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[Merge] lp:~stevenk/launchpad/announcements-copies into lp:launchpad


Steve Kowalik has proposed merging lp:~stevenk/launchpad/announcements-copies into lp:launchpad.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

As the first step of generalising notifications so that copies can also perform them, move all of the e-mail type stuff out of lp.soyuz.model.queue and into lp.soyuz.adapters.notification.

This does not change any tests or functionality, it moves the code and massages it to work since they are no longer methods on a PackageUpload class.

I also drive-by added the Copyright header back to lp.soyuz.model.queue which Julian accidentally removed over 2,500 revisions ago.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~stevenk/launchpad/announcements-copies into lp:launchpad.
=== added file 'lib/lp/soyuz/adapters/notification.py'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/adapters/notification.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/adapters/notification.py	2011-05-19 09:14:26 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+"""Notification for uploads and copies."""
+__metaclass__ = type
+__all__ = [
+    'notify',
+    ]
+from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+from canonical.config import config
+from canonical.launchpad.helpers import get_email_template
+from canonical.launchpad.mail import (
+    format_address,
+    sendmail,
+    )
+from canonical.launchpad.webapp import canonical_url
+from lp.archivepublisher.utils import get_ppa_reference
+from lp.archiveuploader.changesfile import ChangesFile
+from lp.registry.interfaces.pocket import (
+    PackagePublishingPocket,
+    pocketsuffix,
+    )
+from lp.services.encoding import (
+    ascii_smash,
+    guess as guess_encoding,
+    )
+from lp.soyuz.enums import PackageUploadStatus
+def notification(blamer, changesfile, archive, distroseries, pocket, action,
+                 actor=None, reason=None):
+    pass
+def notify_spr_less(blamer, upload_path, changesfiles, reason):
+    pass
+def notify(packageupload, announce_list=None, summary_text=None,
+       changes_file_object=None, logger=None, dry_run=False,
+       allow_unsigned=None):
+    """See `IPackageUpload`."""
+    packageupload.logger = logger
+    # If this is a binary or mixed upload, we don't send *any* emails
+    # provided it's not a rejection or a security upload:
+    if(packageupload.from_build and
+       packageupload.status != PackageUploadStatus.REJECTED and
+       packageupload.pocket != PackagePublishingPocket.SECURITY):
+        debug(
+            packageupload.logger,
+            "Not sending email; upload is from a build.")
+        return
+    # XXX julian 2007-05-11:
+    # Requiring an open changesfile object is a bit ugly but it is
+    # required because of several problems:
+    # a) We don't know if the librarian has the file committed or not yet
+    # b) Passing a ChangesFile object instead means that we get an
+    #    unordered dictionary which can't be translated back exactly for
+    #    the email's summary section.
+    # For now, it's just easier to re-read the original file if the caller
+    # requires us to do that instead of using the librarian's copy.
+    changes, changes_lines = packageupload._getChangesDict(
+        changes_file_object, allow_unsigned=allow_unsigned)
+    # "files" will contain a list of tuples of filename,component,section.
+    # If files is empty, we don't need to send an email if this is not
+    # a rejection.
+    try:
+        files = _buildUploadedFilesList(packageupload)
+    except LanguagePackEncountered:
+        # Don't send emails for language packs.
+        return
+    if not files and packageupload.status != PackageUploadStatus.REJECTED:
+        return
+    summary = _buildSummary(packageupload, files)
+    if summary_text:
+        summary.append(summary_text)
+    summarystring = "\n".join(summary)
+    recipients = _getRecipients(packageupload, changes)
+    # There can be no recipients if none of the emails are registered
+    # in LP.
+    if not recipients:
+        debug(packageupload.logger, "No recipients on email, not sending.")
+        return
+    # Make the content of the actual changes file available to the
+    # various email generating/sending functions.
+    if changes_file_object is not None:
+        changesfile_content = changes_file_object.read()
+    else:
+        changesfile_content = 'No changes file content available'
+    # If we need to send a rejection, do it now and return early.
+    if packageupload.status == PackageUploadStatus.REJECTED:
+        _sendRejectionNotification(
+            packageupload, recipients, changes_lines, changes, summary_text,
+            dry_run, changesfile_content)
+        return
+    _sendSuccessNotification(
+        packageupload, recipients, announce_list, changes_lines, changes,
+        summarystring, dry_run, changesfile_content)
+def _sendSuccessNotification(
+    packageupload, recipients, announce_list, changes_lines, changes,
+    summarystring, dry_run, changesfile_content):
+    """Send a success email."""
+    def do_sendmail(message, recipients=recipients, from_addr=None,
+                    bcc=None):
+        """Perform substitutions on a template and send the email."""
+        _handleCommonBodyContent(packageupload, message, changes)
+        body = message.template % message.__dict__
+        # Weed out duplicate name entries.
+        names = ', '.join(set(packageupload.displayname.split(', ')))
+        # Construct the suite name according to Launchpad/Soyuz
+        # convention.
+        pocket_suffix = pocketsuffix[packageupload.pocket]
+        if pocket_suffix:
+            suite = '%s%s' % (packageupload.distroseries.name, pocket_suffix)
+        else:
+            suite = packageupload.distroseries.name
+        subject = '[%s/%s] %s %s (%s)' % (
+            packageupload.distroseries.distribution.name, suite, names,
+            packageupload.displayversion, message.STATUS)
+        if packageupload.isPPA():
+            subject = "[PPA %s] %s" % (
+                get_ppa_reference(packageupload.archive), subject)
+            attach_changes = False
+        else:
+            attach_changes = True
+        _sendMail(
+            packageupload, recipients, subject, body, dry_run,
+            from_addr=from_addr, bcc=bcc,
+            changesfile_content=changesfile_content,
+            attach_changes=attach_changes)
+    class NewMessage:
+        """New message."""
+        template = get_email_template('upload-new.txt')
+        STATUS = "New"
+        SUMMARY = summarystring
+        CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
+            ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
+        DISTRO = packageupload.distroseries.distribution.title
+        if announce_list:
+            ANNOUNCE = 'Announcing to %s' % announce_list
+        else:
+            ANNOUNCE = 'No announcement sent'
+    class UnapprovedMessage:
+        """Unapproved message."""
+        template = get_email_template('upload-accepted.txt')
+        STATUS = "Waiting for approval"
+        SUMMARY = summarystring + (
+                "\nThis upload awaits approval by a distro manager\n")
+        CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
+            ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
+        DISTRO = packageupload.distroseries.distribution.title
+        if announce_list:
+            ANNOUNCE = 'Announcing to %s' % announce_list
+        else:
+            ANNOUNCE = 'No announcement sent'
+        CHANGEDBY = ''
+        ORIGIN = ''
+        SIGNER = ''
+        MAINTAINER = ''
+        SPR_URL = ''
+    class AcceptedMessage:
+        """Accepted message."""
+        template = get_email_template('upload-accepted.txt')
+        STATUS = "Accepted"
+        SUMMARY = summarystring
+        CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
+            ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
+        DISTRO = packageupload.distroseries.distribution.title
+        if announce_list:
+            ANNOUNCE = 'Announcing to %s' % announce_list
+        else:
+            ANNOUNCE = 'No announcement sent'
+        CHANGEDBY = ''
+        ORIGIN = ''
+        SIGNER = ''
+        MAINTAINER = ''
+        SPR_URL = ''
+    class PPAAcceptedMessage:
+        """PPA accepted message."""
+        template = get_email_template('ppa-upload-accepted.txt')
+        STATUS = "Accepted"
+        SUMMARY = summarystring
+        CHANGESFILE = guess_encoding(
+            ChangesFile.formatChangesComment("".join(changes_lines)))
+    class AnnouncementMessage:
+        template = get_email_template('upload-announcement.txt')
+        STATUS = "Accepted"
+        SUMMARY = summarystring
+        CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
+            ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
+        CHANGEDBY = ''
+        ORIGIN = ''
+        SIGNER = ''
+        MAINTAINER = ''
+        SPR_URL = ''
+    # The template is ready.  The remainder of this function deals with
+    # whether to send a 'new' message, an acceptance message and/or an
+    # announcement message.
+    if packageupload.status == PackageUploadStatus.NEW:
+        # This is an unknown upload.
+        do_sendmail(NewMessage)
+        return
+    # Unapproved uploads coming from an insecure policy only send
+    # an acceptance message.
+    if packageupload.status == PackageUploadStatus.UNAPPROVED:
+        # Only send an acceptance message.
+        do_sendmail(UnapprovedMessage)
+        return
+    if packageupload.isPPA():
+        # PPA uploads receive an acceptance message.
+        do_sendmail(PPAAcceptedMessage)
+        return
+    # Auto-approved uploads to backports skips the announcement,
+    # they are usually processed with the sync policy.
+    if packageupload.pocket == PackagePublishingPocket.BACKPORTS:
+        debug(
+            packageupload.logger, "Skipping announcement, it is a BACKPORT.")
+        do_sendmail(AcceptedMessage)
+        return
+    # Auto-approved binary-only uploads to security skip the
+    # announcement, they are usually processed with the security policy.
+    if (packageupload.pocket == PackagePublishingPocket.SECURITY
+        and not packageupload.contains_source):
+        # We only send announcements if there is any source in the upload.
+        debug(packageupload.logger,
+            "Skipping announcement, it is a binary upload to SECURITY.")
+        do_sendmail(AcceptedMessage)
+        return
+    # Fallback, all the rest coming from insecure, secure and sync
+    # policies should send an acceptance and an announcement message.
+    do_sendmail(AcceptedMessage)
+    # Don't send announcements for Debian auto sync uploads.
+    if packageupload.isAutoSyncUpload(changed_by_email=changes['Changed-By']):
+        return
+    if announce_list:
+        if not packageupload.signing_key:
+            from_addr = None
+        else:
+            from_addr = guess_encoding(changes['Changed-By'])
+        do_sendmail(
+            AnnouncementMessage,
+            recipients=[str(announce_list)],
+            from_addr=from_addr,
+            bcc="%s_derivatives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" %
+                packageupload.displayname)
+def _sendRejectionNotification(
+    packageupload, recipients, changes_lines, changes, summary_text, dry_run,
+    changesfile_content):
+    """Send a rejection email."""
+    class PPARejectedMessage:
+        """PPA rejected message."""
+        template = get_email_template('ppa-upload-rejection.txt')
+        SUMMARY = sanitize_string(summary_text)
+        CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
+            ChangesFile.formatChangesComment("".join(changes_lines)))
+        USERS_ADDRESS = config.launchpad.users_address
+    class RejectedMessage:
+        """Rejected message."""
+        template = get_email_template('upload-rejection.txt')
+        SUMMARY = sanitize_string(summary_text)
+        CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
+            ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
+        CHANGEDBY = ''
+        ORIGIN = ''
+        SIGNER = ''
+        MAINTAINER = ''
+        SPR_URL = ''
+        USERS_ADDRESS = config.launchpad.users_address,
+    default_recipient = "%s <%s>" % (
+        config.uploader.default_recipient_name,
+        config.uploader.default_recipient_address)
+    if not recipients:
+        recipients = [default_recipient]
+    debug(packageupload.logger, "Sending rejection email.")
+    if packageupload.isPPA():
+        message = PPARejectedMessage
+        attach_changes = False
+    else:
+        message = RejectedMessage
+        attach_changes = True
+    _handleCommonBodyContent(packageupload, message, changes)
+    if summary_text is None:
+        message.SUMMARY = 'Rejected by archive administrator.'
+    body = message.template % message.__dict__
+    subject = "%s rejected" % packageupload.changesfile.filename
+    if packageupload.isPPA():
+        subject = "[PPA %s] %s" % (
+            get_ppa_reference(packageupload.archive), subject)
+    _sendMail(
+        packageupload, recipients, subject, body, dry_run,
+        changesfile_content=changesfile_content,
+        attach_changes=attach_changes)
+def _sendMail(
+    packageupload, to_addrs, subject, mail_text, dry_run, from_addr=None,
+    bcc=None, changesfile_content=None, attach_changes=False):
+    """Send an email to to_addrs with the given text and subject.
+    :to_addrs: A list of email addresses to be used as recipients. Each
+        email must be a valid ASCII str instance or a unicode one.
+    :subject: The email's subject.
+    :mail_text: The text body of the email. Unicode is preserved in the
+        email.
+    :dry_run: Whether or not an email should actually be sent. But
+        please note that this flag is (largely) ignored.
+    :from_addr: The email address to be used as the sender. Must be a
+        valid ASCII str instance or a unicode one.  Defaults to the email
+        for config.uploader.
+    :bcc: Optional email Blind Carbon Copy address(es).
+    :changesfile_content: The content of the actual changesfile.
+    :attach_changes: A flag governing whether the original changesfile
+        content shall be attached to the email.
+    """
+    extra_headers = {'X-Katie': 'Launchpad actually'}
+    # XXX cprov 20071212: ideally we only need to check archive.purpose,
+    # however the current code in uploadprocessor.py (around line 259)
+    # temporarily transforms the primary-archive into a PPA one (w/o
+    # setting a proper owner) in order to allow processing of a upload
+    # to unknown PPA and subsequent rejection notification.
+    # Include the 'X-Launchpad-PPA' header for PPA upload notfications
+    # containing the PPA owner name.
+    if (
+        packageupload.archive.is_ppa and
+        packageupload.archive.owner is not None):
+        extra_headers['X-Launchpad-PPA'] = get_ppa_reference(
+            packageupload.archive)
+    # Include a 'X-Launchpad-Component' header with the component and
+    # the section of the source package uploaded in order to facilitate
+    # filtering on the part of the email recipients.
+    if packageupload.sources:
+        spr = packageupload.my_source_package_release
+        xlp_component_header = 'component=%s, section=%s' % (
+            spr.component.name, spr.section.name)
+        extra_headers['X-Launchpad-Component'] = xlp_component_header
+    if from_addr is None:
+        from_addr = format_address(
+            config.uploader.default_sender_name,
+            config.uploader.default_sender_address)
+    # `sendmail`, despite handling unicode message bodies, can't
+    # cope with non-ascii sender/recipient addresses, so ascii_smash
+    # is used on all addresses.
+    # All emails from here have a Bcc to the default recipient.
+    bcc_text = format_address(
+        config.uploader.default_recipient_name,
+        config.uploader.default_recipient_address)
+    if bcc:
+        bcc_text = "%s, %s" % (bcc_text, bcc)
+    extra_headers['Bcc'] = ascii_smash(bcc_text)
+    recipients = ascii_smash(", ".join(to_addrs))
+    if isinstance(from_addr, unicode):
+        # ascii_smash only works on unicode strings.
+        from_addr = ascii_smash(from_addr)
+    else:
+        from_addr.encode('ascii')
+    if dry_run and packageupload.logger is not None:
+        packageupload.logger.info("Would have sent a mail:")
+        packageupload.logger.info("  Subject: %s" % subject)
+        packageupload.logger.info("  Sender: %s" % from_addr)
+        packageupload.logger.info("  Recipients: %s" % recipients)
+        packageupload.logger.info("  Bcc: %s" % extra_headers['Bcc'])
+        packageupload.logger.info("  Body:")
+        for line in mail_text.splitlines():
+            packageupload.logger.info(line)
+    else:
+        debug(packageupload.logger, "Sent a mail:")
+        debug(packageupload.logger, "    Subject: %s" % subject)
+        debug(packageupload.logger, "    Recipients: %s" % recipients)
+        debug(packageupload.logger, "    Body:")
+        for line in mail_text.splitlines():
+            debug(packageupload.logger, line)
+        # Since we need to send the original changesfile as an
+        # attachment the sendmail() method will be used as opposed to
+        # simple_sendmail().
+        message = MIMEMultipart()
+        message['from'] = from_addr
+        message['subject'] = subject
+        message['to'] = recipients
+        # Set the extra headers if any are present.
+        for key, value in extra_headers.iteritems():
+            message.add_header(key, value)
+        # Add the email body.
+        message.attach(MIMEText(
+           sanitize_string(mail_text).encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'utf-8'))
+        if attach_changes:
+            # Add the original changesfile as an attachment.
+            if changesfile_content is not None:
+                changesfile_text = sanitize_string(changesfile_content)
+            else:
+                changesfile_text = ("Sorry, changesfile not available.")
+            attachment = MIMEText(
+                changesfile_text.encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'utf-8')
+            attachment.add_header(
+                'Content-Disposition',
+                'attachment; filename="changesfile"')
+            message.attach(attachment)
+        # And finally send the message.
+        sendmail(message)
+def _handleCommonBodyContent(packageupload, message, changes):
+    """Put together pieces of the body common to all emails.
+    Sets the date, changed-by, maintainer, signer and origin properties on
+    the message as appropriate.
+    :message: An object containing the various pieces of the notification
+        email.
+    :changes: A dictionary with the changes file content.
+    """
+    # Add the date field.
+    message.DATE = 'Date: %s' % changes['Date']
+    # Add the debian 'Changed-By:' field.
+    changed_by = changes.get('Changed-By')
+    if changed_by is not None:
+        changed_by = sanitize_string(changed_by)
+        message.CHANGEDBY = '\nChanged-By: %s' % changed_by
+    # Add maintainer if present and different from changed-by.
+    maintainer = changes.get('Maintainer')
+    if maintainer is not None:
+        maintainer = sanitize_string(maintainer)
+        if maintainer != changed_by:
+            message.MAINTAINER = '\nMaintainer: %s' % maintainer
+    # Add a 'Signed-By:' line if this is a signed upload and the
+    # signer/sponsor differs from the changed-by.
+    if packageupload.signing_key is not None:
+        # This is a signed upload.
+        signer = packageupload.signing_key.owner
+        signer_name = sanitize_string(signer.displayname)
+        signer_email = sanitize_string(signer.preferredemail.email)
+        signer_signature = '%s <%s>' % (signer_name, signer_email)
+        if changed_by != signer_signature:
+            message.SIGNER = '\nSigned-By: %s' % signer_signature
+    # Add the debian 'Origin:' field if present.
+    if changes.get('Origin') is not None:
+        message.ORIGIN = '\nOrigin: %s' % changes['Origin']
+    if packageupload.sources or packageupload.builds:
+        message.SPR_URL = canonical_url(
+            packageupload.my_source_package_release)
+def sanitize_string(s):
+    """Make sure string does not trigger 'ascii' codec errors.
+    Convert string to unicode if needed so that characters outside
+    the (7-bit) ASCII range do not cause errors like these:
+        'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 21: ordinal
+        not in range(128)
+    """
+    if isinstance(s, unicode):
+        return s
+    else:
+        return guess_encoding(s)
+def debug(logger, msg):
+    """Shorthand debug notation for publish() methods."""
+    if logger is not None:
+        logger.debug(msg)
+def _getRecipients(packageupload, changes):
+    """Return a list of recipients for notification emails."""
+    candidate_recipients = []
+    debug(packageupload.logger, "Building recipients list.")
+    changer = packageupload._emailToPerson(changes['Changed-By'])
+    if packageupload.signing_key:
+        # This is a signed upload.
+        signer = packageupload.signing_key.owner
+        candidate_recipients.append(signer)
+    else:
+        debug(packageupload.logger,
+            "Changes file is unsigned, adding changer as recipient")
+        candidate_recipients.append(changer)
+    if packageupload.isPPA():
+        # For PPAs, any person or team mentioned explicitly in the
+        # ArchivePermissions as uploaders for the archive will also
+        # get emailed.
+        uploaders = [
+            permission.person for permission in
+                packageupload.archive.getUploadersForComponent()]
+        candidate_recipients.extend(uploaders)
+    # If this is not a PPA, we also consider maintainer and changed-by.
+    if packageupload.signing_key and not packageupload.isPPA():
+        maintainer = packageupload._emailToPerson(changes['Maintainer'])
+        if (maintainer and maintainer != signer and
+                maintainer.isUploader(
+                    packageupload.distroseries.distribution)):
+            debug(packageupload.logger, "Adding maintainer to recipients")
+            candidate_recipients.append(maintainer)
+        if (changer and changer != signer and
+                changer.isUploader(packageupload.distroseries.distribution)):
+            debug(packageupload.logger, "Adding changed-by to recipients")
+            candidate_recipients.append(changer)
+    # Now filter list of recipients for persons only registered in
+    # Launchpad to avoid spamming the innocent.
+    recipients = []
+    for person in candidate_recipients:
+        if person is None or person.preferredemail is None:
+            continue
+        recipient = format_address(person.displayname,
+            person.preferredemail.email)
+        debug(packageupload.logger, "Adding recipient: '%s'" % recipient)
+        recipients.append(recipient)
+    return recipients
+def _buildUploadedFilesList(packageupload):
+    """Return a list of tuples of (filename, component, section).
+    Component and section are only set where the file is a source upload.
+    If an empty list is returned, it means there are no files.
+    Raises LanguagePackRejection if a language pack is detected.
+    No emails should be sent for language packs.
+    """
+    files = []
+    if packageupload.contains_source:
+        [source] = packageupload.sources
+        spr = source.sourcepackagerelease
+        # Bail out early if this is an upload for the translations
+        # section.
+        if spr.section.name == 'translations':
+            debug(packageupload.logger,
+                "Skipping acceptance and announcement, it is a "
+                "language-package upload.")
+            raise LanguagePackEncountered
+        for sprfile in spr.files:
+            files.append(
+                (sprfile.libraryfile.filename, spr.component.name,
+                 spr.section.name))
+    # Component and section don't get set for builds and custom, since
+    # this information is only used in the summary string for source
+    # uploads.
+    for build in packageupload.builds:
+        for bpr in build.build.binarypackages:
+            files.extend([
+                (bpf.libraryfile.filename, '', '') for bpf in bpr.files])
+    if packageupload.customfiles:
+        files.extend(
+            [(file.libraryfilealias.filename, '', '')
+            for file in packageupload.customfiles])
+    return files
+def _buildSummary(packageupload, files):
+    """Build a summary string based on the files present in the upload."""
+    summary = []
+    for filename, component, section in files:
+        if packageupload.status == PackageUploadStatus.NEW:
+            summary.append("NEW: %s" % filename)
+        else:
+            summary.append(" OK: %s" % filename)
+            if filename.endswith("dsc"):
+                summary.append("     -> Component: %s Section: %s" % (
+                    component, section))
+    return summary
+class LanguagePackEncountered(Exception):
+    """Thrown when not wanting to email notifications for language packs."""

=== modified file 'lib/lp/soyuz/model/queue.py'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/model/queue.py	2011-03-22 14:27:50 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/model/queue.py	2011-05-19 09:14:26 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
 # pylint: disable-msg=E0611,W0212
@@ -12,8 +13,6 @@
-from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText
 import os
 import shutil
 import StringIO
@@ -40,19 +39,11 @@
-from lp.services.encoding import (
-    ascii_smash,
-    guess as guess_encoding,
-    )
-from canonical.launchpad.helpers import get_email_template
 from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.launchpad import ILaunchpadCelebrities
 from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.lpstorm import IMasterStore
 from canonical.launchpad.mail import (
-    format_address,
-    sendmail,
-from canonical.launchpad.webapp import canonical_url
 from canonical.librarian.interfaces import DownloadFailed
 from canonical.librarian.utils import copy_and_close
 from lp.app.errors import NotFoundError
@@ -61,8 +52,6 @@
 # that it needs a bit of redesigning here around the publication stuff.
 from lp.archivepublisher.config import getPubConfig
 from lp.archivepublisher.customupload import CustomUploadError
-from lp.archivepublisher.utils import get_ppa_reference
-from lp.archiveuploader.changesfile import ChangesFile
 from lp.archiveuploader.tagfiles import parse_tagfile_lines
 from lp.archiveuploader.utils import safe_fix_maintainer
 from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet
@@ -71,6 +60,7 @@
 from lp.services.propertycache import cachedproperty
+from lp.soyuz.adapters.notification import notify
 from lp.soyuz.enums import (
@@ -101,6 +91,7 @@
 # of the archivepublisher which cause circular import errors if they
 # are placed here.
 def debug(logger, msg):
     """Shorthand debug notation for publish() methods."""
     if logger is not None:
@@ -127,21 +118,6 @@
             'provided methods to set it.')
-def sanitize_string(s):
-    """Make sure string does not trigger 'ascii' codec errors.
-    Convert string to unicode if needed so that characters outside
-    the (7-bit) ASCII range do not cause errors like these:
-        'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 21: ordinal
-        not in range(128)
-    """
-    if isinstance(s, unicode):
-        return s
-    else:
-        return guess_encoding(s)
 class PackageUploadQueue:
@@ -151,10 +127,6 @@
         self.status = status
-class LanguagePackEncountered(Exception):
-    """Thrown when not wanting to email notifications for language packs."""
 class PackageUpload(SQLBase):
     """A Queue item for the archive uploader."""
@@ -750,453 +722,12 @@
         return changes, changes_lines
-    def _buildUploadedFilesList(self):
-        """Return a list of tuples of (filename, component, section).
-        Component and section are only set where the file is a source upload.
-        If an empty list is returned, it means there are no files.
-        Raises LanguagePackRejection if a language pack is detected.
-        No emails should be sent for language packs.
-        """
-        files = []
-        if self.contains_source:
-            [source] = self.sources
-            spr = source.sourcepackagerelease
-            # Bail out early if this is an upload for the translations
-            # section.
-            if spr.section.name == 'translations':
-                debug(self.logger,
-                    "Skipping acceptance and announcement, it is a "
-                    "language-package upload.")
-                raise LanguagePackEncountered
-            for sprfile in spr.files:
-                files.append(
-                    (sprfile.libraryfile.filename, spr.component.name,
-                     spr.section.name))
-        # Component and section don't get set for builds and custom, since
-        # this information is only used in the summary string for source
-        # uploads.
-        for build in self.builds:
-            for bpr in build.build.binarypackages:
-                files.extend([
-                    (bpf.libraryfile.filename, '', '') for bpf in bpr.files])
-        if self.customfiles:
-            files.extend(
-                [(file.libraryfilealias.filename, '', '')
-                for file in self.customfiles])
-        return files
-    def _buildSummary(self, files):
-        """Build a summary string based on the files present in the upload."""
-        summary = []
-        for filename, component, section in files:
-            if self.status == PackageUploadStatus.NEW:
-                summary.append("NEW: %s" % filename)
-            else:
-                summary.append(" OK: %s" % filename)
-                if filename.endswith("dsc"):
-                    summary.append("     -> Component: %s Section: %s" % (
-                        component, section))
-        return summary
-    def _handleCommonBodyContent(self, message, changes):
-        """Put together pieces of the body common to all emails.
-        Sets the date, changed-by, maintainer, signer and origin properties on
-        the message as appropriate.
-        :message: An object containing the various pieces of the notification
-            email.
-        :changes: A dictionary with the changes file content.
-        """
-        # Add the date field.
-        message.DATE = 'Date: %s' % changes['Date']
-        # Add the debian 'Changed-By:' field.
-        changed_by = changes.get('Changed-By')
-        if changed_by is not None:
-            changed_by = sanitize_string(changed_by)
-            message.CHANGEDBY = '\nChanged-By: %s' % changed_by
-        # Add maintainer if present and different from changed-by.
-        maintainer = changes.get('Maintainer')
-        if maintainer is not None:
-            maintainer = sanitize_string(maintainer)
-            if maintainer != changed_by:
-                message.MAINTAINER = '\nMaintainer: %s' % maintainer
-        # Add a 'Signed-By:' line if this is a signed upload and the
-        # signer/sponsor differs from the changed-by.
-        if self.signing_key is not None:
-            # This is a signed upload.
-            signer = self.signing_key.owner
-            signer_name = sanitize_string(signer.displayname)
-            signer_email = sanitize_string(signer.preferredemail.email)
-            signer_signature = '%s <%s>' % (signer_name, signer_email)
-            if changed_by != signer_signature:
-                message.SIGNER = '\nSigned-By: %s' % signer_signature
-        # Add the debian 'Origin:' field if present.
-        if changes.get('Origin') is not None:
-            message.ORIGIN = '\nOrigin: %s' % changes['Origin']
-        if self.sources or self.builds:
-            message.SPR_URL = canonical_url(self.my_source_package_release)
-    def _sendRejectionNotification(
-        self, recipients, changes_lines, changes, summary_text, dry_run,
-        changesfile_content):
-        """Send a rejection email."""
-        class PPARejectedMessage:
-            """PPA rejected message."""
-            template = get_email_template('ppa-upload-rejection.txt')
-            SUMMARY = sanitize_string(summary_text)
-            CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
-                ChangesFile.formatChangesComment("".join(changes_lines)))
-            USERS_ADDRESS = config.launchpad.users_address
-        class RejectedMessage:
-            """Rejected message."""
-            template = get_email_template('upload-rejection.txt')
-            SUMMARY = sanitize_string(summary_text)
-            CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
-                ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
-            CHANGEDBY = ''
-            ORIGIN = ''
-            SIGNER = ''
-            MAINTAINER = ''
-            SPR_URL = ''
-            USERS_ADDRESS = config.launchpad.users_address,
-        default_recipient = "%s <%s>" % (
-            config.uploader.default_recipient_name,
-            config.uploader.default_recipient_address)
-        if not recipients:
-            recipients = [default_recipient]
-        debug(self.logger, "Sending rejection email.")
-        if self.isPPA():
-            message = PPARejectedMessage
-            attach_changes = False
-        else:
-            message = RejectedMessage
-            attach_changes = True
-        self._handleCommonBodyContent(message, changes)
-        if summary_text is None:
-            message.SUMMARY = 'Rejected by archive administrator.'
-        body = message.template % message.__dict__
-        subject = "%s rejected" % self.changesfile.filename
-        if self.isPPA():
-            subject = "[PPA %s] %s" % (
-                get_ppa_reference(self.archive), subject)
-        self._sendMail(
-            recipients, subject, body, dry_run,
-            changesfile_content=changesfile_content,
-            attach_changes=attach_changes)
-    def _sendSuccessNotification(
-        self, recipients, announce_list, changes_lines, changes,
-        summarystring, dry_run, changesfile_content):
-        """Send a success email."""
-        def do_sendmail(message, recipients=recipients, from_addr=None,
-                        bcc=None):
-            """Perform substitutions on a template and send the email."""
-            self._handleCommonBodyContent(message, changes)
-            body = message.template % message.__dict__
-            # Weed out duplicate name entries.
-            names = ', '.join(set(self.displayname.split(', ')))
-            # Construct the suite name according to Launchpad/Soyuz
-            # convention.
-            pocket_suffix = pocketsuffix[self.pocket]
-            if pocket_suffix:
-                suite = '%s%s' % (self.distroseries.name, pocket_suffix)
-            else:
-                suite = self.distroseries.name
-            subject = '[%s/%s] %s %s (%s)' % (
-                self.distroseries.distribution.name, suite, names,
-                self.displayversion, message.STATUS)
-            if self.isPPA():
-                subject = "[PPA %s] %s" % (
-                    get_ppa_reference(self.archive), subject)
-                attach_changes = False
-            else:
-                attach_changes = True
-            self._sendMail(
-                recipients, subject, body, dry_run, from_addr=from_addr,
-                bcc=bcc, changesfile_content=changesfile_content,
-                attach_changes=attach_changes)
-        class NewMessage:
-            """New message."""
-            template = get_email_template('upload-new.txt')
-            STATUS = "New"
-            SUMMARY = summarystring
-            CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
-                ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
-            DISTRO = self.distroseries.distribution.title
-            if announce_list:
-                ANNOUNCE = 'Announcing to %s' % announce_list
-            else:
-                ANNOUNCE = 'No announcement sent'
-        class UnapprovedMessage:
-            """Unapproved message."""
-            template = get_email_template('upload-accepted.txt')
-            STATUS = "Waiting for approval"
-            SUMMARY = summarystring + (
-                    "\nThis upload awaits approval by a distro manager\n")
-            CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
-                ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
-            DISTRO = self.distroseries.distribution.title
-            if announce_list:
-                ANNOUNCE = 'Announcing to %s' % announce_list
-            else:
-                ANNOUNCE = 'No announcement sent'
-            CHANGEDBY = ''
-            ORIGIN = ''
-            SIGNER = ''
-            MAINTAINER = ''
-            SPR_URL = ''
-        class AcceptedMessage:
-            """Accepted message."""
-            template = get_email_template('upload-accepted.txt')
-            STATUS = "Accepted"
-            SUMMARY = summarystring
-            CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
-                ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
-            DISTRO = self.distroseries.distribution.title
-            if announce_list:
-                ANNOUNCE = 'Announcing to %s' % announce_list
-            else:
-                ANNOUNCE = 'No announcement sent'
-            CHANGEDBY = ''
-            ORIGIN = ''
-            SIGNER = ''
-            MAINTAINER = ''
-            SPR_URL = ''
-        class PPAAcceptedMessage:
-            """PPA accepted message."""
-            template = get_email_template('ppa-upload-accepted.txt')
-            STATUS = "Accepted"
-            SUMMARY = summarystring
-            CHANGESFILE = guess_encoding(
-                ChangesFile.formatChangesComment("".join(changes_lines)))
-        class AnnouncementMessage:
-            template = get_email_template('upload-announcement.txt')
-            STATUS = "Accepted"
-            SUMMARY = summarystring
-            CHANGESFILE = sanitize_string(
-                ChangesFile.formatChangesComment(changes['Changes']))
-            CHANGEDBY = ''
-            ORIGIN = ''
-            SIGNER = ''
-            MAINTAINER = ''
-            SPR_URL = ''
-        # The template is ready.  The remainder of this function deals with
-        # whether to send a 'new' message, an acceptance message and/or an
-        # announcement message.
-        if self.status == PackageUploadStatus.NEW:
-            # This is an unknown upload.
-            do_sendmail(NewMessage)
-            return
-        # Unapproved uploads coming from an insecure policy only send
-        # an acceptance message.
-        if self.status == PackageUploadStatus.UNAPPROVED:
-            # Only send an acceptance message.
-            do_sendmail(UnapprovedMessage)
-            return
-        if self.isPPA():
-            # PPA uploads receive an acceptance message.
-            do_sendmail(PPAAcceptedMessage)
-            return
-        # Auto-approved uploads to backports skips the announcement,
-        # they are usually processed with the sync policy.
-        if self.pocket == PackagePublishingPocket.BACKPORTS:
-            debug(self.logger, "Skipping announcement, it is a BACKPORT.")
-            do_sendmail(AcceptedMessage)
-            return
-        # Auto-approved binary-only uploads to security skip the
-        # announcement, they are usually processed with the security policy.
-        if (self.pocket == PackagePublishingPocket.SECURITY
-            and not self.contains_source):
-            # We only send announcements if there is any source in the upload.
-            debug(self.logger,
-                "Skipping announcement, it is a binary upload to SECURITY.")
-            do_sendmail(AcceptedMessage)
-            return
-        # Fallback, all the rest coming from insecure, secure and sync
-        # policies should send an acceptance and an announcement message.
-        do_sendmail(AcceptedMessage)
-        # Don't send announcements for Debian auto sync uploads.
-        if self.isAutoSyncUpload(changed_by_email=changes['Changed-By']):
-            return
-        if announce_list:
-            if not self.signing_key:
-                from_addr = None
-            else:
-                from_addr = guess_encoding(changes['Changed-By'])
-            do_sendmail(
-                AnnouncementMessage,
-                recipients=[str(announce_list)],
-                from_addr=from_addr,
-                bcc="%s_derivatives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" %
-                    self.displayname)
     def notify(self, announce_list=None, summary_text=None,
                changes_file_object=None, logger=None, dry_run=False,
         """See `IPackageUpload`."""
-        self.logger = logger
-        # If this is a binary or mixed upload, we don't send *any* emails
-        # provided it's not a rejection or a security upload:
-        if(self.from_build and
-           self.status != PackageUploadStatus.REJECTED and
-           self.pocket != PackagePublishingPocket.SECURITY):
-            debug(self.logger, "Not sending email; upload is from a build.")
-            return
-        # XXX julian 2007-05-11:
-        # Requiring an open changesfile object is a bit ugly but it is
-        # required because of several problems:
-        # a) We don't know if the librarian has the file committed or not yet
-        # b) Passing a ChangesFile object instead means that we get an
-        #    unordered dictionary which can't be translated back exactly for
-        #    the email's summary section.
-        # For now, it's just easier to re-read the original file if the caller
-        # requires us to do that instead of using the librarian's copy.
-        changes, changes_lines = self._getChangesDict(
-            changes_file_object, allow_unsigned=allow_unsigned)
-        # "files" will contain a list of tuples of filename,component,section.
-        # If files is empty, we don't need to send an email if this is not
-        # a rejection.
-        try:
-            files = self._buildUploadedFilesList()
-        except LanguagePackEncountered:
-            # Don't send emails for language packs.
-            return
-        if not files and self.status != PackageUploadStatus.REJECTED:
-            return
-        summary = self._buildSummary(files)
-        if summary_text:
-            summary.append(summary_text)
-        summarystring = "\n".join(summary)
-        recipients = self._getRecipients(changes)
-        # There can be no recipients if none of the emails are registered
-        # in LP.
-        if not recipients:
-            debug(self.logger, "No recipients on email, not sending.")
-            return
-        # Make the content of the actual changes file available to the
-        # various email generating/sending functions.
-        if changes_file_object is not None:
-            changesfile_content = changes_file_object.read()
-        else:
-            changesfile_content = 'No changes file content available'
-        # If we need to send a rejection, do it now and return early.
-        if self.status == PackageUploadStatus.REJECTED:
-            self._sendRejectionNotification(
-                recipients, changes_lines, changes, summary_text, dry_run,
-                changesfile_content)
-            return
-        self._sendSuccessNotification(
-            recipients, announce_list, changes_lines, changes, summarystring,
-            dry_run, changesfile_content)
-    def _getRecipients(self, changes):
-        """Return a list of recipients for notification emails."""
-        candidate_recipients = []
-        debug(self.logger, "Building recipients list.")
-        changer = self._emailToPerson(changes['Changed-By'])
-        if self.signing_key:
-            # This is a signed upload.
-            signer = self.signing_key.owner
-            candidate_recipients.append(signer)
-        else:
-            debug(self.logger,
-                "Changes file is unsigned, adding changer as recipient")
-            candidate_recipients.append(changer)
-        if self.isPPA():
-            # For PPAs, any person or team mentioned explicitly in the
-            # ArchivePermissions as uploaders for the archive will also
-            # get emailed.
-            uploaders = [
-                permission.person for permission in
-                    self.archive.getUploadersForComponent()]
-            candidate_recipients.extend(uploaders)
-        # If this is not a PPA, we also consider maintainer and changed-by.
-        if self.signing_key and not self.isPPA():
-            maintainer = self._emailToPerson(changes['Maintainer'])
-            if (maintainer and maintainer != signer and
-                    maintainer.isUploader(self.distroseries.distribution)):
-                debug(self.logger, "Adding maintainer to recipients")
-                candidate_recipients.append(maintainer)
-            if (changer and changer != signer and
-                    changer.isUploader(self.distroseries.distribution)):
-                debug(self.logger, "Adding changed-by to recipients")
-                candidate_recipients.append(changer)
-        # Now filter list of recipients for persons only registered in
-        # Launchpad to avoid spamming the innocent.
-        recipients = []
-        for person in candidate_recipients:
-            if person is None or person.preferredemail is None:
-                continue
-            recipient = format_address(person.displayname,
-                person.preferredemail.email)
-            debug(self.logger, "Adding recipient: '%s'" % recipient)
-            recipients.append(recipient)
-        return recipients
+        notify(self, announce_list, summary_text, changes_file_object,
+            logger, dry_run, allow_unsigned)
     # XXX julian 2007-05-21:
     # This method should really be IPersonSet.getByUploader but requires
@@ -1219,122 +750,6 @@
         debug(self.logger, "Decision: %s" % uploader)
         return uploader
-    def _sendMail(
-        self, to_addrs, subject, mail_text, dry_run, from_addr=None, bcc=None,
-        changesfile_content=None, attach_changes=False):
-        """Send an email to to_addrs with the given text and subject.
-        :to_addrs: A list of email addresses to be used as recipients. Each
-            email must be a valid ASCII str instance or a unicode one.
-        :subject: The email's subject.
-        :mail_text: The text body of the email. Unicode is preserved in the
-            email.
-        :dry_run: Whether or not an email should actually be sent. But
-            please note that this flag is (largely) ignored.
-        :from_addr: The email address to be used as the sender. Must be a
-            valid ASCII str instance or a unicode one.  Defaults to the email
-            for config.uploader.
-        :bcc: Optional email Blind Carbon Copy address(es).
-        :changesfile_content: The content of the actual changesfile.
-        :attach_changes: A flag governing whether the original changesfile
-            content shall be attached to the email.
-        """
-        extra_headers = {'X-Katie': 'Launchpad actually'}
-        # XXX cprov 20071212: ideally we only need to check archive.purpose,
-        # however the current code in uploadprocessor.py (around line 259)
-        # temporarily transforms the primary-archive into a PPA one (w/o
-        # setting a proper owner) in order to allow processing of a upload
-        # to unknown PPA and subsequent rejection notification.
-        # Include the 'X-Launchpad-PPA' header for PPA upload notfications
-        # containing the PPA owner name.
-        if (self.archive.is_ppa and self.archive.owner is not None):
-            extra_headers['X-Launchpad-PPA'] = get_ppa_reference(self.archive)
-        # Include a 'X-Launchpad-Component' header with the component and
-        # the section of the source package uploaded in order to facilitate
-        # filtering on the part of the email recipients.
-        if self.sources:
-            spr = self.my_source_package_release
-            xlp_component_header = 'component=%s, section=%s' % (
-                spr.component.name, spr.section.name)
-            extra_headers['X-Launchpad-Component'] = xlp_component_header
-        if from_addr is None:
-            from_addr = format_address(
-                config.uploader.default_sender_name,
-                config.uploader.default_sender_address)
-        # `sendmail`, despite handling unicode message bodies, can't
-        # cope with non-ascii sender/recipient addresses, so ascii_smash
-        # is used on all addresses.
-        # All emails from here have a Bcc to the default recipient.
-        bcc_text = format_address(
-            config.uploader.default_recipient_name,
-            config.uploader.default_recipient_address)
-        if bcc:
-            bcc_text = "%s, %s" % (bcc_text, bcc)
-        extra_headers['Bcc'] = ascii_smash(bcc_text)
-        recipients = ascii_smash(", ".join(to_addrs))
-        if isinstance(from_addr, unicode):
-            # ascii_smash only works on unicode strings.
-            from_addr = ascii_smash(from_addr)
-        else:
-            from_addr.encode('ascii')
-        if dry_run and self.logger is not None:
-            self.logger.info("Would have sent a mail:")
-            self.logger.info("  Subject: %s" % subject)
-            self.logger.info("  Sender: %s" % from_addr)
-            self.logger.info("  Recipients: %s" % recipients)
-            self.logger.info("  Bcc: %s" % extra_headers['Bcc'])
-            self.logger.info("  Body:")
-            for line in mail_text.splitlines():
-                self.logger.info(line)
-        else:
-            debug(self.logger, "Sent a mail:")
-            debug(self.logger, "    Subject: %s" % subject)
-            debug(self.logger, "    Recipients: %s" % recipients)
-            debug(self.logger, "    Body:")
-            for line in mail_text.splitlines():
-                debug(self.logger, line)
-            # Since we need to send the original changesfile as an
-            # attachment the sendmail() method will be used as opposed to
-            # simple_sendmail().
-            message = MIMEMultipart()
-            message['from'] = from_addr
-            message['subject'] = subject
-            message['to'] = recipients
-            # Set the extra headers if any are present.
-            for key, value in extra_headers.iteritems():
-                message.add_header(key, value)
-            # Add the email body.
-            message.attach(MIMEText(
-               sanitize_string(mail_text).encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'utf-8'))
-            if attach_changes:
-                # Add the original changesfile as an attachment.
-                if changesfile_content is not None:
-                    changesfile_text = sanitize_string(changesfile_content)
-                else:
-                    changesfile_text = ("Sorry, changesfile not available.")
-                attachment = MIMEText(
-                    changesfile_text.encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'utf-8')
-                attachment.add_header(
-                    'Content-Disposition',
-                    'attachment; filename="changesfile"')
-                message.attach(attachment)
-            # And finally send the message.
-            sendmail(message)
     def components(self):
         """See `IPackageUpload`."""