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[Merge] lp:~stub/launchpad/bugsummary into lp:launchpad/db-devel


Stuart Bishop has proposed merging lp:~stub/launchpad/bugsummary into lp:launchpad/db-devel with lp:~stub/launchpad/db-cleanups as a prerequisite.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
Related bugs:
  Bug #793848 in Launchpad itself: "Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats timeouts"
  Bug #810104 in Launchpad itself: "bugsummary_rollup_journal is slow"

For more details, see:

= Summary =

Rolling up the BugSummaryJournal entries into the BugSummary table is slow.

== Proposed fix ==

Rewrite the logic in constructs that PG optimizes better in this case.

Move removal of 'count 0' rows to once per rollup, rather than once per decrement.

== Pre-implementation notes ==

== Implementation details ==

The old code is in patch-2208-75-0.sql

== Tests ==

== Demo and Q/A ==

= Launchpad lint =

Checking for conflicts and issues in changed files.

Linting changed files:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~stub/launchpad/bugsummary into lp:launchpad/db-devel.
=== added file 'database/schema/patch-2208-76-4.sql'
--- database/schema/patch-2208-76-4.sql	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ database/schema/patch-2208-76-4.sql	2011-07-28 12:06:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+-- Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+-- GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+SET client_min_messages=ERROR;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_rollup_journal() RETURNS VOID
+SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path TO public AS
+    d bugsummary%ROWTYPE;
+    max_id integer;
+    -- Lock so we don't content with other invokations of this
+    -- function. We can happily lock the BugSummary table for writes
+    -- as this function is the only thing that updates that table.
+    -- BugSummaryJournal remains unlocked so nothing should be blocked.
+    SELECT MAX(id) INTO max_id FROM BugSummaryJournal;
+    FOR d IN
+        SELECT
+            NULL as id,
+            SUM(count),
+            product,
+            productseries,
+            distribution,
+            distroseries,
+            sourcepackagename,
+            viewed_by,
+            tag,
+            status,
+            milestone,
+            importance,
+            has_patch,
+            fixed_upstream
+        FROM BugSummaryJournal
+        WHERE id <= max_id
+        GROUP BY
+            product, productseries, distribution, distroseries,
+            sourcepackagename, viewed_by, tag, status, milestone,
+            importance, has_patch, fixed_upstream
+        HAVING sum(count) <> 0
+    LOOP
+        IF d.count < 0 THEN
+            PERFORM bug_summary_dec(d);
+        ELSIF d.count > 0 THEN
+            PERFORM bug_summary_inc(d);
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    -- Clean out any counts we reduced to 0.
+    DELETE FROM BugSummary WHERE count=0;
+    -- Clean out the journal entries we have handled.
+    DELETE FROM BugSummaryJournal WHERE id <= max_id;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bug_summary_dec(bugsummary) RETURNS VOID
+    -- We own the row reference, so in the absence of bugs this cannot
+    -- fail - just decrement the row.
+    UPDATE BugSummary SET count = count + $1.count
+    WHERE
+        ((product IS NULL AND $1.product IS NULL)
+            OR product = $1.product)
+        AND ((productseries IS NULL AND $1.productseries IS NULL)
+            OR productseries = $1.productseries)
+        AND ((distribution IS NULL AND $1.distribution IS NULL)
+            OR distribution = $1.distribution)
+        AND ((distroseries IS NULL AND $1.distroseries IS NULL)
+            OR distroseries = $1.distroseries)
+        AND ((sourcepackagename IS NULL AND $1.sourcepackagename IS NULL)
+            OR sourcepackagename = $1.sourcepackagename)
+        AND ((viewed_by IS NULL AND $1.viewed_by IS NULL)
+            OR viewed_by = $1.viewed_by)
+        AND ((tag IS NULL AND $1.tag IS NULL)
+            OR tag = $1.tag)
+        AND status = $1.status
+        AND ((milestone IS NULL AND $1.milestone IS NULL)
+            OR milestone = $1.milestone)
+        AND importance = $1.importance
+        AND has_patch = $1.has_patch
+        AND fixed_upstream = $1.fixed_upstream;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bug_summary_inc(d bugsummary) RETURNS VOID
+LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
+    -- Shameless adaption from postgresql manual
+    LOOP
+        -- first try to update the row
+        UPDATE BugSummary SET count = count + d.count
+        WHERE
+            ((product IS NULL AND $1.product IS NULL)
+                OR product = $1.product)
+            AND ((productseries IS NULL AND $1.productseries IS NULL)
+                OR productseries = $1.productseries)
+            AND ((distribution IS NULL AND $1.distribution IS NULL)
+                OR distribution = $1.distribution)
+            AND ((distroseries IS NULL AND $1.distroseries IS NULL)
+                OR distroseries = $1.distroseries)
+            AND ((sourcepackagename IS NULL AND $1.sourcepackagename IS NULL)
+                OR sourcepackagename = $1.sourcepackagename)
+            AND ((viewed_by IS NULL AND $1.viewed_by IS NULL)
+                OR viewed_by = $1.viewed_by)
+            AND ((tag IS NULL AND $1.tag IS NULL)
+                OR tag = $1.tag)
+            AND status = $1.status
+            AND ((milestone IS NULL AND $1.milestone IS NULL)
+                OR milestone = $1.milestone)
+            AND importance = $1.importance
+            AND has_patch = $1.has_patch
+            AND fixed_upstream = $1.fixed_upstream;
+        IF found THEN
+            RETURN;
+        END IF;
+        -- not there, so try to insert the key
+        -- if someone else inserts the same key concurrently,
+        -- we could get a unique-key failure
+        BEGIN
+            INSERT INTO BugSummary(
+                count, product, productseries, distribution,
+                distroseries, sourcepackagename, viewed_by, tag,
+                status, milestone,
+                importance, has_patch, fixed_upstream)
+            VALUES (
+                d.count, d.product, d.productseries, d.distribution,
+                d.distroseries, d.sourcepackagename, d.viewed_by, d.tag,
+                d.status, d.milestone,
+                d.importance, d.has_patch, d.fixed_upstream);
+            RETURN;
+        EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN
+            -- do nothing, and loop to try the UPDATE again
+        END;
+    END LOOP;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION bugsummary_rollup_journal() IS
+'Collate and migrate rows from BugSummaryJournal to BugSummary';
+INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2208, 76, 4);