected(self):
+        # An error is raised when a sync is requested without any selection.
+        derived_series, _, _ = self._setUpDSD()
+        view = self._syncAndGetView(derived_series, derived_series.owner, [])
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(view.errors))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'No differences selected.', view.errors[0])
+    def test_sync_error_invalid_selection(self):
+        # An error is raised when an invalid difference is selected.
+        derived_series, _, _ = self._setUpDSD('my-src-name')
+        view = self._syncAndGetView(
+            derived_series, derived_series.owner, ['some-other-name'])
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(view.errors))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'No differences selected.', view.errors[0])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'Invalid value', view.errors[1].error_name)
+    def test_sync_error_no_perm_dest_archive(self):
+        # A user without upload rights on the destination archive cannot
+        # sync packages.
+        derived_series, _, _ = self._setUpDSD('my-src-name')
+        view = self._syncAndGetView(
+            derived_series, self.factory.makePerson(), ['my-src-name'])
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(view.errors))
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "The signer of this package has no upload rights to this "
+            "distribution's primary archive" in view.errors[0])
+    def makePersonWithComponentPermission(self, archive, component=None):
+        person = self.factory.makePerson()
+        if component is None:
+            component = self.factory.makeComponent()
+        removeSecurityProxy(archive).newComponentUploader(
+            person, component)
+        return person, component
+    def test_sync_success_perm_component(self):
+        # A user with upload rights on the destination component
+        # can sync packages.
+        derived_series, parent_series, sourcepackagename = self._setUpDSD(
+            'my-src-name')
+        person, _ = self.makePersonWithComponentPermission(
+            derived_series.main_archive,
+            derived_series.getSourcePackage(
+                sourcepackagename).latest_published_component)
+        view = self._syncAndGetView(
+            derived_series, person, ['my-src-name'])
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(view.errors))
+    def test_sync_error_no_perm_component(self):
+        # A user without upload rights on the destination component
+        # will get an error when he syncs packages to this component.
+        derived_series, parent_series, sourcepackagename = self._setUpDSD(
+            'my-src-name')
+        person, another_component = self.makePersonWithComponentPermission(
+            derived_series.main_archive)
+        view = self._syncAndGetView(
+            derived_series, person, ['my-src-name'])
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(view.errors))
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "Signer is not permitted to upload to the "
+            "component" in view.errors[0])
     def test_sync_notification_on_success(self):
-        # Syncing one or more diffs results in a stub notification.
+        # A user with upload rights on the destination archive can
+        # sync packages. Notifications about the synced packages are
+        # displayed and the packages are copied inside the destination
+        # series.
         versions = {
             'base': '1.0',
             'derived': '1.0derived1',
             'parent': '1.0-1',
-        parent_series = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(name='warty')
-        derived_distro = self.factory.makeDistribution(name='deribuntu')
-        derived_series = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-            distribution=derived_distro, name='derilucid',
-            parent_series=parent_series)
-        self._set_source_selection(derived_series)
-        difference = self.factory.makeDistroSeriesDifference(
-            source_package_name_str='my-src-name',
-            derived_series=derived_series, versions=versions)
+        derived_series, parent_series, sourcepackagename = self._setUpDSD(
+            'my-src-name', versions=versions)
+        # Setup a user with upload rights.
+        person = self.factory.makePerson()
+        removeSecurityProxy(derived_series.main_archive).newPackageUploader(
+            person, sourcepackagename)
         # The inital state is that 1.0-1 is not in the derived series.
         pubs = derived_series.main_archive.getPublishedSources(
@@ -1054,16 +1145,8 @@
         self.assertIs(None, pubs)
         # Now, sync the source from the parent using the form.
-        set_derived_series_ui_feature_flag(self)
-        with person_logged_in(derived_series.owner):
-            view = create_initialized_view(
-                derived_series, '+localpackagediffs',
-                method='POST', form={
-                    'field.selected_differences': [
-                        difference.source_package_name.name,
-                        ],
-                    'field.actions.sync': 'Sync',
-                    })
+        view = self._syncAndGetView(
+            derived_series, person, ['my-src-name'])
         # The parent's version should now be in the derived series:
         pub = derived_series.main_archive.getPublishedSources(
@@ -1086,52 +1169,31 @@
         # 302 is a redirect back to the same page.
         self.assertEqual(302, view.request.response.getStatus())
-    def test_sync_error_nothing_selected(self):
-        # An error is raised when a sync is requested without any selection.
-        derived_series = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-            name='derilucid', parent_series=self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-                name='lucid'))
-        self.factory.makeDistroSeriesDifference(
-            source_package_name_str='my-src-name',
-            derived_series=derived_series)
-        set_derived_series_ui_feature_flag(self)
-        with person_logged_in(derived_series.owner):
-            view = create_initialized_view(
-                derived_series, '+localpackagediffs',
-                method='POST', form={
-                    'field.selected_differences': [],
-                    'field.actions.sync': 'Sync',
-                    })
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(view.errors))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'No differences selected.', view.errors[0])
-    def test_sync_error_invalid_selection(self):
-        # An error is raised when an invalid difference is selected.
-        derived_series = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-            name='derilucid', parent_series=self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-                name='lucid'))
-        self._set_source_selection(derived_series)
-        self.factory.makeDistroSeriesDifference(
-            source_package_name_str='my-src-name',
-            derived_series=derived_series)
-        set_derived_series_ui_feature_flag(self)
-        with person_logged_in(derived_series.owner):
-            view = create_initialized_view(
-                derived_series, '+localpackagediffs',
-                method='POST', form={
-                    'field.selected_differences': ['some-other-name'],
-                    'field.actions.sync': 'Sync',
-                    })
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(view.errors))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'No differences selected.', view.errors[0])
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'Invalid value', view.errors[1].error_name)
+    def test_sync_success_not_yet_in_derived_series(self):
+        # If the package to sync does not exist yet in the derived series,
+        # upload right to any component inside the destination series will be
+        # enough to sync the package.
+        versions = {
+            'parent': '1.0-1',
+        }
+        missing = DistroSeriesDifferenceType.MISSING_FROM_DERIVED_SERIES
+        derived_series, parent_series, sourcepackagename = self._setUpDSD(
+            'my-src-name', difference_type=missing, versions=versions)
+        person, another_component = self.makePersonWithComponentPermission(
+            derived_series.main_archive)
+        view = self._syncAndGetView(
+            derived_series, person, ['my-src-name'],
+            view_name='+missingpackages')
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(view.errors))
+        notifications = view.request.response.notifications
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(notifications))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            '<p>Packages copied to '
+            '<a href="http://launchpad.dev/deribuntu/derilucid";'
+            '>Derilucid</a>:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>my-src-name 1.0-1 in '
+            'derilucid</li>\n</ul>',
+            notifications[0].message)
 class TestDistroSeriesNeedsPackagesView(TestCaseWithFactory):

=== modified file 'lib/lp/soyuz/browser/archive.py'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/browser/archive.py	2011-04-12 01:43:42 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/browser/archive.py	2011-04-29 14:01:22 +0000
@@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@
     def do_copy(self, sources_field_name, source_pubs, dest_archive,
                 dest_series, dest_pocket, include_binaries,
-                dest_url=None, dest_display_name=None):
+                dest_url=None, dest_display_name=None, person=None):
         """Copy packages and add appropriate feedback to the browser page.
         :param sources_field_name: The name of the form field to set errors
@@ -1236,13 +1236,16 @@
         :param dest_display_name: The text to use for the dest_url link.
             Defaults to the target archive's display name and will be
             automatically escaped for inclusion in the output.
+        :param person: The (optional) person requesting the copy (if present,
+            will be used for the permission check).
         :return: True if the copying worked, False otherwise.
             copies = do_copy(
                 source_pubs, dest_archive, dest_series,
-                dest_pocket, include_binaries)
+                dest_pocket, include_binaries, allow_delayed_copies=True,
+                person=person)
         except CannotCopy, error:
             messages = []
             error_lines = str(error).splitlines()

=== modified file 'lib/lp/soyuz/interfaces/archive.py'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/interfaces/archive.py	2011-04-11 05:21:38 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/interfaces/archive.py	2011-04-29 14:01:22 +0000
@@ -616,6 +616,9 @@
         :param component: The `Component` being uploaded to.
         :param pocket: The `PackagePublishingPocket` of 'distroseries' being
             uploaded to.
+        :param strict_component: True if access to the specific component for
+            the package is needed to upload to it. If False, then access to
+            any package will do.
         :return: The reason for not being able to upload, None otherwise.

=== modified file 'lib/lp/soyuz/model/archive.py'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/model/archive.py	2011-04-11 05:38:23 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/model/archive.py	2011-04-29 14:01:22 +0000
@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@
     def verifyUpload(self, person, sourcepackagename, component,
-                      distroseries, strict_component=True):
+                     distroseries, strict_component=True):
         """See `IArchive`."""
         if not self.enabled:
             return ArchiveDisabled(self.displayname)

=== modified file 'lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/packagecopier.py'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/packagecopier.py	2011-04-11 14:34:55 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/packagecopier.py	2011-04-29 14:01:22 +0000
@@ -28,10 +28,11 @@
 from lp.app.errors import NotFoundError
 from lp.buildmaster.enums import BuildStatus
 from lp.soyuz.adapters.packagelocation import build_package_location
-from lp.soyuz.enums import ArchivePurpose
-from lp.soyuz.interfaces.archive import (
-    CannotCopy,
+from lp.soyuz.enums import (
+    ArchivePurpose,
+    SourcePackageFormat,
+from lp.soyuz.interfaces.archive import CannotCopy
 from lp.soyuz.interfaces.binarypackagebuild import BuildSetStatus
 from lp.soyuz.interfaces.publishing import (
@@ -44,7 +45,6 @@
-from lp.soyuz.enums import SourcePackageFormat
 from lp.soyuz.scripts.ftpmasterbase import (
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
                         "%s already exists in destination archive with "
                         "different contents." % lf.libraryfile.filename)
-    def checkCopy(self, source, series, pocket):
+    def checkCopy(self, source, series, pocket, person=None):
         """Check if the source can be copied to the given location.
         Check possible conflicting publications in the destination archive.
@@ -384,13 +384,34 @@
         higher than any version of the same source present in the
         destination suite (series + pocket).
+        If person is not None, check that this person has upload rights to
+        the destination (archive, component, pocket).
         :param source: copy candidate, `ISourcePackagePublishingHistory`.
         :param series: destination `IDistroSeries`.
         :param pocket: destination `PackagePublishingPocket`.
+        :param person: requestor `IPerson`.
         :raise CannotCopy when a copy is not allowed to be performed
             containing the reason of the error.
+        # If there is a requestor, check that he has upload permission
+        # into the destination (archive, component, pocket). This check
+        # is done here rather than in the security adapter because it
+        # requires more info than is available in the security adapter.
+        if person is not None:
+            sourcepackagename = source.sourcepackagerelease.sourcepackagename
+            destination_component = series.getSourcePackage(
+                sourcepackagename).latest_published_component
+            # If destination_component is not None, make sure the person
+            # has upload permission for this component. Otherwise, any upload
+            # permission on this archive will do.
+            reason = self.archive.checkUpload(
+                person, series, sourcepackagename, destination_component,
+                pocket, strict_component=(destination_component is not None))
+            if reason:
+                raise CannotCopy(reason)
         if series not in self.archive.distribution.series:
             raise CannotCopy(
                 "No such distro series %s in distribution %s." %
@@ -459,7 +480,7 @@
 def do_copy(sources, archive, series, pocket, include_binaries=False,
-            allow_delayed_copies=True):
+            allow_delayed_copies=True, person=None):
     """Perform the complete copy of the given sources incrementally.
     Verifies if each copy can be performed using `CopyChecker` and
@@ -481,6 +502,7 @@
     :param allow_delayed_copies: boolean indicating whether or not private
         sources can be copied to public archives using delayed_copies.
         Defaults to True, only set as False in the UnembargoPackage context.
+    :param: person: the requestor `IPerson`.
     :raise CannotCopy when one or more copies were not allowed. The error
         will contain the reason why each copy was denied.
@@ -500,7 +522,7 @@
             destination_series = series
-            copy_checker.checkCopy(source, destination_series, pocket)
+            copy_checker.checkCopy(source, destination_series, pocket, person)
         except CannotCopy, reason:
             errors.append("%s (%s)" % (source.displayname, reason))